Inner Circle Trader's Pro Traders Club 2012 - 2013 Series

oh, that sucks.

why are there 3 ict threads? the second one is still active?

Looking at the chart though, the fibre has just completed an AB=CD down move to a wider OTE and it’s just below what looks to be a clean line of support from the start of this month (below 1.2880 - stop raid?). Granted MS is bearish.

The indicies made NOOOO sense with the bond yields today the 2,5,10,30 the yields were showing higher and large up trend, however look @ the 3 major indicies DIA, NQ, ES they were all heavily down, wtf?

Ha that’s only one day of break in correlation. Look at april this year, bond yields falling off a cliff yet we had mostly a risk on scenario the entire month (pound rallied almost 500 pips!)

I have no idea what all this “AB=CD=EF= GUARANTEED WIN” stuff is… I just trade price action at chosen levels, hence my short in EU today after the Asian break out of the 4H bull channel.

In which case, why are you posting on this thread?

Agreed, keep it as simple as possible. Also, I appologize if it’s inappropriate to mention fundamentals here, but there were couple of negative impacting news on the euro bulls yesterday as IMF revised it’s growth forecast of the eurozone from .7 to +.2 for the 2013 and then comments from ECB about the risk of financial instability. Greece also has to be tackled sooner rather then later but Merkel said nothing about possible debt writeoff. Spain is still pending too…So, there is really much much uncertainty atm. There are however talks about bringing eurozone into a tighter fiscal union - we will have to wait next week to hear more about this in the EU summit.
And please, tell me if fundamentals are not welcomed here, I shall not post them if it’s so.

Fundamentals are important, but they are usually priced into the market which is why there will be telltail signs of whats about to happen. I guess this is why ICT teaches not to be afraid of the news, but to respect it.

Check out YoungSkywalkers post here: 301 Moved Permanently

A nice ICT OTE to get short for the big drop yesterday.

Probably just trying to help out when he can.

So far he is the only one that’s given a real answer

I think you’ll find the answer above.

Yes, which was posted after you made your comment, lol…

Reading my mind partner… That said, im still bullish on both pairs as we currently stand - long fiber this morning at 1.2857, first profit taken and remainder at BE… Ultimate goal im holding for a push above the previous months high at 1.317, but may just be getting ambitious lol

Time will tell :57:

I remain bearish on the Fiber
Confluences on other swing points, all in the yellow area, omitted for clarity.

Reflection short (1.2890) on rally today. Still to unfold.

Guys what about SMT divergence on AUD or NZD.
Is someone using also SMT on these pairs??
Can I use for example AU with EU and USDx or SMT works only on GU EU and USDx??

Did you go back in time and post that on your thread Sanj :wink: I really didn’t see it and should pop in on your thread more. Glad to see you’ve banked on that move today though, I entered a long yesterday around the time of my post and got stopped out the on the 2nd half at B/E, only scalping see.

The US Dollar COT looks a bit interesting at the moment and if Non-Comms increase net longs from here it might actually rally, looking at similar COT situations in the past with the USD (also is USD at a rising support channel line from May 2011?) so I’m keeping an eye on that 80.1 that ICT noted for a sustained breach.

I don’t believe that answered my question. an ote is meaningless without directional bias. I was bullish, and entered at ote, only for it to continue down into my sl

Did you look at YoungSkyWalkers post?

sorry, I guess I’m not understanding something.

that post only shows his short ote, but doesn’t explain why he was short bias

Just out of pure curiosity does any one have a public account of their own which is linked directly to ICT’s methods. I’d be keen to learn his method of trading as a side topic, although there is quite a lot! Some evidence would be great to justify the time which would have to be invested.

And don’t bash me saying that i’m skeptical, curiosity never hurt anyone :60:

Although it did kill the cat…

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I would not try to spot SMT between AU and EU. I would say if you trade the Aussie check SMT with the kiwi and the greenback. It does work very well ;). If not stick to the cable and the fiiber