Here Bret and Heather speak of teh “Tests” and much much more - which they could not have done on U tub !
Some disturbing stuff here and unfortunately I can’t link to a prticular start time - but if you scroll to minute 21;50 and start there - you’ll find a lot of interesting stuff - which I know you and @Trendswithbenefits and @Johnny1974 are good enough to understand (Apologies to anyone I missed )
Bret is a Vaccine rejecter - but is on a prophylactic dose of Ivermectin - again for reasons he cannot say on u TUB - if you want to hear why they are publishing on Odysee - then roll from teh beginning and listen to what they say about David and Goliath.
The Paper relating to the Israeli vaccinations is particularly interesting as are the OFFICIAL details about “testing” and the PEG “frogs”
Here’s the link - with a space after the https - so you can follow to the source to see some of their other (deleted or risky) stuff if you wish
https ://