Love life and moneeeey

I believe that there should be a balance in everything. Money is certainly important, but we should also realize that we are converting our time into money. This time can be crucial for your loved ones or even for yourself. When you constantly work and earn a lot, you have money, but you lack free time. This is the issue I once faced


Money’s great; money’s nice. It can give you the freedom to pursue your dreams, support your loved ones, and make a difference in the world.

I totally agree with that. In order to make money, you need to spend time and energy, which means less time and energy for families, loved ones, etc. People usually trap themselves in making money, and sometimes they expect that they need money to have a better life, not to ignore life for more money.

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But a question… In order to gain that money, shouldn’t you spend your time? And when you don’t have time, is that freedom? I agree that money is good, but there should also be a balance.

You should spend your time, but not all your time.
You can have a free mind.

That’s a bit existential :grinning::grinning::grinning:
but I got your point.

haha no need for NEW friends if we growing trading accounts with OLD friends.

But there’s nothing better than a combination of love and financial, hahaha.
Jokes aside, stably growing financial portfolio is something that may people strive to acquire, and they are forced to pass through the mill chasing this goal.
Love seems to be something similar, as the amount of hardships, which you face while trying to find someone to love is immense and I’d even say uncountable.

The problem with focusing solely on earning money and working extensively is that the ‘active’ years of a person’s life are limited. Often, people work extremely hard, aiming to accumulate enough wealth, but in doing so, they might miss out on important aspects of life. Being wealthy in old age is certainly not bad, but life offers much more beyond financial achievements.

The key to a harmonious life lies in finding balance. Instead of relentlessly working for the future, it’s important to learn to enjoy each day and live fully in the present. This means finding joy in small things, cherishing moments with loved ones, and not postponing ‘life for later’, waiting for more money or more time.

True happiness often lies not in material wealth, but in a healthy balance between work, leisure, personal relationships, and self-development. The value of each day spent meaningfully and joyfully cannot be measured in monetary terms.

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Money indeed takes a huge share of our lives and all people are chasing it.
However it seems to me that it’s pointless to pursuing them if they don’t flow right in your hands. It works like that, the more you chase - the less you receive. So it’s better not to overthink about money and they will really flow to you.
Some people believe in karma and other stuff which makes them thinking that money is for decent people only. As we may know, glancing at billionaires, only a small part of them are decent ones =)

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but don’t forget: No pain, no gain )

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I get where you’re coming from with the whole balance thing I just have to say I don’t completely agree, though. Just think about it. when you’re doing something you’re totally into, it doesn’t feel like work at all! It’s more like you’re getting paid for doing your hobby. For a lot of people out there, their job is a huge part of who they are. It’s not just about making money, it’s about doing something cool that you are passionate about. And in that case, then all those hours aren’t just passing time! they’re spent doing something enjoyable. And sure, other things in life are important too but I think it’s not about how much time you spend, instead it is how you spend it that counts :slight_smile:

Well, it seems that I have to disagree on a point here :slight_smile:

I don’t think it’s true that the more you chase money, the further it goes from you! We have all seen many cases where pursuing financial goals and being smart about opportunities have led to more wealth. Persistence and the right strategies are the keys! And also about money for decent people, I agree. I think it’s more about who’s willing to put in the effort and persistently pursue their dreams and goals. For sure, being ethical is important but it has nothing to do with being successful and wealthy. Money is for those who earn it by using their dedication and smart minds.

Yeah, but it’s also a double-edged sword, because love for money can turn into your evil. Constant chase for money isn’t something that should be the goal of your in your life and I question the fact successful financial portfolio can bring the same emotions as loving someone, for example. One day everything’s green, then pow, and everything is red and you have lost the biggest love :slight_smile:
That is the reason money and love should be separate. Money is more about your work, about particular success, but love is more about your individuality.

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Your perspective is enlightening, and it’s great to hear how you balance things. Thanks for the wisdom :slight_smile:

Yes, I agree with you, when work becomes a hobby - it’s ideal. Unfortunately, in my case, it’s not like that. Finding a job that would be both a hobby and a source of income is a great fortune.

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Totally get that. It’s a rare gem to find work that feels like a hobby and pays the bills. Here’s to hoping we all find that sweet spot someday! :crossed_fingers::sparkles:

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What do you do, if it’s not a secret?

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Sure, no problem! I’m a freelance photographer. I love the freedom it gives me to be creative and capture life’s cool moments. Every day is a new adventure behind the camera!

Totally see your point! Sometimes we do clash on how to get things done. But I reckon if we chat it out and meet halfway, we can play to our strengths. Makes the teamwork thing not just faster, but also kinda fun.

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