Inner Circle Trader's Pro Traders Club 2012 - 2013 Series

Now we’re talking! Jezzode has posted his myfxbook. I would also like to see banker’s myfxbook as well and of course ICT’s.

lol good thing for myfxbook, or we wouldn’t have trading pissing contests

The invitation was made to Jezzrode and Banker…

The inquiry or nature of their posts suggests I need to show something to prove something beyond what I have already done up to this point. So why not make a sport of it… I like sport… it would provide future inquires in the same tone a means of reference.

Truth be told… I like this sort of thing. I really want a chance to let myself out. I can be a Gentlemen and speak with respect… and provide the “proof” these two and the others still trying to muster the nerve or approach to come at me.

I find it so fascinating to see the male nature and need to measure up finds its way into everything we males involve ourselves with. I already told you all in January I would open a myfxbook so you may see in real time my trades and the results they bring. What’s the big deal? You can’t wait? Want to be the kid to stand up to ICT on the forums? Perhaps, I might learn something from it… or atleast motivate me while I share openly. I have nothing to prove but given a stage… watch me perform. I don’t shy from that sort of thing… I kinda like it. :35:

I don’t follow Jezz to know what his results are but he is welcome to post a link for me to check out over the weekend. Banker is welcome too… I’d like to see what the fellas are doing. :wink:

Banker and Jezzrode can trade whatever they are trading right now… I won’t begin until January… and if I don’t out do both collectively [for clarity sake: Jezzrode & Banker’s net results or the better of the two] by years end… I will stop posting and leave in shame. How is that for put up or shut up? It’s my name on the line not some forum nick… I am game. Please don’t take this wrong… I don’t mean to be rude… but I mean to set ya straight!

Additionally… This invite stands for anyone who would like to join the fun… with all due respect naturally. :cool:

Do your best and I won’t take it lightly… you will see my best. I eagerly await your responses. :57:

Now where have I seen you before kittycat? :33:

Your right about male nature…this is f__cking awesome its gonna be almost as good as watching Superbowl! Lover the chest beating banter guys so far it been respectful lets keep it clean and fight it out like gentlemen.

Are we offering odds too… can we can we please this maybe the first profit i make foerex related (since im still trading demo)cause all my monies on my main man ICT!! YEAH BOY LETS GET IT ON!!

Hi ICT you might as well invite yunny1. He seems really curious about your performance too…


I appreciate your willingness to play, has Jezz accepted as well? I did however, state the delay I will need. However, a month will not adequately display the level of Shock 'n Awe I wish to expend. Please use the time between now and January as a headstart… no jokes… you are going to need it brother. :57:

I am posting my trade yesterday together with an analysis of why I took it. Please let me know if there is anything I should not have done. I lost a trade on Tuesday due to sloppy analysis. Hence the trade yesterday made me breakeven for the week. The remaining 50% did not go as I expected and was stopped out at my adjusted SL level.

Trade was entered when price broke out of Asia and H1 Market Flow was changed to up.

And there are several reasons why I took the level 1.5975 - 1.5980 as a key level.

Post two wasn’t reserved for nothing bub… all in good time. :cool:

A good short read got it from yunny on traders arms thread thought I’d share for anyone who hasn’t seen it. Talks a lot about how stops can snowball and tun tides.

Are you implying your stop order will move the market :smiley:

I’m in. I remember your monster gains from a few years back on your small account, so I know you’ll win this contest hands down, but I still want to throw my hat in the ring and see what I can really do.

We just need Pete yunny rcarter and nakita lol

Reply to banker: well you are a banker…

To ICT: Michael you better watch out a whole years worth of trading towards the end your gonna have to worry about finding liquidity…

First… who are you?? I read almost every post from BP and FF and I don’t recall you being a regular poster… Second I might be one of the few here at BP that have posted live trades( SL TP) and the whole rationale (with charts included) behind them and nearly all have been + 200 pips winners… Third, I really don’t care about ICT’s myfxbook… please quote one post where I have requested ICT performance…

I’ve been watching ICT’s videos for only one day, did I get this right so far?! thx

If they’ll still be here?

Like I said, watch the doodle… Lets do the doodle

NO, it’s ABC not 123, gee’s some people will never learn.

Ha, seriously, bang on, I love love the SS tag.

It’s a very important point, it’s just behind that 61.8 retrace level, that is so popular, so important that a while ago I started a thread specifically about it, but some pillocks derailed the thread and I couldn’t be bothered putting it back on the tracks.

It’s a few things like that that’s really transformed my trading, waiting for that deeper retracement, improves mm and reduces losses.

It highlighted a mistake I did when keeping my records, noting what happens after a loss, and I’m sure a few others will relate to this.

The mistake is to record a loss and not observe what happens afterwards, so lets say you have a win, you make note, record it, great, you’ve got a full record of the trade from start to finish, super, you’ll have a good idea what to do next time. Then you have a loss, you’re stopped out, end of record, NOOOO, you need to note what happens in the next couple of hours at least, your loss could well have been a winning trade from 70% retrace.

I just want to highlight the Chris Lori video once again, my post may well have been lost in the midst of the fast discussion yesterday, go to the Chris Lori videos and watch the [B]Characteristics of FX price behaviour.[/B]

Started those videos today interesting so far