Is there anyone who has been vaccinated here?

T - I’ll crawl from under every rock on my beloved Mourne Mountains in rain, hail or snow to challenge mis/dis information whenever or wherever I encounter it - and i make no apologies for doing so.

As for pfizer’s trade registered name for their vac - I suppose they had 3 choices - first register the 162b2 label etc, second maybe the silly name they came up with or third perhaps ask student to come up with something.

Think about this - there was a bar of choc in Uk called “Marathon” but the company figured the name was tired so the market guys called it ‘Snickers’.

Same chocolate just different name - all hail to the market.,

I challenged this assertion before, I asked you who is Katalin Kariko?

Maybe a wee link to the data re the immunity part?

Didn’t realize that under 50’s can expect just a wee cold - great news :slight_smile:

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Ah, changing the subject when hit with facts. But let’s look at that statement of yours. Most of the population growth in TX in the last several years has been in 4 cities, Houston, San Antonio, Dallas and Austin. All blue cities. But keep going on with your woke and devastated Democrat blah blah blah.

So you don’t understand per Capita. So sorry.

7 day average. Above 200. Higher than January. But it doesn’t matter. FL is trending the wrong way. You’re trying awfully hard to make it seem like Florida is doing just fine. It’s not.

So wait, is California then the leader or not the leader in covid deaths as @Trendswithbenefits says? Most populous state and all.

You should go read up on excess deaths, and have a look at Florida excess deaths, since it’s all peachy over there.

Strange how the waves of excess deaths coincide with the Covid waves. But they’re probably not related…just people dying every day like normal. Or rather, more than usual, like almost every single week since Covid became rampant. Na, probably not related to Covid.

Oh wait, let me get some random account on Twitter to post it so you believe it. I took this from the CDC website, so it must be fake. DYOR.

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Not according to the CDC data, they show a strong down trend.

But this is all ‘angels dancing on the head of a pin’ stuff. You can prove anything you want with statistic by what you include or exclude. For instance that chart you posted is a select and incomplete data set which is explained in the notes.

This doesn’t touch on the issue of fraudulent reporting of deaths vs covid deaths which has been highly politicized from the beginning of this “pandemic”. There is also the issue of misreporting by hospital administrators to gain access to additional insurance funding which is substantial.

Minnesota: Republican state senator Scott Jensen, who is also a medical doctor, says the AMA is encouraging doctors to over-count coronavirus deaths. He revealed that “Medicare is determining that if you have a COVID-19 admission to the hospital you get $13,000. If that COVID-19 patient goes on a ventilator you get $39,000, three times as much.”

Several days ago, he told local media he received a directive from the Minnesota Department of Health to list COVID-19 as the cause of death on death certificates even if patients were never tested for it. When asked why officials would want to inflate the death statistics, Jensen said, “Fear is a great way to control people, and I worry about that.”

This is not news, the only thing remarkable about it is that large numbers of people refuse to believe the evidence of experts and even their own eyes.

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@Student05,There he goes again, clouding the issue with facts.:rofl:


More vaccinated people are dying of the delta variant of covid than unvaccinated people, according to a recent from a Public Health England report (25th August 2021)…

Warning… Real Data, Real Facts… Reader discretion advised!

The report shows that 489 of 742 people (65.9%) who died of the delta variant within 28 days of a positive covid test between 1 February 2021 and 2 August 2021, had received at least one dose of the vaccine. 54.1% (402 of 742) had received both doses.

This seems like an alarming set of statistics, but with an imperfect vaccine and high vaccination coverage, it is exactly what we would expect.


Critical Analysis of the COVID situation has shown this for months now…

An Israeli study has found those who have received two shots of the Pfizer vaccine were 13 times more likely to have a breakthrough infection of the Delta variant than those who had been previously infected with Covid-19 between January and February 2021.

“This study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalisation caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162B2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity,” researchers said.

The study also found evidence of waning natural immunity… Not surprised!

“Vaccinated individuals were also found to be at a greater risk of Covid-19 related hospitalisations compared to those who were previously infected…”

Nothing like a dose of Natural immunity going forward against these unapproved “Clot Shot” vaccines.


New Trial Data Reveals Higher Death Rate with Pfizer COVID-19 ‘Vaccine’

“After 6 months, even company-sponsored researchers have presented data showing a higher death rate among BNT162B2 recipients compared to those lucky and/or smart enough to get a placebo…”

As usual folks nothing but data based facts…


~ It’s not looking good in Uk !

Oh yes it is !

Neil Oliver: ‘The West is firmly in the grip, not of a virus, but of delusional madness’ - YouTube


@Falstaff, Neil Oliver is spot on! Kids over 12 will have parental consent set aside… Absolute Madness.

Australia is f’ked… Everything Neil points out and even worse is absolutely true…

Make these Pharmaceutical companies 100% liable for these leaky, poor performing vaccines!

Then, Iets just see how much longer this fiasco continues…

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Here’s some facts for you two.

Interesting investigation.

Let’s change how we report deaths and not tell anybody. Sounds like good policy to me.

Manipulation of statistics and how they are formulated has been abused by ALL Governments and Health Authorities alike to support the narrative they are desperate to portray…

The Miami Herald is a Left Leaning publication, so as with all US (and Australian) media, political bias has to be taken into account! Undermine Centre-Right Leadership at every opportunity…

Economist Tim Harford, author of “The Data Detective,” who spoke generally about how data can be manipulated, said that changes in data definitions are unlikely to have long-term negative effects on scientists, but could easily confuse or mislead the layperson.

“When numbers are presented in a flattering light, an expert will generally be able to see through the dazzle quite quickly,” Harford said. “That said, I still think the truthful-yet-deceptive framing of numbers is a serious problem.”

As pointed out in the article by the “Data Detective” data definitions are unlikely to have long-term negative effects on scientists… And it’s just a truthful-yet deceptive framing of numbers…

Truthful data is hard to come by in the politicised environment of COVID information.

The UK GOV site changed the way they formulated data back in June 2020 which initially skewed the data and displayed an improvement in cases (10,000’s) yet within 7 days results had normalised and recording was more accurate.

The ZOE Institute, Europe’s largest collector and analyser of COVID data applied a similar change to their formulation of statistics around the same time…


Finally, the UK Government has been whacked with the realism stick and an end to this mass psychotic insanity is on the horizon. The UK Health Authorities have acknowledged that even the vaccinated are spreading this virus at the same rate of the unvaccinated heathen…

The Government has realised vaccines aren’t reliable enough to combat this pandemic and to just open up and let natural immunity do it’s thing.

Exactly what some of us have been championing for the past 9 months…


What is more interesting is the constant redefining of “vaccination”.

First it was one injection of J&J meant vaccinated, and one injection of either the monkey virus or mRNA “vaccine” was partially vaccinated and two was fully vaccinated.

Then it was a single shot of monkey virus or mRNA “vaccine” is unvaccinated and two shots is also unvaccinated until two weeks has passed since the last shot.

Now it is fully vaccinated with a gap of six months since the last injection is also considered to be unvaccinated.

You have to wonder if this constant shifting of the goal posts is a direct result of the failure of the “vaccines” to do what a normal person reasonably expects a vaccine to do. Namely to stop infection and stop transmission of the disease being vaccinated against. Is it any wonder people are losing all faith in the official Covid narrative?

By any metric the failure of these rushed gene therapies appears to be total and countries that have invested in time tested anti-viral alternatives are having greater success than 1st world countries. Apparently Japan have also started prescribing Ivermectin as a treatment.

India: deaths per million 100
United States: deaths per million 800

Meanwhile in NSW Gladys has declared herself ruler for life.


Agreed. It’s far too rampant and makes getting at the true motives of news articles that much more difficult.


Truthful to an economist and scientists, who are experienced in digesting and understanding how data can be manipulation. For the layperson or reader not invested in going beyond the click bait title or summary paragraph, it’s a different story.


I’m glad we can agree on this… It’s a two way street… Many far Right media outlets present ridiculous theories around COVID and these vaccines… If it cannot be backed up with data… Tread carefully…


Below is a link to a very informative interview with Dr. Peter McCullough on all things COVID…

Interview covers the vaccines, withholding of pre-illness interventions and politics around the vaccines.

As usual people… nothing but facts based on data…


In Australia, the government has implemented total lockdowns nationwide, and imposed martial law to enforce them… What’s the justification for this?

With over 16 million in harsh stage 4 lockdowns from July through to September 2021, the entire country of Australia, a population of 25 million has averaged ~1.5 Covid deaths per day!

Victoria will be in lockdown until 70% of the population are double jab indoctrinated… At the current rate of this vaccination program will be sometime in early November… Absolutely ridiculous

Australia began as a Penal colony… We appear to have come full circle… Insanity prevails!


In Australia around 40% of adult population are fully vaccinated (as reported generally, last time the number was much lower). There is a consensus that it has the lowest vaccinated number amongst ‘rich’ nations.

Many nations are now in opening-up mode where lockdowns are a thing of the past but as reported above sadly not the case In Australia where people’s lives continue to be interrupted without their choice.

In Ireland restrictions continue to be lifted reflecting a rise of 6.3% gdp in q2 - all remaining restrictions to be lifted next month.

People’s behaviour has now changed, where we would shake hands and embrace we now bump fists. Where there are large gatherings the more vulnerable stay away. Pubs and restaurants have added outside areas c/w lighting and heaters that patrons can choose to use. If a person feels ill they get tested in order to protect others. These are all choices that we make.

The UK is now sending 4m doses of pfizer to Australia in a swap deal - there is plenty of AZ available there but the take-up is slow, perhaps things will change for the better in the not too distant future.


COVID wasn’t an issue here until we let returned travellers in from the Sub-Continent carrying faked Virus results. Our incompetent public service then let it escape from Hotel Quarantine (twice!!) and the rest is history… Delta had arrived…

The Federal Government and most of the States (begrudgingly) have agreed to only remove restrictions once we have a minimum of 70% fully vaccinated… And authorities are offering cash incentives, vouchers, all kinds of unprecedented coercion to get as many as possible to yield to the jab.

The number of double jab indoctrinated is around 37%… And increasing at around 0.5% per day, so roughly another 66 days before we reach the elusive 70%. (~12th November)

Now back to reality… The first say 40-50% that will be vaccinated are the elderly, compromised and those that don’t research what medical information they are prescribed… The remaining 20-30% will be the hesitant and/or the fit that are prepared to confront this Virus and risk the 99.4% survival rate.

The vaccination rate will gradually decline (just as the US has at ~50%), so the 66 days is nothing more than a bureaucratic pipe dream…

Australia will still have massive restrictions through Xmas 2021… If Governments and Health Authorities continue to operate in their distorted reality.

We have had many reports of blood Clots, Injuries (Bell’s Palsy etc) and quite a few deaths from the AZ vaccines, so hesitancy against the AZ Vaccine is playing on many that wish to be vaccinated.

We may see a sudden change in official rhetoric from 18th September… Watch this space!

Surprise, Surprise… Australia’s Database of Adverse Event Notification has been down for over a week now after Adverse Medical Event reporting crashed the site…

Coincidentally coinciding with the massive surge in vaccination numbers… F’king Unbeliveable…

Even tried to link this information to a YouTube channel via the comments section over 5 times…

Only to see it censored off each and every time… A link to an official Australian Government site???

Cannot make this stuff up…


So… You were thinking of visiting Australia… Think Again!!

Welcome to Hotel Quarantine in Victoria 2021…

“You go crazy being all alone. Is this really necessary. I myself had 9 negative tests before being denied to quarantine at home and I am vaccinated… Why ?”

“What is the price of Victorians mental health ? does anyone actually care ? This guy is threatened to be gassed by authorities if he doesn’t calm down ?? WTF !”

Danny Hayes - aka Million Dollar Bogan


The absolute Hypocrisy of the REAL costs of COVID in Australia

These formula’s would no doubt could be applied to most westernised nations…


I would have added another post… It appears to Mods have censored the thread by stealth!!

While this might stooge the simple folk here… Why is a 3 post limit not applied to the threads below?
