Inner Circle Trader's Pro Traders Club 2012 - 2013 Series

nothing like an early FOMC report to get us moving :smiley:

Market talk is that FOMC was released early by accident! (?)…interesting!!

Just took a short at 1.3075. I’ve been watching Chris Lori’s AllStarFX course and he’s always going on about the 38.2% Fib overlapping with daily PP after a key reversal day, and how it’s a great place for a trade. So today we have the 38.2% fib from yesterday’s high to today’s AR low, combined with today’s PP, as well as resistance at yesterday’s AR low.

Does anyone here know why this thread is called “Pro Traders Club”? Is that like an aspirational thing, or do real industry professionals frequent this thread? Thanks

Ohhh yeah…All the big boys are in here

other reasons, same trade. still want price to touch the 80 level though to get the rest of my positions triggered

I’m very intrigued by the fact that you retail folk come here and post your live trades. Doesn’t it mess up your objectivity at all?

Anyways… may I put forth a guess as to where your Stop is? I would guess 1.3100-1.3105… am I close? :slight_smile:

no, you’re not. i play it a little different than most others in here regarding stops.

and why would that mess up my objectivity? i post it, i took/take it. maybe others get influenced but not me

Alright, it was just a guess anyways. So you play it different… how exactly do you play it different?

When retailers are heavily short, you can be sure I’m looking for Longs :slight_smile:

i usually use tighter stops because i look at smaller tf for the specific entry. if price goes beyond one point, it means my trade idea was invalidated, and i’m not willing to “hope” for price to come back, thus the “extra pips” for SL are a waste in my eyes and only decrease RR. if i would not enter at the current price, im out. thats the reason why i have an average RR of 3:1

Sounds like a reasonable rationale to me. So did your trade get stopped out? (yet)

Closed mine at 1.3085. Obviously wasn’t doing what I thought it was going to do. Tempted to short again around 1.31 but I’m always such a chicken when it comes to entering a trade after I’ve just had a loser, even though it was only a small loser.

yes it did. im not waiting for the stophunt at 1.31 with my position :wink:

Great! It is good to see some traders around here quick on their toes, with a knack for reading the order books :wink:

better safe than sorry. i’m not saying don’t take the trade, but if you dont feel comfortable, because you think that your judgement is clouded and thus you’re entry is bad, you shouldnt be in a trade. do a proper analysis, make checkmarks on your trading plan (i hope you have one) and if everything is good, don’t let your emotions trick you

Ive been using a similar style for quite some time. Its working very nicely. Especially when you’re right. No matter what, R:R is everything in this game. I think that accuracy within 15 or 20 pips is very achievable. Easy for me to say, I only trade one pair :slight_smile:

It goes without saying, you’re going to be wrong more than you’re right, but with a 3:1 setup or even 2:1, you’re gonna have something to show for it…

My last “losing” trade was yesterday, took the Long from 1.3068 when we spiked down on early FOMC minutes, 15 pip SL, 60% off @ 20 pips, trailed the stop to -5 pips below BE, stopped out. 1% on the account as a result… (was ultimately looking for 1.3110 and 1.3140 if we ran up).

Im not suggesting people go out and start using tighter stops, but if you keep an eye on the key levels, they’re usually quite forgiving with a tight SL…

The traders on this thread seem to be quite advanced relative to the others I’ve seen on most other threads. I presume you have received some quality mentorship? Makes me wonder why everyone isn’t drinking at the same pond you guys are… their trading accounts would probably thank them! lol

The thing that is getting me about this one is that if I hadn’t have watched those Chris Lori videos I would never have taken the short at 1.3075. I would have been waiting for 1.31 and shorted there. It’s just that I have been known to take losing trade after losing trade trying to get my money back so I really don’t want to be doing that. Although I’ve never based those subsequent trades based on decent analysis, more just trying to get lucky. (I know, I know JC87. Plug the hole right?!)

would say my average SL is 15 pips, often even less. think we developed quite a similar view on the markets :wink: