Inner Circle Trader's Pro Traders Club 2012 - 2013 Series

Nice. Went long twice yesterday on fiber:

One at 1.2980, just closed that one at 1.3040 for 6:1 R:R. Guess I should’ve held that one longer!
One at 1.2990, moved the SL too close on this one and price wacked it, but still got out at 1.3010. Ah well, better something than nothing right!!!

Both positions were on a simple long OTE between yesterday’s high and low, coupled with some divergence during that late New York, London Close session. kinda simple now that I look at it.

Plus, Borussia is through as well, GO GERMANY!

german final schalalalaaaaaaaa :wink:

Fiber Long at end LOKZ @70.5

Trade didn’t fill for me, was getting a “unfilled quote” issue - Was on the phone with tech support and they’ve fixed the issue now… a little too late.

Hey all, Rod has been helping me with understanding 142 reflection…

Here’s what i’m seeing at the moment:

The low/high of the AR hits 142 reflection at 1.308. This also lines up with 70.5% OTE sweet spot from the intermediate swing high from 1.3128 to 1.2954. If a fractal ote short is formed there, I may consider a trade there.

Is this how I should be interpreting the information? Am I on the right track?

may have been a lucky break as coming back down now

Yes! Went long cable at 1.5288. Wasn’t using an ict tool here besides the very obvious OTE, but the result was out of this world. I unfortunately did use a bigger SL this time at 15 pips, but still a good return on that one, didn’t even get a chance to blink! lol

Deutschland uber alles!

Fiber TP1 taken for 37 pips.

Today’s LO was 70.5 on the pip. For Long always add a pip to compensate for spread. DD was only 0.2 pip so, I was a little lucky

The ICT term for that confluence is the ORO Trade

Entered two AR High retest Long trades.
TP1 20 pips
TP2 30 pips
SL 15 pips

I’ll blame JC if it failed LOL

  • 10 yr bond made higher lows, euro made higher highs.
  • USDX made lower low, euro made lower hgh

I’m leaving my short on at 1.308 assuming this divergence is that the USDX will “catch up” to the bond move and cause the euro to fall. I hope my analysis is correct here.

Currently USDX seems to be leading Bonds. One of those 10% days

Quite possibly - I have taken off 80% anyway at 15 pips and tightened SL’s so just going to let it run now… even if i’m in the wrong (which I usually am lol) I will end up with a small profit

Edit: Stopped out! 0.5% made. You guys must be killing it!

I think ICT said about this in one of the videos that they lead each other sometimes?

Let’s not get our logic mixed up here. Markets are inter-related, no one market leads another… That’s like saying EURUSD leads the stock market, or vice versa.

Market inefficiencies are more likely what you are referring to, or in other words, cracks in market correlation.

Don’t forget that USDX is nothing more than a bunch of currencies thrown together.

whatever rocks your boat

you shouldn’t say that. and you spelt it wrong anyways :wink:

Forgive me, I was lazy to find the ü, OK! :wink:

I thought the same thing at the time, due to what it once represented. Some have short/Long memories, not that it is currently an issue with myself.

Then use ‘ue’!