Inner Circle Trader's Pro Traders Club 2012 - 2013 Series

I thinks he’s dead already. Someone seems to have replaced the chute with a large rock.

Thanks Vinster will give this a try.:smiley:

These are my open positions. 3 fiber and 1 cable. Wish these were full size but they are baby positions while I’m learning.

Another option, which I use, is Download Online Videos Save Direct Easily -

There was a torrent on the old ICT material. Doubt that it is still being seeded. I’ll have a look and post if I can locate, although may it have been deleted.

edit: search for ‘innercircletrader’ on savevid.

also seaech on "
Michael Huddleston
The Inner Circle Trader

Some of the ICT video will be returned for you to download

Found this attached torrent of old ICT videos.

Whether or not it is still being seeded I know not. (27.2 KB)

ICTs videos explain them in the most simplistic way. You just need to spend time watching them. If you don’t get that particular video, then you’ve jumped in too fast and need to take a step back. You can’t rush education unfortunately … otherwise doctors would be doctors after a year of studying and that would unleash mayhem to the medical world. Good luck.

Did we just see turtle soup at the 50? On the demo I went long for 20 pips using the big figure strategy.

Mr.Chilled, do you have an excel spreadsheet template for the COT report that graphs it for you?

Well I can’t figure that move even with hindsight, that’s it for this week, no more trades.

I’ve had 1.2760 marked on the chart for ages now, I had the same idea, but didnt take the long trade. I used this for my downside objective today.

Was short @ 1.2818 (retest of the 1.2820 level on the 5M chart - I blame PPFX for my institutional obsession :P). Was torn between this and the OTE long on the Cable. Glad I didnt take that one now :slight_smile:

Jonnycab, I have no nerve for a long in this market either so I did demo on it just as a time passer. I made my goals this week. I won’t open any new positions unless NY retraces significantly tonight and I can get in short tomorrow morning. I’d want to be in OTE of today’s range and see a London open stop run up to enter again short. I guess NY will not retrace but will range so I think I’m flat for the week on. I’m of a sell only mindset and I’m perfectly happy to miss all the counter trend longs to get in on the “the-trend-is-your-friend” shorts. This tuesday was okay to be long (for 30 pips only) but it won’t hurt to keep selling at OTE off the 1h swing highs. When we are trending, selling off the 20EMA or 61.8 retr or whatever the method is fine. We’ve made a new low and the next major S/R is 1.2621 on my chart. That’s a Jan 2011 S/R.

PPF, I have no idea, honestly, but I think Asia made the stop run that London would have done this morning anyway. Since the run was made and street money was long, London didn’t have to wash the market, the stops were below them. This only makes sense in a universe in which a down trend is actually starting and only if London knows it.

It is all much clearer now, dogs cannot fly

same trade i took, limit buy at 1.2750, 20 pip stop loss streight after the bounce i tightened my stop, but when the price made that second very strong push i got stopped out with a tiny loss. Its been a bad day for me today - 1.2%.

Another nice bounce off the noted 1.60 level on the Cable (an intraday stop run???). Would have been a nice short for London Close :slight_smile:

If you have written up your setups, please PM me about them. I’m always interested in what works for people.

not convinced. i’m rather expecting an upday tomorrow.

No, I just use a basic excel graph function with the raw data from the CTFC website if I want to go more granular than what the free charts show ( or dukascopy website to name a few have free COT charting)

ICT your Part 6 Video completely opened my eyes, i can see clearly now!!! this should be like the main main video of them all :slight_smile: Thank You very MUCH!!! :*

Maybe, maybe not, although by now it’s a new jumper, the last having made impact at 140 pips per hour

anyone making the jump today, say into a possible JS coming into LO?