Is there anyone who has been vaccinated here?

Oh dear… This is a must watch for any of those that have had the mRNA vaccine’s…

Information from the actual INVENTOR of the mRNA technology…

For those that will dismiss this as just another talking head… Dr Robert Malone’s LinkedIn profile.


Edit: Below is the (US) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Data Request…

For Deaths Only… caused by COVID-19 Vaccines in the US during 2021… (Sample Below)

Request times out… @ 69,230 Rows… (2/3 Lines (Rows) per Report… 25,000+ Fatalities)


Who is Katalin Karikó ?

I dislike ‘spinning’ I see that the good doctor Malone figures that it does not portend well for the USA and the rest of the world that UK PM has announced a few weeks delay in the final lifting of restrictions in England.

As Tom has pointed out UK life is close to normal, we can do the things we enjoy doing, the final lifting of ‘social distancing’ and mask wearing in enclosed spaces has been postponed until July 19th - it’s hardly earth shattering news and only Dr Malone knows why this should have such a worldwide impact.

Anyways all adults over 18 will be eligible for vax by end of this week announced by NHS today - good news.

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For anyone interested:
Katalin Karikó - Wikipedia

The Oxford Astra Zeneka vax is NOT mRNA - and it was because of teh warnings flagged up by Bret Weinstein in earlier Darkhorse Podcasts - That I would have refused a vax had it NOT been Oxford AZ !

PS Thanks for the link @Trendswithbenefits - full Podcsat here ;

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This is incorrect - the Astrazeneca vax is an mRNA gene therapy. Astrazeneca uses a different delivery system in the form of a Genetically Engineered adenovirus, but the end goal is the same, to co-opt the host cell with mRNA to manufacture a spike protein.

From Wikipedia: Following vaccination, the adenovirus vector enters the cells and releases its genes, which are transported to the cell nucleus; thereafter the cell’s machinery does the transcription into mRNA and the translation into proteins.[41]"

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" Does the AstraZeneca vaccine use mRNA?

Unlike the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna coronavirus vaccines, the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine is not an mRNA vaccine.

Instead, the AstraZeneca vaccine is a viral vector vaccine made from a weakened form of a common cold virus from chimpanzees.

The genetic code of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is produced once inside the body.

The immune system then responds and produces antibodies to help equip the body against a real case of COVID-19 in the future…"

This is not accurate, the story leaves out the fact that in both instances the spike protein is produced with mRNA. The primary difference between the two main gene therapies is the vector. One uses a synthetic lipid shell to deliver the payload (mRNA instructions to manufacture the spike protein) and one uses a genetically engineered adenovirus (the viral vector) to deliver the payload (instructions to manufacture the spike protein).

Both use mRNA to instruct the cell to manufacture the spike protein. It tells you this is a viral vector right on the front page of the Oxford-Astrazeneca website. The Express article uses semantics to obscure the fact that the Astrazeneca gene therapy create the same set of mRNA instructions in the cell to create the same spike proteins, it just takes a slightly different path with a different delivery vector.

Here’s a very crude analogy for the Express story: I have fifty dollars in my wallet. You have fifty dollars in your purse. Fifty dollars in your purse is not the same as fifty dollars in my wallet because purses (adenovirus) and wallets (lipid shell) are obviously completely different.

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I am vaccinated and highly recommend it.

Don’t buy the conspiracy theories.


Concerning covid, those people that label the vaccine sceptics as conspiracy theorists have generally done no research beyond watching the news on tv and reading the paper.


Just how wrong could I have been!.. Here we are 15th June 2021 and my prediction of 30,000+ new cases a week in the UK wasn’t even close… 17 days later and It’s actually surpassed 53,000 and increasing fast…

Opinions are like ar$@hole’s @ItsJoeyTheTrader… Everyone’s got one…

I have published nothing but facts, figures and links to official data in this thread. So maybe you can explain the 280% increase of COVID cases in the UK over the past 30 days…

Maybe even why cases are on track to increase by 500% end of June 2021?

You must be euphoric now vaccinated to have greater freedom’s than the unvaccinated during the extended lockdown into July… Oh, that’s right… You haven’t.


You want real information, take the time to read through the comments on these YouTube vlogs… Citizens at the coalface of this ridiculous life endangering fustercluck…


Three reasons:

  1. not all adults yet fully vaxxed (soon my friend, soon)

  2. Delta variant - that’s viruses for you, they mutate to survive (damn cold)

  3. We have places called pubs where we eat, drink and generally be merry. 30 days back the UK Gov allowed us to go indoors to carry out these shenanigans and unfortunately the smart alec virus doesn’t get stopped at the door.- (but we are assured they are working on that )


All true. The issue in the UK now is a race between the spread of the Delta variant and the spread of the vaccines. Its hard to see how doing the same thing we have been doing for the last month will produce a vastly different result if we do it for another month.

I don’t think there are actually many people in the UK who believe there is a deliberate conspiracy to inject them with an unneeded vaccine against a deliberately released manufactured biological weaponised disease.

But there are plenty of people around who refuse to believe what the majority of experts in any field say if it doesn’t coincide with their personal narratives.

There is no logic in either position of course.


Earlier today, it was revealed Australia’s expert immunisation panel had changed its official medical advice- now recommending to the federal government that AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine should now ONLY be given to people over the age of 60… It’s not looking good for the AZ Vaccine…

in 2021, Australia has had more serious adverse reactions and fatalities from vaccines than fatalities from COVID19… Our government cannot gloss over this rubbish as well as it’s being done in the UK…
Edit: So, the UK is currently just short of 60% double dose indoctrinated… And one would reasonably estimate extending on the GOV.UK data that by September 2021 that tally will be closer to 75%…

So why are they are still planning lockdowns in the UK for September?

Following the health advice or the Political advice I wonder?

With the double dose vaccine now surely administered within that 70%+ to the over 50’s, sick, elderly and all other vulnerable citizens. Why do you need to continue the lockdowns?

As has clearly been acknowledged by the true believers in this thread, the vaccines are not effective against the mutated forms of this Virus… The NHS know it, the UK Government obviously know it…

Unfortunately many UK citizens are struggling with reality… As I have stated in previous posts, this vaccine has deity status… it’s akin to a religious experience for the sheepishly lead…

And before anyone rolls out the only the young unvaccinated are increasing the new case explosion…

So What?..

A huge percentage will be asymptomatic… a huge percentage will have nothing more than a runny nose and a sore throat, a few aches and pains… what use to be called Influenza!

Anyone under 30 has a 99.6% chance of not being hospitalised or even dying from this Virus…

Why limit movement and continue to destroy businesses, economies, livelihoods… For What!!


Hmmm… according to the PM will not happen regardless - but can we believe him.

Anyways I liked this part:

Bit like asking why do you beat your wife - only international movement is limited (same as Oz)

I see now slightly over 6 million doses given in Australia - good progress, well done.

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The faster we beat this pandemic, the better. :frowning:

Yes, speed is important right now in the northern hemisphere where summer is causing more people to spend time outdoors. The more vaccinated before onset of winter the better.

In England walk-in vaccine clinics are opening and queues are forming - the push is on.

They are currently not accepting blood donations from people who’ve been vaccinated in the US…

Wonder why that is…? Blood coagulation defects…?

In the future a similar story will be said about the current vaccine push…


On an even more serious note…

Once again people, nothing but facts and figures… Feel free to check out the data for yourselves…

EudraVigilance website was launched by the European Medicines Agency in 2012 to provide public access to reports of suspected Vaccine and Medical Procedure side effects.


It’s quite remarkable, if this was any other drug people would be screaming for it to be withdrawn immediately. These experimental ‘vaccines’ have killed more people than all other vaccines combined ever. Just goes to show what mass hysteria driven by mass censorship and disinformation can achieve.

They (WHO and other assorted NGO’s) tried this in the late 90’s with SARS but cooler and saner heads prevailed when it became obvious that it was not a serious illness for most of the population and it burnt itself out relatively quickly as all cold and flu’s do.

An interesting study into the efficacy of Ivermectin as an anti-viral anti-inflammatory and the reduction of deaths in patients by an average of 62%