International gun laws

Frastaff, if you are arrested and convicted or plead guilty to a crime, there will be retribution for your criminal actions. Until this change, you can play the game of your make believe with someone else. have fun :ok_hand:

Falstaff, you go around these threads talking about the feminization of boys/men, have you checked your behavior, just saying. :ok_hand:

I possibly saw the first one. If he killed his wife and daughterā€™s killers I would say he did us all a favour, though he would still have to pay a price for his own crime.

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Known in many countries including Ireland as ā€œSaint Stephenā€™s Dayā€.- first Christian Martyr, stoned to death because of his words of preaching.

Interestingly Saul, later Saint Paul, participated in that stoning - everyone has the potential of change within them.

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I think you are painting that word ā€œinsaneā€ with too wide a brush, someone who takes weeks to plan out their murders is not insane, but just plain ā€œEvilā€

Report the facts and move on, no need to interrupt regularly scheduled programming in Florida for shooting in California, Donā€™t make the shooter into a celebrity like Rolling Stone did with the Boston bomber. Donā€™t give the bastards the attention they want. Do this and I think you might see fewer Copy Cats

All this is covered by the Ten Commandments, crazy how our schools can not teach kids it is wrong to steal and murder just because it is in the Bible

There are lots of English interpretations of the Bible, Most scholars will tell you what is meant is to ā€œnot take innocent lifeā€ so the word murder is often used in place of ā€œkillā€


Does evil have anything to do with mental illness or is evil just evil?

I agree with all you have said here Dennis, except for the power of Evil.

I donā€™t believe people have a force or power within them which is called Evil and which drives them. Iā€™m not religious in any sense.

I believe people who commit evil deeds have something missing, not something extra. I see them as lacking the empathy or the inhibitions or the conscience or some such that all the rest of us have. In most people its strong enough all the time to stop them doing anything really harmful. But it can be lost or weakened by events or experience: biggest of which might be a loveless upbringing?

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Does this mean that mental illness is responsible for evil deeds if there is no force or power?

Mental illness would mean the person is not able to distinguish between right and wrong. Was Hitler mental or evil

I agree with most of the content in your post, but I would ask you the same question I put to Paul.

Was Hitler ā€œEvilā€ or ā€œhad something missingā€

I very much believe in God, and there is no question in my mind Good and Evil are among us

You guys have a blessed evening

Iā€™m with on this, However, I do think people are not born evil, and they have free will to be good or evil, unless they were brainwashed at an early age.

Yes. But people can be mentally ill and still have control over their actions. Until they encounter their personal trigger. Even serial killers donā€™t go out and start killing immediately they become homicidal: as was mentioned, there can be some planning involved, and some of them I believe get a huge kick out of the planning (and then later from the recollecting).

I believe Hitler had something missing. I think we all have irrational hates and loves, he just had nothing left in him to inhibit his actions after his thoughts.

Iā€™ve thought for so long that if we let Hitler be seen as totally insane, it lets most of his support across Germany and Austria off the hook. After all, he wasnā€™t the first to initiate a genocide against the Jews: he wasnā€™t alone in this wish. If he had been a lone psychopathic voice he would have never come to absolute power.

He didnā€™t even launch the first German invasion of France. It was the third in living memory: he was a product of the times and place he lived in. But his reaction to it was insane.

From the very beginning.

To do evil is to choose to do so with knowledge - a person with mental illness lacks knowledge (or as most law regimes clarify as ā€œreasonā€).

At the beginning - Genesis - God placed the ā€œtree of knowledge of good and evilā€.

Today in Afghanistan the taliban rulers have chosen to ban all females from 2nd and 3rd level education - they wish to inhibit knowledge - that is evil.

Jesus said ā€œlet Your will be done, not mineā€ - the taliban are saying the opposite - ā€œlet our will be done, not yoursā€ to all women under their power.

Jesus asked that we should live life to the full - evil is the opposite.

No coincidence then that the opposite spelling to ā€œliveā€ in our language is ā€¦

Best wishes to all BP members for 2023



I am not so sure about that, we know people are born with mental illness, or as tommor says ā€œsomething missingā€

perhaps Yoda has it right when he said

ā€œfear is the path to the dark side ā€¦ fear leads to anger ā€¦ anger leads to hate ā€¦ hate leads to suffering.ā€

we seem to have way too much suffering for a nation as wealthy as mine

God help us

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In as much as many people in the west have in my view lost something, so it can be said they are lost. Its a tough road but I believe civilisation is always in transition, it cannot stand still. In terms of the Christian religion I think society is still working through the transition started by the Reformation. I have no idea where its going.

It just occurred to me that Noah built the ark as instructed for himself and his family because all the others were evil. you may be right.

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I think the private sale and straw buyers are the big bad guys in the equation. But how do you police that. Every year a buyer has to confirm they still have the weapon, or maybe the police helps with any sales so it can be tracked?

Not sure that will work here.


every buy and sell of every gun should be require to report to the state, like we do with cars.

All I know comes from my 60 years of observing, and what I have observed is the further people move away from God/Jesus the more evil our society becomes.

Has registering cars stopped people from stealing cars? All these laws and government requirements seem to only burden the good people in our society while the bad people just ignore the law

Speaking of cars, in 2021 there were 43,000 motor vehicle deaths in the US, maybe we should be talking about what would make our streets safer.

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Road safety deserves a unique thread and I donā€™t want to divert this one but can I just say surely one day youā€™ll really cut down on right-angled cross-roads with Stop signs, especially with traffic lights, especially on fast roads?