Is there anyone who has been vaccinated here?

Here Bret and Heather speak of teh “Tests” and much much more - which they could not have done on U tub !

Some disturbing stuff here and unfortunately I can’t link to a prticular start time - but if you scroll to minute 21;50 and start there - you’ll find a lot of interesting stuff - which I know you and @Trendswithbenefits and @Johnny1974 are good enough to understand (Apologies to anyone I missed )

Bret is a Vaccine rejecter - but is on a prophylactic dose of Ivermectin - again for reasons he cannot say on u TUB - if you want to hear why they are publishing on Odysee - then roll from teh beginning and listen to what they say about David and Goliath.

The Paper relating to the Israeli vaccinations is particularly interesting as are the OFFICIAL details about “testing” and the PEG “frogs” :slightly_smiling_face:

Here’s the link - with a space after the https - so you can follow to the source to see some of their other (deleted or risky) stuff if you wish

https ://


Apparently 600 Million “tests” have been lost in UK - This is what really happened to them (mine included)

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Latest shot fired in trying to force Aussies into getting the Jab!.. Cannot make this stuff up!
Prime Minister Scott Morrison said national cabinet has agreed on a new no-fault indemnity scheme for GPs to give the AstraZeneca vaccine to Australians under the age of 60, who are willing to accept the extremely rare blood clot risk.

This relates to encouraging Australians to go and chat to their GP about their vaccination, and to have their vaccination administered,” he said.

Now, the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (ATAGI) advice, talks about a preference for AstraZeneca, to be available, and made available to those as preferred for those over 60, but the advice does not preclude persons under 60 from getting the AstraZeneca vaccine.

“And secondly, we are also providing the indemnity scheme for those general practitioners, so they can actively engage with you, and you can make the best decision for your health.”

“To get access to AstraZeneca, if they’re willing to take on that risk, if they wish to go and speak to their doctor and have access to the AstraZeneca vaccine, they can do so. So the answer is yes, they can go and do that.”

ATAGI had advised a preference for under 40s to get the Pfizer vaccine, however, at the moment those under 40 without serious health conditions are only able to get AstraZeneca.
This shows the danger of the whole COVID Vaccine BS double jab indoctrination.

Australian GP’s are too afraid to give the vaccine’s unless they have Government Indemnity against being prosecuted for serious injury or death as a result of administering the AZ vaccine…

Has never applied for the annual Flu Shot…! I wonder, do they know something their not telling us ?

New cases over 100k a week, this wave is on track to have increased by 1000% in just 8 weeks.

Hospital admissions and deaths are holding reasonably low trajectories… So why all the lockdown extensions and scaremongering about the massive increase in new cases?

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Out of interest, I was talking to a final year degree student last week. This would make her about 21 and I’m sure she knows more 18, 19 and 20-year-olds than I do. She was confident that 100% of the youngsters she knows will want to double-vaccinated asap. In the UK that normally means with the Pfizer vaccine. She assured me these people are champing at the bit to get out into the world, attend clubs, festivals and travel abroad and they can’t wait to get hold of some documentary evidence to let them enjoy these things.

Hey @tommor, in the UK you already have over 60% of the population double jabbed…

That’s nearly 40 million fully vaccinated citizens that are still not allowed to travel freely and still have to abide by all the restrictions just like the un-vaccinated heathens

It’s not about the vaccination anymore, possibly never was…

In Australia, they (Politician’s) are starting to make a lot of noise about ALL citizens needing a permit just to travel interstate… It’s just getting crazier and crazier…

There are obvious reasons why even double-vaccinated persons are blocked from travelling out of areas with a high incidence of covid, or a high incidence of a particularly transmissible or dangerous strain.

Because the vaccine’s aren’t working… You can still get COVID… You can still spread the Virus…

No one is releasing figures of just how many of the vaccinated (both single and double vaccinated) are in the exploding new cases in the UK.

We’ve had many Nurses and other fully vaccinated front line workers contract the Virus in Australia.

They try to keep in unwraps. Definitely adding to the Vaccine hesitancy in this country…

The vaccine doesn’t work 100%. This has never been a secret.

Ohhhh yes it has, have a read of the posts back in January, February on this thread… Some of the keyboard warriors were channeling the science and health professionals claiming these vaccines were to stop the spread of this Virus…… was a secret then!

Back then figures of 67%, 80% even 92% efficacy’s of these vaccines were being liberally quoted by the manufacturers of these drugs…

It now appears that it’s probably lower than 20% at stopping you catching COVID and even less for containing the spread.

As I stated weeks ago, the only lifeboat the experts had left to cling too was the vaccination program is lowering the acuteness of symptoms and decreasing the death rates.

Let’s see if any of the official sites start to release information on just how many of these new cases are vaccinated citizens…

This will display the real situation on the ground… although I wouldn’t be holding my breath!!


I know this thread has taken on a different path but I just wanna share that I got vaccinated yesterday. :blush: It was my first shot, and hmm. :thinking: It’s been almost 24 hours and I still haven’t felt anything weird or painful. :smiley: Hopefully it stays that way! :smiley: Stay safe everyone. :blush:


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Meanwhile, the ‘Elites’ -

Elon Musk’s wealth has increased 6 fold.

Jeff Bezos wealth has increased by $6.7 Billion

Bill Gates $$$???

Big Pharma $$$$$$

A few handy little earners for Boris Johnson and Hancock and other country leaders.

When they run out of ideas for the Covid scam - it will be climate change lockdowns.

This is for the US back in April, not so much UK and delta. But it’s out there.

Maybe related to all the junk me and millions of other people are buying from our couches every hour, and not so much because we got injected with 5G nanobots.

Anyway, I’m hearing more about suggestions of getting the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine because I received the J&J… Should be interesting what becomes of that discussion and of boosters down the road.

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Conspiracy theorists tell us that if you don’t grow and an extra arm, a tail or present any other abnormality within 3 years then you should be safe…

Obviously this is in jest… Although some critical industries are planning for some truth to this timeline…
As far back as early March 2021, this Vaccinology Expert that predicted that variants would over run any mass vaccine rollout and boy was he right!

For those that will attempt to brush this information of as just another talking headHis Linkedin Page

He has effectively given up trying to warn the indoctrinated because of the constant negative press he received and has only made this video as a last resort to inform the clueless masses rushing to be vaccinated.

I was wrong again… this spread is on target for a 1000% increase in under 7 weeks!

Once again people nothing but facts and figures…


CDC has a page on covid variant spread. Currently updated only to 06/05. Notice the jump in B1.617.2, Delta, again not current, and only updated for the first week of June.

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This may be the answer to the explosion of cases.

Prof. Luc Montagnier said that epidemiologists know but are “silent” about the phenomenon, known as “Antibody-Dependent Enhancement” (ADE).

It’s way over my head, but it will be more self evident in the next couple of months whether his expectations are right or wrong. The video is only 2:34.

Hey @Student05, There’s only a few of us who are capable of suppling real information and not just an opinion surrounding this pandemic… Nice work BTW.

Who would have guessed that the vaccinated will unwittingly kill us all…

"Epidemiologists know but are silent”… Just about all experts in this field with knowledge that will take them to the opposite side of popular opinion are afraid to stand up and be counted…

Loss of funding, Loss of employment, Banned on Social Media, Demonetised on YouTube or even just plain and simple fear of ridicule…

Perfect example of this game being played can be seen on Dr. John Campbell’s 1 million subscribers strong daily YouTube vlog…

Dr. Campbell, a huge advocate for the vaccinate at all costs and populist belief of all things COVID, recently presented research on the success of Ivermectin for improving (by 62%) the outcomes of those that contract this Virus… But was very cautious not to follow up and endorse the drug that has effectively smashed the death rates in India, no doubt not wanting to risk the monetary loss that his 1 million subscriber base brings… ~GBP84,000 pa!!

I’ll say it again and again and again… “Alway$, alway$, alway$ follow the money…”
Peer-reviewed research from The Lancet shows that the experimental vaccines reduce your chances of catching COVID-19 by:

Pfizer: 0.8%

J & J: 1.2%

Moderna: 1.2%

AstraZeneca: 1.3% "

The absolute risk reduction (ARR), which is the difference between attack rates with and without a vaccine, considers the whole population. ARRs tend to be ignored because they give a much less impressive effect size than RRRS: 1.3% for the AstraZeneca-Oxford, 1.2% for the Moderna-NIH, 1.2% for the J&J, 0.93% for the Gamaleya, and 0.84% for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaxxine."

(Published 20 April 2021) In other words - NO prevention…


Follow the Science, follow the experts… Only when it suits… Muppets… Absolute Muppets…


You’ve hit the nail on the head. The average person is far too quick to believe Government and the media without question and too lazy to do any thinking and digging for themselves. Throw in the unprecedented censorship by every single social media platform and major media group and the average citizen doesn’t stand a chance. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink.

That article I posted exposing Neil Ferguson and his fraudulent figures around SARS-Cov-2 should have been enough to collapse the whole house of cards just by itself, especially since he has an unbroken track record of being wrong and provided equally poor data for SARS-Cov-1, Swine Flu etc. His data was directly responsible for for the quarantines and other ‘health measures’ and recommendations by the WHO which were blindly followed by Government bodies around the world.



Separating Sense from Nonsense

The Doomsday Prophecy of Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche | Office for Science and Society - McGill University

You’re back with a link, thought you’d had enough of facts and given up on opinion only commenting…

The linked article is from 24th March 2021, a mere fortnight after the original warning was released by Dr. Bossche… There are many articles attempting to discredit him and his vaccine variant prediction.

Unfortunately we are now are at the end of June 2021 and Dr. Bossche’s prediction of constantly mutating variants and spiralling cases is being proving correct in the UK (and other nations) on a daily basis…

We made Sense from the redundant Nonsense poorly disguised in this University penned hit piece…
Almost broke my concentration… Now back to more factual matters…

The UK is real trouble if it’s health advice rests purely on the new cases data… The lagging Admissions and deaths are starting to increase, albeit gradually in the wrong direction…
Meanwhile back in the land of Milk and Honey… Australia… Some cold hard facts slipped out…

State Premiers came out swinging against the Prime Minister, and the federal government retaliated with a brutal press conference from the Minister for Home Affairs Karen Andrews.

The strongest backlash came from Queensland, with Ms Palaszczuk blasting Mr Morrison’s decision to open up the vaccine to all adults, claiming there had been no national cabinet decision about providing it to people under 40.

“We could see the situation where a young person or young people under the age of 40 lose their life from a vaccine when they would be basically not getting very ill or dying from COVID if they were susceptible to that,” she said.

“At the end of the day, I have got over 1 million young people aged between 20 and 40 in my state and I don’t want them put at risk.”

She then falsely claimed that the UK was refusing to offer AstraZeneca to under 40s.

The advice on AstraZeneca in the UK is that anyone aged under 40 should be offered an alternative vaccine, but if no alternatives are available it is better to have it than to delay getting vaccinated.

Once again, you cannot make this stuff up… the gift that keeps on giving… Politicians out of control!!