Inner Circle Trader's Pro Traders Club 2012 - 2013 Series

these are good levels for reversal,

fiber 3100 and fib extension, cable 50ish, not yet 50 though allowing for small stop, usdx 8010 at ict ote and 162 ext on the AR. Btw thank you Rod for earlier examples of js on asian range extensions.

i didn’t take a short fiber yet, but on the idea of eur possible stop-reverse shorted eur-jpy, and taken off part at plus 30. i believe (and here’s the word ‘believe’ for the fans of it) that tide turns when several pairs are aligned at good fib levels to do so. almost like synchronicity as argument to consider how real a move could be.

eur-jpy trade, not as evidence, maybe as example of entry and exit level at tp1 because no matter how promising a move could be, is good to take first profit at predetermined level on any trade!

That is a good trade… congrats :slight_smile:

Out of interest, do you wait for candles to reverse in your direction before entering, or do you enter on the peaks of bullish candles as ict suggests? I think waiting for those supporting candles in your favour makes a world of difference, even if it’s on a M5 chart.

thanks mate.
for entry i need a small frame to show signs of reversal, if my perception is the move will be fast i pick a very small frame like m5 or m2, but i do wait for reversal candle or mini structure to be broken. i found that if i don’t, i might be punished by the fast moving train on that small frame, which can be a move from 70 to 79 retrace on the larger frame yet enough of 20-25 pips to take out the stop

This is so dreadful… my first TP is only at 12 pips and I still haven’t reached it. Stuck in this dreadful trap. USDX trending higher but not for euro… cummon, get out of that crappy consolidation euro!!

Edit: Stopped out! :frowning:

Hi guys

I need help how do I add ICT indicators on MT4
Many thanks

“Shorted the Fiber, on a perceived JS and Stop hunt at 200 ext at Big Figure…”

Stopped out for 6 pips

Watching price closely now…

Possible short now on fibre - a push on 10yr above 133,54 will be my entry signal - no signal then no entry.

USDX bounce off support may gain some momemtum

What I do’nt like about the possible short is the eur/chf pa

ok guys, 'm going to pull out a chart with my eur-jpy so far today, and a bit of comment on it.
why that, because some days we don’t catch big moves, there aren’t big moves, yet opportunity exists for pips.

do you remember what a bad idea it is to chase 10 pips here and there 5 times a day? usually a bad idea, however some days like z-days are made for that sort of scalping style. Disclaimer is that it requires a lot of attention/speed, and probably quite a bit of experience. i’ll post something soon

You are probably correct

  • I disregarded bonds on thye LOKZ entry
  • there was no Bond confirmation

lesson again

  • use bonds for confirmation.
  • if none then stand aside.

Do’nt want to be hogging the thread, just sort of giving what’s in my head while watching for a short entry.

Euro looks strong on eur/gbp/ eur/chf, us 10yr relucant to go on up - so am careful on a short in these circumstances - all charts 15min - even eur/jpy looks undecided.

Sometimes the 10yr will fall as now, fibre will wait a little, then the 10yr starts to go up and fibre then will fall, but I have less confidence in the short now.

Shorted the high using USDX red, I use red not pink, support at 82.04 (+17.4). Reversed my position because of the OTE short USDX and long EURUSD.

Then noticed the inverted hammer on EURUSD at Thursday high and Hammer at 82.04 major level on 1hr chart.

Went short at 1.30807. Bad fill but expect a good move even if it is just USDX retracing.

I know I might be over trading but I have been breaking even and would be doing very well if not for being stopped out by 5 pips total on 3 trades last week.

Here to learn

Was stopped out by 1.9 pips. You sure the market doesn’t know where my stops are? HA!

  1. first entry as i described in prior post,
  2. exit at 30 pip tp1, point A
  3. then waited for first peak, next low did not make a new low. came against me so i exit at point B for plus 10. average pip on this trade was one third x30 pip + 2/3x10 pip = 17 pip
  4. from now on i kinda sensed it could be z, therefore all in and all out
  5. B made a peak above 62% then rejected, entry short at C
  6. D level is the lower 79% of the mini swing, and appears to be pushing up. also higher low than prior low, therefore exit. CD trade is 10 pips.
  7. reverse position long, and take trade to the upper 79% retrace, exit at E. DE trade is 21 pips
  8. reverse short after first bear candle, trade goes against 11 pips and candle has down close. stop run, 'm ok and wait.
  9. then it breaks down towards lower 79 percent line, and i don’t wait, exit while in the middle of long bar down. could have waited for better exit, but once in scalping mode when you get 20 pips you take it. EF trade 20 pips
  10. price stops at lower 79 percent okay, i long then price has a hard time up, i stay through a few bars of retrace then figure if it gives me 10 pips i’ll take it. Thats GE trade.

imperfect entries and exits. Total pips inside the range, 17+10+21+20+10 = 78 pips

Not nearly as much fun as 50 pips in 10 minutes :slight_smile:
but possible (reason for posting) using ict concepts: 79 retrace, structure, higher/lower swings, stop runs

if anyone tries this style, careful, small stops, very small positions while learning, and keep it fun :slight_smile:
good luck!

The signal did’nt come, I was using intermarket analysis for confirmation, it was telling me NYO was’nt the time.

All the ingredients were there, pin bar on fibre 15 min, pin bar 1 hr on usdx, bounce with usdx at 82.00 fig, pa on fibre very like a few days ago when we dropped 100pips, fibre up at resistance again, even news was slightlly on the shorts, cable lower high etc etc

I’m still bearish, maybe a stops sweep tomorrow at LO, again I’ll use intermarket analysis to help me.

mizu I know and you are right. The thing is I dont think I have ever actually used it before and dont intent to. I like this thread and all in it. It just disturbs me when sockpuppets come on here doing this non sense. Its my site (not really but where I spend most my time) and I enjoy it here. The last thing we need is everyone leaving the site. You know what happens then? we pay for it. I dont know about you but I dont want to pay to be here.

Besides that if you (not meaning you personally) where truly disciplined and stuck to your rules and your trading. What is stated on a forum dont really matter does it? Thats the only point he is trying to get across.

Well, if they start charging, I might start to work here maybe I can get in for free ;)…lol…j/k

The only real problem I have with Aaron is he wanted to get banned. I think he thought it would help his trading. So why come back? Maybe it worked. And that’s cool I’m happy for him. But he’s casting pearls before swine in my opinion. Not that I don’t like anyone here. Just I know myself and I kno I’m not gonna listen. I assume others are the same. Now maybe someday we will all wake up :-D. But I’m sure that’ll be on our own time and from our own experience or frustration not because someone tells us it’s the holy grail.

We don’t really know what was going on with AK but the way he is communicating to us right now…I don’t think he is doing well…maybe somethings going on in his personal life…I don’t know … but you can sense it when people are having trouble by the way they think, communicate, talk, etc. for whatever it is… it’s troubling to me. I really do hope it is not the case and that he is doing well…really well…