Inner Circle Trader's Pro Traders Club 2012 - 2013 Series

Indeed, must have been the lack of coffee. Good to see I wasn’t the only one with this idea. was afraid 1.2750 would not be reached therefore jumped in early.

Order was triggered, 1%risk, let’s see how this works out :slight_smile:

Not good for me. just got stopped out at 1.2740

Yes, I think we already saw the top of the sell program 2 hours ago :slight_smile:

Good explanation from Vinster, one other thing I’ll add, from what I’ve noticed if we do get a larger than normal asian range, the smart money will usually wait for price to retrace within the asian range, normally at least 50% (maybe to the next Big/Mid figure), then send the prices up higher again.

A push to 1.29 could certainly have been possible, but I was looking at a number of things, firstly the big import institutional level of 1.2880. Why is that so important? Well, look left and see how many of the lows tagged it a few weeks ago and bounced right off it (during that consolidation + go further back in time, plenty more action around this level too). To me, this was a more significant level than the big figure. Mainly because there was so much action around it. Lots of rejection. So when it comes to retest time, its likely that we will see it in some shape or form. (as ICT says, S&R trumps everything else)

So getting in at 1.2870 or thereabouts with a 20/30 pip SL would have been enough to cover any retests of this…

So that was my reasoning as to why this level would have been a good level to get in at.

How can you not?

exited short at 12720 for 64 pips

good end (Thr Fri) to what started as a bad week

Hi ICT and fellow traders,

There is something bugging me. I went over the asian range video again and came up with this question.

If you look at the asian range for a clue of how the day may unfold do you look at the asian range alone like in this preview below and if so am I looking at it the way I should? Or do you look at the trading up to the asian range for example if the entire asian range is above or below the range that led up to the asian session or is it a combination of both?



Excellent, you must have a nice percentage added on the account this week :slight_smile:

Lovely OTE short @ 1.6015 on the Cable this morning, too bad I wasnt up! Just outside of the LO killzone.

I do use this type of technique you describe, obviously with other things (where are we in the range, etc…) but I think it does offer a reasonable insight into how the days action may inititally unfold. It doesnt always work (naturally) but its quite good to help form a daily bias based upon everything else. It would be one of the last things I’d check after the other more important factors…

It doesn’t always work out like that. Take today for example looking at GBP/USD

Your diagram shows this, which is what happened in the Asian Range. So we would expect a test of the Asian High before a drop down to what could be a new low.

When actually this happened:

No retest of the high, and an immediate drop to the downside…

Alas, I’m still risking less than 0.5% of real money (if there is such a thing) per trade, so inching forward rather than striding.

One thing I’ve settled on is to just trade the Fiber. I’ve found that following more than one pair is currently too much for my neurons to process Also trying to only trade LO, as success in other sessions often rather erratic…

Hi Jonnycab,

Thx for the reply.

I understand that there are more things to look at but as any tool you have to use it in a certain way and it should give you an up down or neutral (Bull, Bear or Chicken LOL!) bias which you can then view in conjunction with other analysis. What I am asking is am I using this one the right way?

For a clue to a bearish day for example: will the asian range look like the drawing at the top of the image? So in other words, will th asian range start, trade up to a point and then trade down from there and not trade up to that point again?

Smart man, great way to do it and progress is progress, no matter how small! Learning how to trade properly is way more important than making money. The first complements the latter :slight_smile:

Thank you so much Jonnycab for the answer: indeed this specific level (for sake of precision on my chart I have 1.2870) is a “bold and red one”, which means it’s from the monthly chart (January 2011 low) and very significant, so after past Friday breakthrough, I was watching it closely expecting exactly a retest for a sell. If the demons of trading are Fear and Greed, the first is definitely the one I’m possessed the most and so my order at 1.2900 still stands over there on its tod… :frowning:

Thank you Vinster as well: a deeper understanding of the big players dynamics is something I miss. Your explanation sounds really convincing and definitely makes sense: any reading or similar you would advise in order to delve into the matter?

GLGT guys and have a nice weekend!!

P & M


I think the thing to take away from it is that if we get a push up during the asian range, we could be in for a bearish day, if that lines up with the rest of your analysis. Jezzode said it well:

So as for “never trading up to that point again?”, thats too hard to say, but it might, if other important levels lie above it (turtle soup, OTE, etc…), whereas this morning, we right into OTE, rejected it and plummeted to the downside.

Hi Jezzode,

So how do you know which one to look at as the accumulation, the green circle or the red one?

EDIT: With or without the Judas, so lets put the Judas swing aside, that was only to illustrate a perfect day :stuck_out_tongue:

Good call. I got in right after you posted that at 1.2772. This morning closed out 2/3rds and moved stops to BE. I have a strong feeling, that last 1/3 will get nailed early next week before the rest of this sell continues. That’s okay since I’ve already earned on this move and I’ll just keep selling. The other positions have been left behind.

Initially, I put the stop pretty far, behind the weekly open but felt bad about it and moved them up to about 20 pips. Less than 1% risk and more than 1% reward.

No, I’ve never heard anyone explain i that way. It’s the way I’ve come to see it. Joe Dinapoli did say in his book “It is the market’s responsibility to fool as many people as possible.” He also said if you didn’t follow his advice, fine, he will be happy to take your money from you. I ICT has said the same thing. This is a really adversarial system, not blind dumb market forces but conniving, ruthless. If we are stalking a good trade, why wouldn’t the banks be doing the same thing?

Jonnycab made a great addendum. The institutional level he picked out is clear as day on the chart.

Ahahah Jonnycab, here we go again mate! Talking about important levels above today AR, what about 1.28 figure, which is also monthly S1, September low and perfectly in line for a reflection of yesterday’s LO movement? Sorry, believe me, it’s not to be annoying, just food for thought, I’m trying to understand!! :slight_smile: