Inner Circle Trader's Pro Traders Club 2012 - 2013 Series

I only attended 1 session and it was profitable. I never heard any stories about people not being profitable watching the live trades, so I can’t answer that.

yeah you’d have of have to be a complete idiot to lose on a trade that he setup that was winners.

Please look at the material again, you will understand, how the HTF principle works, and you can use just an OTE sometimes, it’s all there, there is so much to explain about that trade, it’s all in the videos and training material, learn a bit more and you will understand my answers.

So he didn’t use his methods of day trading? I would love to see some of those trades…

He obviously has many methods…all of which fit the market at some point in time…

Scalping is something Im not sure what his definition is when I first met him, he said he goes for 50 pip scalps, then it became 20 pips. Why it changed idk as for day trading I’d love to see that and possibly an updated New York Open Video, plausibly one that touches more upon how to seek moves that didnt happen in London I have a feeling it was possibly there but there is just so much content in that its hard to sit through an hour and a half just to find and touch on that one subject, me being a LO trade obviously.

Also note he said he targets 50-80 pips a week.

Granted I hope he’ll hear my cry about this lol but unlikely there is a lot of conversations going on right now and I dont think he’ll sift through all of them considering this could be a long discussion.

Can someone please tell me what the irk is here? I don’t understand? He isn’t selling anything. He isn’t saying you’ll make money. He’s giving you BASIC tools to use together with an understanding of how time and price theory work together. I can understand being skeptical but I don’t think banker jezz or yunny base watched the vids. So what are you complaining about? Your skepticism is over my head.

Frustration mostly I suspect, it’s quite a civil discussion this, I’ve seen some’debates’ not on this thread, when clearly failing traders really throw their toys out of the pram, because all that’s going through their head is ‘Everything is Bull’, I know I’ve been there, but didn’t take it out on anyone, I knew it was my problem.

I am complaining?? where? please quote me… I really don’t appreciate your attitute. :49:

You are wasting your time Iya. Don’t even bother with it. Focus your time and energy in the right areas. Did you guys see the “doodle” session on livestream? Killer. Refer back to today’s price action and take notes.

None of the people complaining are ICT guys they’re all their own traders. whats funny is I bet they use some of his ideas.

The honest answer is pure curiosity. With his teaching being carried out for some length of time now I was purely asking to see if anyone follower has some verified stats. It really was quite an innocent question, but its ok, ICT’s followers are usually much harsher lol.

Who is complaining…?? I don’t get it … regardless ICT is profitable or not, that his methods work or not … ( and I believe his is profitable and his methods works) is the rude attitute of some of the followers…

Yunny more about the skepticism. And I don’t hve an attitude I promise. And I for sure don’t want to start and argument with you guys so far I like banker and you yunny. I don’t follow jezz much but when you yunny or banker post I Mae sure to read it. Just seems like people jezz and banker are their own I’m guessing profitable traders but they’re on here insinuating ICT is fake. And I could be wrong about all of you but that’s the vibe I’m getting from the text. And I don’t understand why.

Well I think I’ve answered why so I’m done lol. It’s been hectic and I kno it might have been missed. And I don’t wanna stir anyone up I figure ill be around these forums awhile might as well not make enemies lol.

Re the Million dollar challenge - the videos "they say it can’t be done"
Started in Mid Sept 2011 - there is a reason in ICT teaching for choosing that date.
Opening bal 2500 usd.

Gain before end of Oct 2011 - 175% - quote ICT ’ 90% accuracy, no home runs’

Haha! you people cracks me up.

Jezz never insinuated anything I will back him on that. Just calm down he asked a question nothing more nothing less.

However I am not sure of how profitable they are but there are quite a few on here with myfxbook accounts that do trade ICT’s methods. Again I am not sure how profitable they are but I think puremuscle has shown profits. He is dealing with his own trading issues but accounts in the green.

So this is the time of the day when things move along in here;) hahaha

May I throw in my 2 Cents?

I am still a beginner at an early stage.
Until last November I didnt even know what FX Market is…
I did the babypips school thing and started looking around in the forums and googled around elsewhere…
Tried some very simple systems on here (crossovers and such…) just to get my feet wet in the market… But those Systems where other peoples systems and not mine… and I never really warmed up to them…
After only a few weeks I stumbled across ICTs previous thread, and I need to say that I am extremely glad I did, especially that I did in such an early stage!

If you are just starting out and you are looking for information, you will first come across all the forex Marketing BS floating around online… all those EAs, Paid systems, paid courses by some guru, and above all… all those promises - thank god I held back on that Maseratti-Order after reading all those advertisements;) hahaha

So, stumbling over free ICT information that (I believe) pushed me into the right directions and gave me some basic information. It made sure I kept leverage low, it made sure I tried to come up with a plan and follow it strictly, it made sure I keep risk at a maximum 2 %. It made me (and still is) working heavily on my patience-issues.It made me close all indicators and made me start studying Priceaction, among other things…

Those are the reasons why I am truly thankful that I came across ICTs material at an early stage.

I do not regard ICTs material as a system per se.
I do believe that, after studying ICTs material, I will able to shape myself into a member of the 2% in this business who is not losing their shirts.

I obviously still have a long way to go, and I do not yet grasp all of ICTs tools, nor am I seeing the need for it.
If I’m not mistaken, it seems to me that the members here, who are most likely the most profitable among us ICT students, have merged the basic understanding of ICTs material with other tools of their own and made their own tailored systems - And I always thought this is what Michael wants to push us towards to?!

Now I have been on demo most of the time since I started digging into ICTs material. The “trading-mental-growth” I have gone through since last december is far beyond what I hoped to achieve - And if someday, I will stop trading, I am happy to say that what I learned so far was not wasted, even for other aspects of life.
After having done better and better in demo and noticing improvements each month, I went live on a small account (1000 SGD) in August. I decided not to fully fund my Live account at first, to get used to the additional psychological weight of being live, and expected to have several horrible months before, hopefully, turning profitable. I will trade this small account until I made some predetermined gains and feel ready to top up my account slowly to the size I originally planned.

I have been trading on only 1% risk during August and September with my Live account, and set my goal (without really expecting of achieving it anytime soon) to a 4% gain per month on 1% maximum risk per trade (which I hope will later turn into a 8% gain on full 2% risk…)
I am happy to announce that I achieved a 10% gain during the first 2 months of live trading.
For disclosure reasons I also need to say that in October I have only taken 2 trades so far, and after those great first 2 months I decided to upgrade to 2% risk… I made some terrible choices last week and lost 3% in 2 trades within a single day… I do hope to get back into the green before this month is over (I have ended every month in a profit since starting trading ICTs techniques on demo, and now Live).

So for me, personally, I am happy to say that I do not have any regrets to have spent all those hours studying ICTs material.
I am still in the beginning stages of my trading career, but after having a healthy portion of skepticism if this Forex-Thing is the right thing for me, I can now say that at least for now and the near future I will continue - and hopefully I can someday use this business to help me achieve my Life-Goals while entertaining the Lifestyle i want for me and my family…

I am afraid I cannot offer more than my (printed) word about the truthfulness of my statements above, and I do not plan to ever publish official figures, except my monthly sum ups here in the forums. I simply to not understand why someone would give a rats a$s :wink:

Which brings me back to Michael.
I have no doubt that most of the tools he shows are working in the proper market environments. And to be perfectly honest I do sometimes believe that he chooses very careful what he states during his PTC videos - and sometimes when he states, after a price move, that he clearly stated this was going to happen - that I sometimes feel like it wasnt all that obvious…
But if he managed to grab some nice pips, that should not bother him too much;)
Now as stated in previous posts: I do not know Michael personally, and I do not know if he is/does/owns all he claims. But I cannot stress enough, that I simply do not care!

Now, this is probably officially the longest post ever published on babypips and I do apologize for that, however, I do notice the increased skepticism (which normally I regard as a good thing) about Michael and his Material, and I just wanted to get this off my chest.


Mine’s in the purple :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: