Inner Circle Trader's Pro Traders Club 2012 - 2013 Series

I do like the music, what is it?

Haha come on you got to laugh. Look I have had my fair share of skepticism over the years. I am the thorough type. Everything is done with due diligence especially when it comes to money. It is no doubt hard putting money at risk with some method you learned on the forumā€¦but you have got to believe. Take the plunge

If you donā€™t you will regret. We are going to leave you behind.

Edit: Sorry I canā€™t call this ā€œsome methodā€ it is THE METHOD. I have said this many times before. This is gold, you will not find this ever again, treat the process right, persevere and just believe. You will win.

Elsiane, Oh this is cool, FX trading listening to this, my life is now complete :smiley:

Just a quick analysis on the AUDUSD done on Monday.

Edit: Sorry missed the music part

Funny name for a song :smiley:

hahaha ya misread. Music is pretty neat though.

Argghhh, MACD divergence, thatā€™s broken my head, pass the brandy, I have an idea now how TalonD makes his dosh.

MACD hey, well I never I donā€™t think Iā€™ve had that on my charts for 5 years.

I would like to join the party too. Count me in.

just noticed something about the asian range indiā€¦ on Fibers H1 the AR is around 57 pips, while on the M15 its only 49 pipsā€¦

not sure why or if my settings are offā€¦ but since I watch H1 most of the time during intraday trading it could be confusingā€¦
If I hadnt checked M15 I might be waiting for the AR high to be broken on H1 (which on M15 has already happened)

Does anyone else experience something similar with this indi?


edit: here some screenshots:


You can count me out, itā€™ll all end up in tears, ICt will get accused of cheating, and removing trades that lost, and increasing the ones that won, and there is always a delay on the server when you put a trade on, itā€™s obviously rigged, or itā€™s just a fluke, someone will get accused of conspiring to pervert the cause of FX learning, myfxbooks server will crash, Iā€™ll probably get blamed for that cos of my techie skills, even though I will have nothing to do with it. Obviously ICT will have to hold New York hostage until they actually believe him, and Osama Bin Laden will rise from the dead and fly Concorde into the middle of Timesā€™ square.

Donā€™t say I didnā€™t warn you, Iā€™ve already seen the signs, MACD on the charts, I tell you, there is no knowing where it will all end.

Have you got the same GMT shift on both? Switch on chart from one TF to another to see if they stay the same.

Generally if I find that type of thing, I disregard the information.

Lol I know what you mean, but such is lifeā€¦There will always be naysayers. All we can do is keep trying. But I feel that certain comments do ridicule us ICT students. There is no harm in trying.

*ā€œIf the thing you wish to do is right, and you believe in it, go ahead and do it! Put your dream across , and never mind what ā€œtheyā€ may say if you meet temporary defeat, for ā€œtheyā€ perhaps, do not know that every failure brings with it the seed of an equivalent success.ā€ - Napoleon Hill

its the same chart, I just switched from H1 to M15ā€¦
Its not a big dealā€¦ one doesnt need to be a rocket scientist to see the AR without an indi;) but it is convenient neverthe less;) just wondering if its a problem on my side or a flaw in the codeā€¦


What it probably is that it measures from the midnight candle and it count the one just previous or after on the 15m, try the London Acc indicator from here - Index of /indicators if you want but it measures from 2 to 5am GMT, so you might want to change the defaults, but it figures out the right timezone settings.

here Freddy, use this one:

not sure what is wrong with the one you using, Iā€™m not much into mq4, but I think it pulls the data different way, the higher the TF, the more out of wack it isā€¦ especially when AR starts in middle of swing as on this screenshotā€¦
the other one has loads more extras too :wink:

Daily (45.5 KB)

I noticed the same problem here.

thanks guys! Ill check those suggested indis out once I get to itā€¦

I donā€™t think anyone will say that considering everyone knows how myfxbook works. Of course you wonā€™t post your myfxbook, people might stop signing up for your paid service. The good thing is no one asked you.

lol. stop arguing peeps!

Is that a short? With HH and HL on 15m and 1HR?