Inner Circle Trader's Pro Traders Club 2012 - 2013 Series

IbePippin: Big salute and massive respect from me on that one :slight_smile: Although, I imagine that my views arenā€™t worth too much on this thread :wink:

Thereā€™s still the question of your love for soccer, which is not consistent with everything else about you.
And as Iya says, google is a wonderful tool.

Or ICT. Heā€™s already come back to troll under different names and got banned.

main direction was down after all :_)
recouped early loss with 48 pip ā€˜00ā€™ tp on the news

sorry, iā€™ve been watching the pipping kinda close

is ok :slight_smile: i have losses in chasing entries, many of them, and strive to keep them small and take them quickly and thatā€™s it. There cannot be trading without losses.

but i do agree that sometimes this thread sounds like wow, itā€™s all great! and itā€™s easy and piece of cake and that is not true, and it can be very deceptive for everyone, especially the new people. it sets the wrong expectations on the entire subject of trading. I reconciled to the idea that we as people do not like to admit to failure anymore than we are ready to talk about problems at work, in relationships and so forth.
on the other hand perhaps this is exactly the issue. Trading losses are NORMAL, and need not be viewed as a problemā€¦ they become a real problem only when viewed like so.

on a different note, i sense you are not AK at all :slight_smile: and you know, you made some really valid points

But given your heritage, itā€™s far more likely you would be a rugby fan!!!
By the way, I think you are ICT, no AK, no I give up, which one is it?

Obviously ICT. Trolling his own thread, playing some more mind games with you people. He gets off on it.

BayernMunchen this one for you :*

Congratulations on those excellent, ICT-inspired trades my good friend! :slight_smile: The application of the tools and techniques shines through in your post :slight_smile: I unfortunately cannot say any more for fear of going ā€œoff-topicā€.

I know Iā€™m on a break but I just couldā€™nt resist this one ā€¦ NFP Friday, price shoots down, us10yr shoots down - USDX shoots up - USDX Triad divergence in all itā€™s glory - shouting from the rooftops - ā€œdo not go short this price actionā€ :slight_smile:

Sorry Bayern, Iā€™m not usually cynical.


I know Iā€™m on a break but I just couldā€™nt resist this one ā€¦ NFP Friday, price shoots down, us10yr shoots down - USDX shoots up - USDX Triad divergence in all itā€™s glory - shouting from the rooftops - ā€œdo not go short this price actionā€ :slight_smile:

Sorry Bayern, Iā€™m not usually cynical.[/QUOTE]

Itā€™s always good to hear from you Peterma and I was watching the above price action live. Anticipating more downside pressure on USD in the coming weeks!

If you are ever in Tipperary give us a shout

Aha, good old Tipp, was through your lovely county on Friday, sorry about the cats today, not to worry - revenge in the championship awaits :slight_smile:

Just saw my post count - donā€™t like that number so have to add one - so what to post about?

My last three trades - in my my last 3 trades this past week I didā€™nt use the us10yr, instead I used all the learning and grafting, all the errors and lessons, all the experience of chart and price watching that I could muster, I used not a single ICT method, no OTEā€™s, no fibs - nothing, just experience.

Price had risen, I knew at what point it would fall, price had fallen, I knew at what point it would rise - all from some years of experience - no rules, no methods needed.

I lost all three trades.

Guys looking forward for the summer dont forget that correlation Between Cable and Fiber is going stronger, now sitting at 80points. GL :wink:

USDX Correlation Gold

USDX correlation Gold.pdf (1.48 MB)

Good sir, as much as I appreciate the way in which those tools gave rather clear indications of an imminent rally on Friday, in my post I was referring to Thursdayā€™s price action. I would love to see the movements in the bond market during that period where the fiber moved downwards, rallied strongly upwards and then downwards again. I cannot imagine the bonds having moved in sympathy with all three of those moves. Yes, I understand that the upwards price move was a fake move that I am guessing was not reflected in the bond market (which is why anyone who caught that bull move cannot make any references to the bonds as having lead them into the trade), but the point I was trying to make is that not every move on every day can be synced with the bond market.

Yes, and a very valid point. This is so true of any tool in the fx market.

An example of how I traded this past week.

As previously posted I used the ā€˜seat of my pantsā€™ methodolgy - probably well known to many traders.

On Thurs evening, after the 3rd loser, revenge coursing through my veins, I looked again at my charts.

Fibre 15min was waving a large bear flag in my face," sell, sell it was shouting", ā€œitā€™s still only ny session, we are only in a pause section, price is falling, there is lots more to goā€.

Then a little voice of wisdom whispered in my ear ā€˜open the 10yrā€™.

I had not opened the bond prices at all in the previous 3 trades, I do not know why, even yet on reflection it dumfounds me.

And so I opened the us10yr - no reaction to M. Draghi, price was reacting big time, but the investors were muted.

Only then did I realize that price was dancing, the bear flag meant nothing, the investors were not following, so neither did I.

Just saved myself from a 4th losing trade.

I am trying to find a possible trade set up using the daily chart. USDx and EURUSD are on OTE levels (1st Feb high to 4 Apr low for Euro and vice versa for USDx). Bonds moving downward day by day and Dow Jones at record high and probably a sharp reversal to happen soon. What do you guys think?

Todayā€™s bounce came off the weekly pivot at 3130.

Also have a look at aud/usd daily- a possible bounce on the cards, would go nicely with a jump in fibre, or the opposite and could herald a strengthening usd.

Usd/Jpy is also interesting, does the daily bull flag warn of a push for that elusive 100 and a jubilant usd, or will it flop again.

Both crosses are re-visiting support and resistance.

M Draghi is clearly pushing for a weaker euro - a sign for times ahead perhaps.

The concern that I have is that no new highs were posted on the daily, the failure to get past 3130 -50 could be a sign of weakness, is price being held up to get more longs on board, or were the buyers simply not there.

The last few days are inside days and are not giving any directional bias away, we know that these shorter range days are often followed by an increase in range.

Iā€™ll probably just watch from the sidelines to see what unfolds over the next few days.