The Trader's Arms 2nd Floor

Well, what “is necessary” is unique and different from system to system depending on why style of trading is employed…ie scalping, position trading, etc. What if your system only generates a signal once every 3 months?

I’d have to go back and check the time stamps of the posts for each system to be sure, except for the system I tried live which has been purged from this forum, but about a dozen systems over 5 years averages about 4 month each although I’m sure I spent much longer on some than others. I’ve only spent about 2 months on the method I currently employ but it’s generating a lot of trade samples to indicate that it covers most of the criteria I’m looking for in a system. :slight_smile:

Ah…I knew you weren’t for real…sigh

Oh am I wrong? Making the jump to real money in the near future?

I said back in Feb that I would try real money again around now, so ya. Haven’t had the best of luck with brokers…first FXCM decided not to do business with Canadians anymore and shuffled us off to MF Global, who went bust a year ago, so I have put in an application with a new broker.

My sincerest apologies Sweet Pip, I was not aware of your plans. I’ll be sure not to underestimate you in the future. Good Luck with your new trading account.

Not an unreasonable request I would have thought.

So…where did we get to with the cross dressing in Cuba conversation?

There are many things we can see on a naked chart HOG.

Not just price moving on different TFs

Each one has a different way of deciding when to pull the trigger.

Ofcause when it has all ended and we snapping the screenshot when price is another twenty pips from TP, it will all look so logical and intuitive.

But try blocking the profitable candle and look at only the candle that was there when we made our decision to enter. This is the point where different PA traders will give you different reasons for their entry, or not entering for the matter.

So even on a Naked chart, people look at many things, each indicating something different. Hence, we do have our indicators.

Its just not coded nor graphic. Often its more like " i have seen this before, and I remember what happened the last time".

This is where screen time is a must.

Trading PA is an art, and each trader does it a little differently, in his own way.

That is the opposite of system traders. They just follow what the indicator says and bank in profits based on probability and statistics of their rigid method.

Quoting your example, judging if its a three horse leg, or a blind horse is systems trading. PA traders would be looking at the weather and the tea leaves in their plastic cups!!!

Helps if you are wearing a tunic and a cape too!

I often wear a tunic and a cape Niki, but I fear that may be a story for a PM rather than open forum LOL!

I think your spot on with the “need for screen time”. I fail to see how any trader, regardless of their trading method, can succeed without it.

Maybe that’s the problem with a lot of traders. Maybe they expect too much from their limited level of commitment or knowledge.

Again I think you’re right when you say different traders will see different things even though they’re looking at the same thing, so where does that come from? Does it come from individual perspective, beliefs, expectations…even fears??

As Iya alluded to earlier, too many new traders probably lose faith in a system too early and end up “system hopping” in search of the instant home run method.

I believe that only once you accept that there is NO instant success method but there ARE various success methods and find one that works FOR THEM, will a person start to move forward with this business.

It was nice to hear from you, good luck with all.


What we see comes from our previous experiences with the market and the charts, our mentors and also our personalities.


From personal experience, I can only say that you will always end up finding what you are really looking for the most.

For most, they dont make it in trading because they are looking for the one thing, and that is money. Most newbie traders will agree if I say that they go into highs of euphoria when a position goes into profit, thinking of a big house, fast car, and in your case, most probably the hot latina chicks after one good trade, only to fall into dark moods of despair and irritation when the next three goes into a loss.

Just one trade, and we dreaming of the magical 7 figure number we are all wanting to hit.

The next three went into a loss because we were too focused on money. Trading and reading the charts has got nothing to do with money.

When we are so focused and elated over money, than of cause our trading goes to the drain. We were not looking at a good position, but looking for money, more money after the first good trade.

Than losses will come.

Its important to firstly stop feeding our emotional up and downs.

1.Follow the rules.

2.Manage your risk.

3.Do a trade plan and bloody stick to it.

4.Wait for an entry no matter how many days.

5.Do not guess or think.

6.Do not break a rule.

  1. Wear your lucky red jocks or panties.

All this can only happen and be adhered to at the heat of the moment when the market is moving if we really want to trade successfully first and foremost.

Get rid of the thought of money and how much from the equation.

We will always find what we are looking for. We are all here doing this thing because we are looking for money.

Well news flash. We are here, in some cases giving our beer money, our kids education fund money and in one case I k ow, his third mortgage money to the market continuously because we want to make money. Ever met a drinker who parts with his pint money? Well many here with minis and micros are doing just that. It shows how much we want it, how much we are looking for it.

We are already here, so lets move on to the next phase, which is what do I need to do to get some money. Stop focusing on money and focus on what needs to be done.


Picking successions of good trades require we forget about money and focus on picking trade entries.

Ill talk about the SECOND thing I realised learning how to trade after the feedback from this first post of mine, both positive and negative has ended.

Good detective work there. I did not actually take that loss. It was a fabrication to hopefully make others feel more at ease about sharing their losses. Now I am sure no one will be using the thread to shed their fear of loss… What a waste. Hope you’re proud Home of Golf

I’d started to write my reply to your post Niki but it was becoming rather long and too much to type out on my phone at work. So I’ll leave untill I get home tonight.

In the meantime, feel free to go into as much detail as you like regarding those hot latina chicks you mentioned.

You were the one that lied Mr CarPainter, not me.

Hope you are proud.

It was for the greater good. I regret nothing.


That topic you can go over with my husband. Im not too privy to the details of it.


I believe the only reason I made it so far is because I truly believe in what I am going to say next.

I truly believe that there is never a problem with the system, the only problem lays with us. ALWAYS!

if you are not making the grade that you expect, than the problem lays with you. Its you who is missing something. Not the systems fault.

I truly believe in this even after seeing one of the worst con jobs around. Give me 2k USD and I will give you 1 million USD after six months. Just i time for your birthday!

The same person said oh this is the system that fxcm offered me 40 million for. Only to have that system change three times in the span of six months.

I did fall for it, despite my hubby telling me otherwise.

All not because of being naive. Its because of the first thing I highlighted. The want for money.

But I kept on. Learning something every time. Keeping an open mind. Even conmen do point out things that we dont realise.

Sooner or later, it will start to make sense.

You will come to point where you can sense what is a fast one and what is a genuine possibility.

Remember, its you who are missing something.

One of the 40 million dollar system was a combination of EMAs. Use to constantly loose money with it back than. I tried putting it on my charts a few months ago, and the results were different.

Ao its not the system, its what we are missing.


Remember this.

Many things in trading reflects on other aspects of our real life.

Relationship, how we get through to our kids, how we look at our day jobs etc etc.

Clear your heads, start thinking of how to solve problems for a beneficial outcome.
Looking for the holy grail is like banging your head on the wall. The wall will not yield, but you wont be around to realize this.

To the person with the 40 million dollar system that FXCM was interested, well, I am still waiting for the money and I will never ’ menghalalkan’ the money I gave you not because how you got the money or because of the money I lost following your every word, but because how you betrayed our friendship.

Still, I learned alot from your Bruneian dunk!

As i said, the problem of learning is nit with the system, but ourselves.

Take it from another Ol’ chap, lying very rarely, if ever, serves the greater good.

But I’ll tell you what I regret John, like I said before, if you truly do work in the enviroment you claim to work in, you could have been one of this communities most valuable assets, had you chose to be.

The fact that you came here, and then criticised learners for coming here always confused me somewhat, but I’ll give you this, your thread did actually have me questioning WHY I actually come here. And before you think that is supposed to be an insulting comment, please let me qualify it.

I’m not interested in how anyone else FEELS about one of their losing trades. Heck I’m not even interested in how I feel about a losing trade. I’m VERY interested however in why they THOUGHT they lost, and why I lost.

The core reason I originally came here and then hung around was to try and learn, unfortunately as you, and some others before you, have pointed out, is that these places have a terrible habit of side-tracking the learning process with useless, inane drivvle, mostly added by me mind you.

But that doesn’t have to be the case, there IS a great opportunity to learn here, if we recognise and utilize it.

So with that said I came up with a plan last night. If you are in the position you say you are, a professional trader, you amongst others here would be the ideal people to get on board with it.

Like I said to Niki above, I’m on my phone at work just now and so it’s a bit much to type it all out just now. I don’t get home until early hours UK time so it may have to wait til later on, but I’d genuinely be interested in what and any and all others think of it.

If you’re not interested, hey, nothing lost

Apparently God told him in a dream to leave this place…how convenient. :20:

I genuinely wish I was at home on the pc having this conversation with you right now. Two fantastic posts. Well said Niki !!

I was a little confused as to what you meant by that SweetPip, but I’ve just noticed the last post on the losers anonymous thread.

What a bizarre week this has been. Firstly my account balance finishes up for the week , then Simon Le fails to deliver on the promised launch date and now God has had to step in to tell the CarPainter the game wss up after he got caught out lying.

How bizarre indeed

I think Nikita is right about no system being bad but the fault is with you. One thing humans or people find a hard time doing is taking responsibility. I guess it’s hard to believe that we aren’t perfect and that we make mistakes lol or at least that we re better than the next person so it must be them that’s making the mistake. Anyway idk if you guys have seen it but the thread by meihia I think. He has the simplest system. Enter the market at random with a 130 pip stop loss. And it works…at least on paper. I’ve been thinking this for awhile (and I say it a lot) but that really to me confirmed it. It’s easy to find an edge. Something like if last weeks or days candle was a buy look for buys. There’s an edge. Use a stop loss outside the noise. The problem is on the person. Making up signals that aren’t there,not being consistent in your risk, or getting out of trades to early or to late. I think it comes down do what you are comfortable with. But I also think anyone can learn or do anything with enough work.