International gun laws

If I may add my two cents to the conversation, the keyword here is “Hate” and no gun law can stop it.

What can is the acceptance of Jesus Christ and his teachings. Jesus taught us to love, not hate and to forgive, not to seek revenge

Then there is the 10 commandments that simply say’s " thou shall not murder"

In America none of this is allowed to be taught in our schools, no wonder we have so much hate and violence

Just my two cents

God bless everyone here on this day after Christmas


I do agree with the sentiment, but can an insane person be taught in school to think sanely? And if they can or even if they can’t, can an insane person be taught in school not to behave insanely?

I’m going to suppose that the best outcome from trying to teach an insane person something is that they will very quickly be identified as insane. And that in itself would be a great benefit to all the rest of us.


Mental health is an issue, but that has been throughout history, even in Greek mythology, Hercules went insane and murdered his whole family. But the type of insanity I think we are seeing here is when the otherwise normal functioning person is pushed over the edge by some event. Strong faith and connection to Jesus/God could bring them back from that edge.

Here in the US, that edge is often the media making celebrities out of mass murders, that is why we have so many copycat shoots right after a mass murder.

All I know for sure is the more the US government/media gets involved the worst the situation becomes

Take care

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There are people who go from sane to insane, and everyone has a breaking point, fortunately, mine is not out of hatred…

I agree, but Copycat killers are already insane and have it on their minds.

How should the media be expected to report a mass shooter that goes into schools, churches, grocery stores, nightclubs, or outdoor events and open fire on innocent people?

No, but what if schools had basic crime courses on murder, assault, robbery, theft, and rape? Nothing more, nothing less.

Depends on how one defines “crazy” - I suppose - Do you think Charles Bronson in the various “Death Wish” films was behaving in a "crazy " manner ?

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Is that actually the correct quote @Dennis3450 ? - I’m no expert, but I was led to believe the offered phrase to be “Thou shalt not kill !”

I didn’t know THAT ! - Thanks - I’ll look it up :sunglasses:

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What if there would be NO retribution - such as “20 years in prison” ? - would there still be a “better solution”? - ie “more logical solution”?

We talked about doing this instead of going out and killing people.

I’m not a murder and will never go out and just start killing people, But there will always be times to kill, You Break into my house when I’m home or try to harm me or my family

I clearly understand perfectly well what your point was - and I asked "what if- " we changed one of your basic premises ?

ie the fear of retribution !

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That still makes this man a murderer and kills people base on his beliefs. still not ok, so should we just go killing people because there is no retribution and because of our personal beliefs.

There’s something wrong with you going out and killing people who didn’t do you any harm.

By the way; when a man walked into a classroom and killed children there was no fear of retribution, a killer has no fear of retribution

None of which has anything to do with the point you made and which my question was based upon :-1:

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No and i do understand his pain, but he would of went to prison for those murders

so please enlighten me with more details, I’m a little slow.

give me a case scenario

Yes I can see that - Slow right enough - but very Gobby !

And No I’ve tried to engage you in meaningful conversation - but as you say - you simply cannot understand - so I will tip my hat to you and wish you “Good-day” !

I see where you mind is at, go head young man, feel good about yourself :ok_hand:

That was added after my reply !

Yes it was, the solution is not to kill people that has done you no harm, what part you don’t understand about that.

BTW: you are playing make believe, again you are living in your own wanna be illusions. There are kids that would play those type of games with you, have fun

Please note ;_ this Troll goes back and changes posts on a regular basis - AFTER thay have been replied to !

- DO NOT assume any level of Bona Fide in your dealings with the fool!

Meanwhile I shall await responses from genuine posters - to my interactions with them - so go chew a brick Troll !

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