Inner Circle Trader's Pro Traders Club 2012 - 2013 Series

My thoughts exactly, but again, i’m just being curious as per my original posts :slight_smile:

Kudos to everyone this might be the first time in the couple years I have been here that someones methods have been called to question and it remained civil. It was cold this morning so hell must be freezing over lol

Not entirely sure man to ask would be Clint he talks to him more than anyone else as far as I remember, I guess the nature of the reason is something you’ll have to ask him when people attend the Chris Lori seminar.

And Yiehom if your talking about someone’s understanding ICT’s material thats BostonEJ’s I have it, 60 pages of his notes all in pdf and indexed lol.

thx that its good point SMT between NU AU!!

It’s… a little tooo civil quick someone throw this dog doo on a stick!

Those 60 pages you speak of, can I get the essence or all of it via his tutorial videos on Youtube tho?

I believe the discussions are pulling the thread off course… might be a good idea to create a new thread and ask all our ICT questions there… in the civil manner we are doing here…I love the way, the questions and criticisms are structured.


Well put Bob, so well put.

What would be the point of showing a monetary, percentage, pips trading record? What would that prove to the individual? That the guy makes money, so what? It doesn’t mean you will make money, it doesn’t mean that after learning all the techniques that you would make the same profits and use the same tools in the same way for the same trades for the same profit.

And when you say, take what you can use and dump the rest, you are absolutely bang on, I use about 4 core things plus the general stuff and experience, and it works great, it’s quite odd actually, it’s very similar to a system I was trading a few years ago, but couldn’t make a profit with it at the time, but by applying some of ICT’s stuff to it, it works like a dream.

Now Jezzode, I think you’ve seen as much proof as you’re going to get, setups posted in advance, if you went through ICT’s videos you’d see some more, I don’t think you can get better proof than that, so it’s up to you, we don’t need to prove anything, we are only trying to help.

This is a general comment and not aimed at this part of the discussion, but there are a couple of things that really get on my T1TS.

I’m an experienced trader, and when I started looking at ICT videos to start off with it was tedious to watch some of them, so much stuff I know, I spent hours and hours watching them, and then studying some of the new techniques I came across until I GOT them, and got them properly, I read lots and lots of the thread, I followed it before I joined in, it’s only a matter of respect not to barge into a thread, just like you just wouldn’t barge into a conversation.

Then you get some in here asking, Are there any Videos? - Aaaarrrgggghhhhhhh!!!

Oh, that reminds me, I asked here the other day about Chris Lori, no answers, thank you guys :smiley: So I had to have a look, watched hours of it again, I tell you I prefer ICT’s videos, but - There is a video there that will really help most of you, it’s called The Characteristics of FX price behavior, it makes very important point, could well eliminate a lot of false entries for you.

From what I have gathered, ICT had a paid trading room in the 90’s when he traded the S&P. The CFTC caught wind of it and shut him down since he was not a registered advisor. Last summer when he suddenly shut down, was that someone had turned him in to the CFTC when he started his live trades.

Personally, I was a complete noob when I found ICT. I’ve been following him for a year and a half and I’m still trading a live account, and never had to deposit money due to losses or drawdowns

The journal I have is boston’s personal notes / manual, yes you can…grab it from the videos, which I highly recommend because you need to form your own bias of the tools you may not use everything and as much as they apply to one another they may not all be needed.

Boston’s I guess would be somewhat of an example, I marked it personally as citations needed because there are somethings in there that contradict with what I believe and somethings I have not explored yet.

Hotforwo-- I mean Tansen is on the case!

Though its a bit hard since Lori is one of the many fx gurus out there and there are a lot of things littered out on the net

Right bob I don’t understand either. Do people not believe in support an resistance or stop runs ? Or that institutional levels are important? Or that psychology an risk management is the hardest part of forex? Or that you have to become your own trader and master your own inner circle? Or stacking confluence? Or that tradin with the higher time frame increases your odds? Unless I’m missing something that’s what he teaches. People are acting like he’s selling stuff or has some kind of hard rule system that he’s laid out. Jezz I can tell you why not many of his mentees are profitable. Theyre new. His isn’t a set and forget system and your psychology plays a huge part it’s all about you how you interpret what you see so if your wrong it hits harder. It isn’t a mechanical system I myself would get more comfort from that and I’m trying to use some of his concepts and make them into a mechanical system. Also the fail rate in the business is high do u think this would be any different? Or do you think anyone else is doing better? I haven’t seen it.

EDIT: banker that’s the problem he isn’t teaching a system.

You’ll get all you need to make a million, put it this way, if you can’t make money using these techniques and knowledge from those videos and the threads, you probably never will.

People need to realize, and Clark preaches this heavily, its not about the pips gained its about percentage period. You can have 10000 pips gained but if you bet the farm in 1 trade and say you lose out XXX pips thats 50% margin call for oanda users your at 9XXX+ pips positive where as your percentage is -50%

It’s a field fraught with danger, in may many ways, I have a very bad experience, it’s not like ICT, something completely different, but it’s a principle I will stay as clear away as possible from again.

As far as i was aware he started teaching over a year ago, if not more, perhaps two years now. Two years following a specific system should be more than enough time to turn a profit, be it small or large.

Tansen I know it might be asking alot but where did you get this 60 page book of note on ICT’s material? I would like to have it.

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I guess its a clark trait that I adopted lol.


Its not ICT’s notes its BostonEJ’s point of view on the material w/Boston’s trading manual.

Purple, you also had issues with the CFTC?