Losers Anonymous

My counter-point is that I don’t care whether you believe me or not. Clear now?

Then your point here is what exactly? To spread more advertisement for a site you dont know exists and Lori a guy you dont know exists? You are a follower of ICT right? If you paid your dues then who did you pay them to? Last I check ICT was free and Lori was not. Hmmmm you are starting to not make any sense at all. Even the people that dont follow ICT know this. Who are you again?

A common practice from these Forex Gurus/Marketers is to offer a discount to their seminars if their gullible followers agree to fill forums with praises for them.

I’m sure you don’t care if I believe you. Will you post proof though?

No he wont do so. He has as much proof as he does he sticks to 1 screen name. That didnt work out

Well I give you praise on these forums when am I getting my discount?

:smiley: Sorry I am not neither a Guru nor a Marketer

Another thing I find funny is even though carpainter had a dream by god to leave these forums he was still posting (hence we even got the post stating that) he was still here. Now I know if god tells me to stay off these forums you would not hear about it as I would not come back to tell you. But what I find funny is he dissapeared about the time AK3 showed up. Just call this a hunch but it seems to be a common practice here lately (not talking about god telling people to stay off the forums).

Sorry had to try

My pleasure, I’m glad that you got something from it. For what it is worth, my advice would be find one aspect of trading, one approach, study it, study the charts, keep doing that, tune out all the noise on here and just refine your one approach. It clicks after a while, then you have the fortitude to come on here without having your trading derailed by all the chatter.

You’re most welcome, glad that it helped.

I think most of us posted some stuff that others didn’t like during the recent period, many of us lost a few acquaintances from on here, which is sad but there you go. I have been disappointed by some, have disappointed others. But I’m a nice guy, really, so now that we as a site are largely past all that I hope you’ll like a higher percentage of my posts going forwards! At the very least, I am consistent.

I think that many methods are not kept particularly vague on here - the bigger issue, in my view, is that there are way more aspects of trading discussed on this site than should be present within one trader’s approach. So this creates an overwhelming, conflicting effect. Focus like a laser on a few aspects, tune out the rest, and there are a few reads on here that give a good steer towards the foundation of profitable trading, IMHO.

However, ‘proof’ of results on here is always going to be suspect, in my view. I’d personally never take as proof [I]anything[/I] I saw on an anonymous Internet discussion group, without knowing the poster. Maybe I’m cynical - ex-law enforcement! - but in my view you either need to accept that you will never get proof, or you need to meet some traders, get to know them, and see them trade. Either as friends, or find a coach, mentor, course, attend a seminar, trading forum (in person), whatever. But basically what I am advising is seeing currency trading work, in person. Then you’ll believe and your trading will find another level. Or take it on faith and persist until you get there, perhaps via some Eric Thomas videos - they help me! What I am saying is: I don’t believe that this site will ever give you the proof you seek, if it has not already.

Anyway, sorry if is is an inappropriate, unsolicited ramble, but I thought I ought to speak up.

(And apologies, all, for digging this up after so long - I got back from holiday last night, so today is the first time I have had more than my 'phone, so am only just back at work.)


I don’t think he will give you that satisfaction. How about we don’t share our profits and losses at all as it is pointless. Nobody can confirm them and just posting any figure for the sake of a worthless discussion is…well…worthless. A waste of time.

Ok, here’s a question, see if anybody knows the answer.

If you and 9 other people are in a house, and all 9 of them are running around screaming, “The house is on fire, the house is on fire.” what do you think is happening??

is this the answer…


Hi All,

The thread is being cleaned up. If you don’t see your post or it has been edited, it just means that it’s not contributing anything useful to the thread. Try to stay on topic and treat others as you want to be treated. Warnings/Infractions/Bans will be given to those who continually derail the thread.

Email us at <[email protected]> if you have any questions.



Thank-you Pipzilla

Second question then AK3.

If you and 9 other people are on a boat, and the other 9 are all screaming, “The boat is sinking, the boat is sinking.” what do you think is happening?

I would like to know if my 1st answer was correct or not, as it will affect how I answer the 2nd question (given its similarity in composition)

pretty much, 9 people running around screaming the house is on fire, it’s therefore quite a safe bet that the house is on fire. You posted a chart showing a large sudden drop in price, which I took as you saying the answer was that the house was on fire. So yeah, pretty much correct

I was reading on your “Trader’s Arms” thread that you were seeking a profitable trading career mainly to free yourself from having to work weekends as a Taxi Driver.

If that were the case, wouldn’t simply finding a new job that doesn’t require you to work weekends be a much more immediate solution to your problem?

Not really AK3, if you read farther back in the post it pretty much illustrates the trade off (if you’ll excuse the current forum pun) that is involved in the whole thing.

Old job, less money, free weekends.

New job, more money, weekends lost.

Plus the fact that finding any job right now, pretty much globally, isn’t the easiest thing to do right now.

Goal would be to find a job that pays enough money AND gives me my weekends back with the kids. Forex provides, or at least potentially provides that solution. I don’t even think you’d need that many pips to do it, depending obviously on the value of each pip.

Self destruct button gets hit though when I try to speed up the process by taking trades I haven’t really thought out, or that were never really trades in the first place, if you see what I mean.

If it was simply a matter of finding a different job, assuming there wasn’t over 1000 people in the UK currently chasing every vacancy, I’d have tried it already