Inner Circle Trader's Pro Traders Club 2012 - 2013 Series

See it Now?

Learn the methods, trade them correctly and you will see the evidence right there in YOUR trading account :smiley:

I think he wants to see if it works BEFORE he invests his time learning whatever ICTs techniques are.

Well this is what many newbies have also been told, yet I still fail to see any evidenceā€¦

Sorry if you canā€™t see it, but I can, right on front of my very eyes!

Sometimes I donā€™t know why ICT bothersā€¦

Be prepared for a lot of fanboy criticism Jezz lolā€¦

Itā€™s fine. Ok, i have another question which should be way easier to answer.

OK, well perhaps one of you keen ICT followers can point me into the direction of ICTā€™s ā€œMillion Dollar Challengeā€ this was also supposed to be a public account. Iā€™m sure this will answer my original question.

Yep, your account details arr on your computer screen silly, of course I cant see them. You have to make them public, then I can see. Goshā€¦

It was never bought back to life after he got shut down a while back. some of the old stuff still exists of that challenge and it did show he was profitable. Check you tube some of the old videos might still be out there

Thanks bob, ill take a look. :wink:

Something about it eluded to the fact you could make millions trading forex. I will let someone else try to explain that one

what like a con?

Thatā€™s a shame, I guess my only answer has vanished.

Ok Jezzode, normally those kind of comments and barging into a thread meet with a stronger reaction, but since itā€™s you, this is some proof for you, itā€™s what Iā€™ve been doing with my members, putting potential setups up before they happen itā€™s not something I will be doping on a long term basis, you have no idea what it takes to trade live and do that, itā€™s draining, but I did it for the reason that you are seeking, you need to have confidence in what you are learning, so that over the long term you will be able to work out the potential setups for yourself.

Here it is - ā€˜PROOFā€™ Purple Patch Forex :: Topic: Following the EURUSD with Potential Setups (5/5)

Well I suppose it is a chance to TOOT TOOT too.

He was told to stop by the CFTC I guess it was not baby pips. So yes he shut it down. He didnt make his million but did show some nice gains.

If I may ask why all the skepticism. He is not telling people this is the holy grail. He teaches how to reasonably anticipate price action. It is no secret bond yields affect price. It is no secret interest rates affect price. He teaches to watch those with confluence of correlated pairs which again is not a secret that it does work. He does teach his view on fibs and pivots and stuff but those are nothing new. I just dont see why people dont think you can be profitable by learning his teachings. Take what you can use and dump the rest

Thatā€™s really good that you have your own website and service function, something I didnā€™t actually know you did!

Although I still see retrospective charts, and no financial figures. Iā€™m not specifically asking for yours purple, anyoneā€™s for that matter. In fact I donā€™t even want to see monetary figures, percentages will do just fine. I can see how this may be taken as ā€œasking for troubleā€ - and yes Iā€™ve bought it on upon myself. But pleaseā€¦we all know that % gain is what really matters.

Nice website purple :wink:

I know bob, iā€™m not trying to come across as skeptical in anyway, shape or form. I was just curious as per my original post. ICT has been teaching for quite some time now. I would have assumed that some of his hardcore followers would have grasped the techniques rather well by now and the law of averages would have suggested that at least one of them would have a public account showing the gains. After all his followers are very clear that they will help out in any way possible.

Well I use some of these methods. and they work well but then I am not a hard core ICT method guy either I dont even trade the cable and the fiber. so some of his stuff does not work for me on the Aussie. I do see though alot of his followers dont fully grasp what he teaches. They are looking for short term scalps everyday, couple times a day and IMO that is not the best way to use these methods.

The story I heard was partly the disclaimer thing that forex has risks blah blah blahā€¦

Also the other story was someone was using his name for their signal service.

An ā€œICT material referenceā€ has been put together and uploaded by a member on one thread. I just canā€™t remember which one.

Everyone is screwed did you not get the memo? As above stated I am not sure of everything that went down so I was hoping someone would chime in as to why all that happened. I guess the only real person that can do that is ICT himself.