LinoKoch trades his way to riches

It’s a very genuine story. I almost cried when I read that he was ripped off for $50k!!

How about let’s you and me donate ALL of our trading capital to him, just so he can get back in the game.

Maybe we could start a GoFundMe?

I am not really a coder, I saw that word in mad magazine and it sounded cool.

You caught me.

I would like to create Obama scripts.

Wow tag-teaming on a guy about getting burned who was actually agreeing with you. That will get you loads of members subscribing to your telegram or trading group or whatever shill is on the horizon. Nice one.

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unsubscribed from topic

24 Feb 2023.

Feels good when profit target is achieved in 3 hours of the day.

Starting: $12,876.25
Current: $14,327.01

This represents a 11.26% growth for the day thus far.

I think your work is amazing and I find it stimulating.

If you can, I would enjoy seeing your investor password (when it is convenient for you of course) sir.

BTW, find it amusing that so many people come in and question your credibility as a trader, when you have shown that you are willing to give out your investor password so that people can review your trades.

Being willing to provide your account number and investor password should eliminate completely any concern for anyone that is conducting due diligence.

Any person that knows that the investor password and the account will be made available for them to review your trades and they are still calling you a scammer let me promise you something they do not understand how to conduct due diligence.

Just FYI, this guy (OP)is actually a fairly intelligent gentleman from Singapore and y’all be treating him like he’s a dog and he actually is a pretty good trader and the really extremely funny part of this whole thread is that I think the op is really an analyst with a major Bank and you people be talking to him like he’s a child.


Would you do the exact same thing for me? If so, I will give you my investor password right now. Or anyone who is willing to verify it now.

I really would but my mother won’t let me see the password.

(Obviously I’m just kidding around)

Sire, you got me wrong. I meant you logging into my investor login, doing your necessary due diligence and then verifying and vouching for me. Cheers.

I find your trading to be very interesting and I would enjoy reviewing your account.

You flatter me.

Pepperstone Edge 3

Would appreciate if you could turnaround in 5 minutes as I do not like the idea of leaving my investor login open…scammers may steal it. You never know who is prowling.


I am finished I made a video of it which I will upload in just a few moments your work is very impressive the only thing I wanted to ask this is not one of those sense accounts is it I don’t think it is because I think you would have said so but you made a $2,000 deposit and in one week you’ve made 600% profit is that correct?

Expect a video on YouTube in a few minutes but you can change the password back now if you want.

616.35% in 9 days.
100% win rate across 31 trades.

No it isn’t a cents account, you can verify on Pepperstone’s web site that they do not have cent accounts.

The currency is SGD, it is SGD 2,000, not USD 2,000.

Not sure what youtube video are you going with…in future please let me know first…if you are going to make any video about it…thanks.

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Wow. Ok ok. Paying attention now!

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Thank you but that is a very small difference the Singapore dollar right now is worth 74 cents US dollars so basically instead of starting your account with $2,000 USD you started with the proximately 1500 USD.

Nice job

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Thanks. Lol-ed hard at the koko loko.

It’s 15 minutes to 4am here in Singapore, time for bed.


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Incredible results! Ignore the haters and carry on, I’m following hopefully right to the riches at the end! Fascinating. Good on you.

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Important thing to know:
{\displaystyle {\text{Percentage change}}={\frac {({\text{Final value}}-{\text{Initial value}})}{\text{Initial value}}}*100%}

Source: Percentage gain and loss - Bogleheads

But, you dont lose!