LinoKoch trades his way to riches

22 Feb.
Starting: $8,327.
Current: $11,654


No more trades, let’s see if FOMC minutes is exciting.

23 Feb 2023.
Starting: $11,654.
Target: $1,166.

Let’s see if we can get any treasures off FOMC minutes.

I’m sorry, I don’t quite catch you…?

Apologies, I guess I missed your reply.

Fair enough, a journal is meant to be your own personal (public, in this instance) way of keeping track of trades.

Not asking you to give away your strategy, you’ve already given away more account info than I ever would. But some tips, advice or insight into how you trade might be helpful to some following this thread.

Full speed ahead!

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I want to know his strategy. /s

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I am happy to share what I can, maybe let me think about what I can. Perhaps over the weekend.

For those who are able, you can backtest on the data I provided

I actually received a few rude PMs with regards to this. When I am back home, I will share more.

Today is a slow day. Can’t find any nice set-ups yet. $1,166 where are you!??! :stuck_out_tongue:

Not directed at you but, here’s some stories.

Story 1:
Guy PM-ed me. Ask if he could copy my trades. Told him no. His reply: you’re a scammer!

Story 2:
Guy PM-ed me. Ask if he could learn my strategy. Told him no. His reply: you’re a scammer!

Story 3:
Guy PM-ed me. Ask if he could learn my strategy. Told him no. He offered to pay $XXX. I told him no, that’s not a good use of my weekend. His reply: you’re a scammer!

Greed and bitterness isn’t a good thing.

Hey bro I’m not asking for your strategy but are you going to give us your strategy or not? /$

It has come to my attention that our dear Alex has gone missing.

Please share with ONLY me the exact details of your trading setup,

Don’t say anything to Alex.

I can keep a secret.

I like your humor.

Anyway, update, still no profits for the day. Damnnit, the trade went 10 pips to TP and bounced.

OK, technically I still have 1.5 hours to go before 23 Feb passes.

I’m ready for a possibility that today doesn’t generate any profits. If so, then tomorrow, I have to aim for 21% gains. If so, that would be $2,448.

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Looks like the Gods continue to shine upon me.

$1221.75 profits done from selling XAG/USD 21.599 to 21.497.
23 Feb 2023
Starting: $11,654.50
Current: $12,876.25


By a whisker! 34 minutes before the day closes, lol.

24 Feb 2023.

Starting: $12,876.25

Target: $1288.

Not asking you to give away your strategy

99% of the trading community is unable to create an original trading algorithm because they lack the creative energy to come up with an original idea and that is why they are so high pressure about demanding that others give them what they have.

If you look at any of the trading bots that are sold or given away they are all based on the basic indicators and it is simply because they don’t know what else to use and they are not capable of creating an original indicator.

The basic indicators quite simply do not work. You might as well be throwing darts at a wall.

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You’re absolutely right. The best strategy is not the one you learnt, but the one you created. But then again, not everyone are inventors.


Yeah…right. :laughing:

Did you really get scammed out of $50k?

Wow, that stings.

Have you tried to get back your $50k?

I see that you’re allowed to have great results like going 31/34, but when someone else does it, you go smh. Unlike you, my results are verified. Where is yours?

Do you believe his rubbish story? It is used as a way to garner pity, before he attempts to scam. Look at his 31/34 declaration-why is that there?