Inner Circle Trader's Pro Traders Club 2012 - 2013 Series

I suppose the FSA chased you down for your professional mentoring at 49 GBP per month? They don’t like people getting rich like you. Strong one member forum you have there.

I was in profit $20 on a $300 account last week. Then this week I’m down $25 because I did some dumb stuff.

Also Clark Clint bob a arent they all doing good?

Well, no Your Honour :slight_smile:

All I’m doing is showing pictures :smiley:

And hypothetically suggesting that if something may happen in the market, and depending on what happens if it does, you can make your own educated trading decision based on that information on your Demo account.

NOT GUILTY :smiley:

Jezz I don’t understand what you want proof of? Support and resistance? All those things I listed what is it that need confirmation there is no system. It’s a take these core concepts an make your own

Clark yes

Clint idk

Bob idk

I only talk to Clark mostly.

it was the live trading that got him in trouble, not the reviews. If I remember correctly, he had 3 live trading sessions, then got shut down

Everything that I have so far learned and benefited from is just a part of what ICT talks about in his videos. So, I have no reason what so ever to doubt it.

May I ask what is the “Million Dollar Challenge” ??

Well fine I would still like to have it ;p

Michael was starting an account last September runnin a 5k account to a million in 3 years.

Was the story about 2 or 3 people losing money taking those trades legitimate or just a hack story because the criteria kind of meets the situation?

ICT was just showing that you could make a million with a small account. He never did but if I remember correctly he did make some impressive numbers

Some account that ICT was claiming to make public by making about $3k (i think) to $1M. For some reason this was closed down…by the CFTC. Although we have no evidence on this account apart from the typical screenshots that we like to see :wink:

Good stuff, you’re on the right track.

He doubled the account to 10K just by “scalping” for I think 3-5 months?

That was impressive lol.

Wasn’t that a thread someone else started? eremarket maybe? Can’t remember exactly.

such a ridiculous attitude.

an ote alone is not a quantifiable reason to enter the market.

as I stated, I used an ote to enter the market, but I had other reasons. bullish cross currency divergence, bullish marketflow, price in pivot buy zone, and obviously I failed.

I’ll say it again, an ote is an entry method. without reason it is meaningless, and that post you linked me to, only shows ote as his entry.

Edit: It didn’t copy over his ridiculously sized font, here’s the original post

That’s cheap purple, my phone bill is £35 per month, shopping about £80 a month

I guess your trying to undercut the competition :wink:

It was deffo ICT, I remember asking him a good while back in the chat room. He did claim to be doing well. If i remember correctly it may have been for charity. Either that or he had previous done a similar challenge for charity donations. It’s all a fade in the past now though.

Agreed ICT said 2 things need to agree whether that be key level + pivots daily/weekly/month, buy zone or sell zone, risk on risk off?, DX trading near a key level?, bonds?

The OTE is to find your entry the others are to help convince you the probability is there.