Is there anyone who has been vaccinated here?

I fear what will happen when the winter starts again in the northern hemisphere. Things are okay now, mostly, but when the temperatures drop there will probably be a new wave. :frowning:

Very possibly, as people will be socialising indoors and what have become “normal” precautions will be out the window. There is also the flu season possibility.

All in all, I expect the NHS to retain its covid vaccination programme running for both covid and flu jabs indefinitely.



Thank you
Thank you very much for all your due diligence and all your important posts.
People are so brain washed and almost brain dead in these dreadful times.

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This is the importance of the vacs - to break the link between infections and hospitalisations.

Thus far with the advent of delta that objective seems to be achievable - here in NI the local news is right now reporting that about half infections are delta - but hospital admissions still very low.

Good chance a booster jab in Autumn - if so no big deal.

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Just wondering which blood collecting agency are refusing?

That’s strange. Vaccinated family member and close friend both gave blood in the last month. Red Cross still has active donation drives in my area.

Australia phasing out the AZ Vaccine by October 2021… Just way too many cases of adverse reactions coming from this emergency approved drug trial… 12 cases of serious blood clotting last week alone.

When the insurance companies, pharmaceuticals and government do not want to provide liability and coverage for injury and death from these experiments, that should tell you something!

@peterma, Australian Health Officials say Astra Zeneca is only fit for sixty year old’s. Why in Ireland is Minister Varadka saying Astra Zeneca can be given to young people.

Seems like Irish Politicians don’t care who gets it!
@dudebro, @peterma, the American Red Cross is meandering it’s way around the vaccine fallout…

The Red Cross is following FDA blood donation eligibility guidance for those who receive a COVID-19 vaccination, and deferral times may vary depending on the type of vaccine an individual receives. If you’ve received a COVID-19 vaccine, you’ll need to provide the manufacturer name when you come to donate. Upon vaccination, you should receive a card or printout indicating what COVID-19 vaccine was received, and we encourage you to bring that card with you to your next donation

Without advertising the fact… They are picking and choosing which patients they are accepting Blood Donations from… totally dependant on which vaccine you have had… Just a little suspicious?

Just Wow… Since the 10th May (6 weeks), new cases up over 450%…

And BTW… Israel faces COVID19 surge as virus circulates even among vaccinated…

Having a read back through this thread as far back as February 2021, you can see how the expectation was that vaccines where going to stop the spread of the Virus… How wrong that vast assumption was…

It’s become obvious that most here cannot research their a$$ from their armpit… Hence very few are posting Facts and/or actual links to Government or Official Health information around this evolving pandemic.

Many ideas that were cast as conspiracy theories by a clueless majority are now being proven to be actual facts with evidence slowly being dragged into the daylight… Leak from Wuhan Laboratories, Ivermectin improving symptoms, Vaccines not curtailing the spread of the virus…

And many, many more I haven’t even touched on… “Always, always follow the money…”

How’s that Double Vaccine = Freedom working out for you?


“Israeli health officials have just been given the authority to quarantine pretty much anybody who is exposed to “Delta”, even if the individual is already fully vaccinated, Reuters reports.”

This alleged pandemic was bought to you by the same media and various special interest groups that told you Saddam had Weapons of Mass Destruction, despite independent experts (like Scott Ritter) and even senior CIA staff saying the exact opposite.

Facts aren’t a popularity contest and the actual deaths from Covid are comparable, indeed slightly less, than a typical flu season and affect the same demographic - obese and/or otherwise immune compromised.


COVID Hypocrisy: NO TRAVEL FOR YOU but UEFA VIP’s: “Come on in!!!”

All in this together… How’s that working out for you in the UK…?

We have similar soul destroying BS in Australia… US movie stars and other celebrities come and go as they please without quarantine… Yet…

7 year old boy drowned last week in a Rural town 450kms from any COVID outbreaks and his school friends and extended family are limited to a gathering of 10 at the funeral…

The hypocrisy is absolutely breathtaking…


In NI we have sadly had one such death to a patient aged over 90 years in the Northern Trust area reported by

Wondering do you have a link to world death stats re covid vac vs all other vacs?.

Is interesting quote.

Figured Red Cross and figured your quote is not factual - the whole debate regarding vaccines is filled with non facts, a bit like in times of war with smoke and mirrors.

Btw, see you mention 'Freedom: - back in the days of the Soviet Union citizens were not permitted to leave the USSR without an exit permit which only the elite such as politicians were granted.

I read that such a system is in place in Australia, if so wondering is it true that the rejection rate is around 50% and that the elite such as politicians have no difficulty in travelling abroad - sounds a bit extreme if true.

The whole debate is filled with non facts!.. What a load of BS, while you have been posting nothing but pontificating tales and wayward responses… “Bit like asking why do you beat your wife” WTF… when responding to a question you have no sensical answer for…

Your latest post displays the usual waffle of those that cannot argue against the facts, figures and links posted in this thread. Have a good look back through the thread… You’ve been on the wrong side of the trade for quite a while now…

Oh, so this makes it all OK then, figured you for a “wannabe” Socialist… The only ideology that is really enjoying the removal of freedoms during this Pandemic…

Australians have fled the capital cities in their thousands (including moi) to get away from the BS, Hypocrisy and economically destructive lockdowns surrounding this Pandemic…


Citizens here are a little more informed than your Old World brethren…Vaccine hesitancy is increasing and is well over 50% in this country (even during winter!) They need vaccinated numbers above 60% before they can implement travel and social restrictions as they are already plotting in the UK… a true Socialists Dystopia… Peter, you’ll love it!

A similar mass internal migration has happened in the US…
Edit: Even Dr. John Campbell, the Pontiff of Pontification is starting to question the facts around the need for a mass vaccine program against the use of “out of patent” Antivirals…

Not for the true believers… Because I’m making this YouTube vlog up!

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Ditto - Good work there @Trendswithbenefits

You may be interested in this ;

Which is basically just a link to their real podcast - because it would be taken down and they would probably be barred instantly - I link for your convenience.

{When you get there press “Alternative video player” then click “play” when it pops up. - The whole thing is very interesting - but the first 28 minues or so are highly relevant to this discussion}


Press me - see if I still work ?


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I don’t understand this quote.

Freedom of movement regardless of the reason is imo is an essential human right - I’m still not sure whether you can leave Aus or not without permission - if it;s true then surely it’s possible to see the parallel with the dictatorship of the USSR?

Btw I’m a wannabe nothing - I believe in what’s right and what is fair whether it’s labelled socialist or capitalist I couldn’t care less.

Another btw - Mao operated the same policy of citizen imprisonment within the country’s borders - he must have taken the idea from Stalin I’d guess.

As for being on the wrong side of the trade - I really hope you guys stay on the right side of the trade - human lives matter.

Take care - and I’m out of this particular conversation - no offence intended.

I’m sure you understood it… Same, look after yourself and your family, StaySafe.


“Ivermectin reduces the risk of death by 62% compared with no Ivermectin” The data is coming in…

Another Conspiracy Theory slowly debunked by Medical “Experts”… Must be galling to the Clueless.

Ivermectin had been around and proven for years and was outside of Patent, so it could have been manufactured by any nation, cheaply without the need for Pharmaceutical licensing.

Big Pharma wouldn’t support the use of an effective and cheap drug… “It just just doesn’t make cents”

Trump suggested Ivermectin in the early days of the Pandemic… Haters shouted him down, Big Pharma and the WHO socially manipulated and hyped up the fear…

How many people have died due to TDS… Trump Derangement Syndrome… Absolutely appalling!!

I’ll say it again and again… “Alway$, alway$, alway$ follow the money…”

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Hi Peter here is the url for the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) sponsored by the CDC. It’s quite easy to use and you can check the data for yourself.
I think the numbers speak for themselves.
I have pulled data relating to vaccine deaths over the duration of the system which is from 1968. Some years have no reports so they are not included in this graph. An interesting point is that in Dec. 2020 when the ‘vax’ began human trials on a limited basis deaths for that month made up half of the figures for that year (55 out of 113). There are also over 1,300 deaths that are not graphed due to no date being atributed (I don’t know why). It should also be noted that these are only self reported Adverse Reactions (by doctors) and the actual number of deaths are in all likelyhood much greater.
CDC-VAERS deaths from 1968-2021


You’re saying the flu has killed close to 4 million worldwide in 15 months before, or over 600K US deaths due to flu over a similar period? Or are you arguing that death counts are overestimated? How are you coming up with that assertion?

I’m donating blood next week. I’ll report back what I experience and whether anything comes up regarding eligibility.

@Trendswithbenefits. Thanks for the video, but even the presenter states there are “degrees to validity” of the evidence presented in the report. The review and analysis was the culmination of work done by practitioners NOT in a clinical trial setting, and it was done at a small scale. Nowhere near the 100K+ trial participants for Pfizer, Moderna and J&J. Only 3,400 participants.

If this drug were to be fast tracked and hit public distribution, being developed cheaply as its been around for years as you mentioned, would that make a difference to you as to its efficacy claims, as compared to the 3 big vaccines?

Of note, the UK has a trial in place to study further ivermectins inclusion in standard care procedures for COVID patients. We’ll know something eventually.

Thanks for all the info.

Using CDC data

Yes, there is no doubt the death counts are grossly overestimated and often blatantly fraudulent. This was one of the reasons Florida ended the lockdowns and got back to business as usual. Most people are dying from multiple serious conditions with the addition of a positive covid test. The rest are just old folks whose time has come and would previously have been listed as natural causes.

more fake covid news

And here’s some good old media manipulation for you.