Let's Say thanks to ICT for his Dedication to educating us!

I will…:slight_smile: U2.

You are absolutely right, and it applies to most of us (incl. me). But we are talking about a couple of guys that want to do a pissing contest…:slight_smile: To have a pissing contest you need to show that you are actually pissing and how far! It is not the same that you only say that you are pissing…:slight_smile:

I will not share that information myself. It should not matter to others and I don’t want others to know that I have more than the average person, because it draws attention. The problem that will bring is that when you say that you actually make a profit, people will call you fake because you can’t proof it. But, I know what I am saying is right and the rest is noise. Let them proof that what I am saying is incorrect, that would be a more realistic picture of the society we live in.

Yes! Well said Jack Markets. Trader transparency would take this forum to new heights.

As for the martial arts - definitely check you always want a good teacher. For doctors its government regulated - if I am seeing a specialist (lets say if I had torn meniscus or had cancer, and not just for something trivial) then damn right I would check their qualifications and specialities. For repairs - this is usually based on friend recommendation so that they have repaired it before. Don’t you do the same before you try out a martial arts class or are given chemotherapy by a dr you know nothing about? If you do not, then you certainly should unless you do not value your time or money. Of course, if you have time to waste (months) and money to waste then sure you leap before you look, but I look before I leap.

In terms of equity size I don’t see why people hide it as well. If you had a million dollar account - why would you hide it. Because people know that TommyL or Jackmarkets has $1million? No one knows who TommyL or Jackmarkets is in real life so what does it matter? Most people hide equity because they are trading $100-200 accounts lets be honest.

Why? Because it feeds the paranoid among us? How does it help? You only trust the guy that have earned the most? Should we hand out forum ranks based on $ made instead of posts?

I understood that this forum is keen on its neutral position. Trader’s can discuss trading with people that use a same system or style. Help with basic questions and with more complex questions when they feel comfortable.

Be my guest to share your own… But I don’t think it will bring the forum to a greater height.

Added: Sorry Drone, I am not gonna talk to you any more… You haven’t posted your myfxbook, so you are a Troll and fake!!!:stuck_out_tongue:

I looked at myfxbook a while back but was paranoid about linking my live account to some website. Is this safe to do? Is this why people are deleting there accounts? If it is safe then I guess that answers the question about all the deletions.

Read more: 301 Moved Permanently

It would be great to trust the trader who is the most successful. Makes 100% sense as well. Are you saying that this is a bad thing?

It makes only sense when you are looking for someone to copy. There are also very knowledgeable non-traders around here. It should not make any difference, the quality of the answers should be what counts. Only when you want to sell something or you want to show off makes a myfxbooks neccessary.

By the way, I could copy signals from a good trader to a demo and copy those to my live and trade based on that. I will have a nice and goodlooking Myfxbook, but know squat about trading…:slight_smile:

But that is just my two cents. I think bad things will happen, as the little joke I made in my last post.

Added: Just popped in my mind -> Schumacher didn’t build or maintain his car self. You wouldn’t want to ask him about a carburator, but he has a better trackrecord in racing than his mechanics…:slight_smile:

I think thats where we differ. I do not see any value in a knowledgable person who cannot apply the knowledge. Basically that tells me that they know a lot about something useless or wrong.

If I could copy a proven good trader and be guaranteed profit each month then you can bet that’s what I would do. 10% per month with minimal risk without doing anything? I would take that like a shot. I would have a lot more free time to do other stuff and basically make money for free.

By the way, if I wanted to learn how to race, I would ask Schumacher, and not his mechanic.

And then what happens if your tipster stops giving you the information?

I’d rather learn to trade so I can trade as and when I see the opportunity.

Offers a lot more longevity and security in my opinion but each to their own.

Funny…:slight_smile: Hey, good luck with that approach…:wink: I see many rich people that were lazy and just copied someone else… And those lazy guys only do that when they are guaranteed that the host is a successful host. Yep, those are the people I’d like to help with their trading and to support.

To be honest, I would be insulted when a free-rider would copies me.

But each his own system…:slight_smile: It just sounded like a very poor approach to me… No offense, I am sure you must agree with me on this to a certain level. The possibility is there so why not grab it. I agree. Me personally wouldn’t rely on it. But that makes this world great, we are all different…:slight_smile:

Let’s ,meet next year and see where we stand.

By the way: To whom is Schumacher listeneing through his headset while he is racing? :wink:

then he would call him a scam, a fraud and starts barking at him on every opportunity :wink:

funny world we live in…

Check out at 13.00 mins this video - takes about 3 mins

InnerCircleTrader 11/04/12 - YouTube

Aahhh, Peter… Thanks… Will do!! That is the problem with so much material. It makes stuff difficult to find. Appreciate it.

Seen it cool… This is what I was looking for!

Why are you answering for me Kubio? Last I remember you are not me. And didn’t you put me on ignore last time?

Yeah, just post on any particular aspect and I’ll post the video links.

  1. I applied yesterday for an account and have not received the confirmation email yet so I sent them a personal email and I am waiting for a response.

Now, to answer your question: How does it help?

Because it will add validity to the traders that are giving advice, which in turn, will give the newbie more confidence to believe in what he is being told. It can also help the newbie by having profitable traders looking at there report and possibly spotting something in that report that is showing what they need to work on.
example: If there losing trade time duration is longer then there winning time duration then this might be something to work on.

It can do nothing but help is how I see it.

I understand. So you won’t be taking my advice…:slight_smile: Cool… Thanks for elaborating on this.

If I got to see your trading report and you were consistently profitable then I most likely would take your advice. Now, if I saw your report and you were not consistently profitable then yes, I would not be taking your advice.

Will do!

I like Michael, but I wished he would also talented in making shorter videos…:wink:

Thanks God I’m not you :slight_smile:
but, I’m really entertained by your posts buddy, thats why you’re not on my ignore list. :60:

Good Luck and Good Trolling Jack! :wink: