Made 1000 pips last week using my trading systems

Yea, I will do a video on that. Sent you email back. Tuff times are coming for the whole world. At least I think so. US can become a third world country in a few years time. :eek:

Looks like eur/nzd can go above the channel upper line at 2.0330. If it goes, I go long at that price. News come out in 40 minute time. :rolleyes:

So far going up. gbp/nzd also looks tempting to jump into.

maybe you can whrite it down here why you think USA economy will go under. what will happen to Europe and so on what are you going to do about it ??

It scares me abit if you are right.

best regards

Ya. I will gather my thoughts and do that. Not today or tomorrow. Maybe at the weekend.

gbp/aud looks like a nice technical short. eur/aud might be good as well.

entered gbp/aud technical short. Stop is above 4hour chart at 1.8149 We will see what happens.

Closed with 83 pips of profit finally. Hope to start trading normally after New Year.
Going long in eur/usd at 1.4425. Technical trade as well.

yes but tell me more about your thouts about the event in 2 years please im verry qureious :cool:

best regards

I will try to drop a few thoughts now.
The second wave of economic meltdown will come in two years time for a few reasons. First, US is still an economic world driving engine and if it stops, the world will experience a dramatic economic crash.
It will definitely happen. Why? For about 100 years US has been increasing its debt. It tried to solve its debt by borrowing more. More debt of course, can not solve your debt. At the moment, US is hardly able to pay interest on debt, to say nothing of the debt itself. Well, somebody might say if it had such a large debt for 100 year, why not having it for another 100 years.
Well, for many years America was able to find somebody to buy its bonds and in this way finance its debt. China, Japan, Taiwan and other countries bought its bonds. If it continued America could last a little bit longer. Maybe 5-10 years. However, as of now, NOBODY IS BUING US bonds. Nobody trusts US bonds anymore. So, at the moment FED buing US treasury bonds. What a game! It won’t continue longer than 2 years. Eventually, FED will stop doing that.
What will happen after that. To solve the debt, America will have to develuate the dollar. The question is how much. The answer is: very much. Dollar has been falling for a number of years, but that is nothing compared to what is going to happen. Most countries are afraid to start selling those worthless bonds, but they will do it, and they will surely start getting rid of dollars. FED will be forced to publish more greenbacks in order to reduce the debt. When these two things start happening, the will be an absolute crash of US economy, at this will send a severe shock across the world.
The stage has already been set for that. Huge money were printed and distributed for bailouts, more trillions for other stimulus packages. We have to wait and see how inflation start gradually picking up and devouring America, because money that was printed and is going to be printed and delivered to the system will cause gradual inflation after a year or so, and if more money is going to be printed America could have a hyperinflation.
Europe is still heavily invested in the states and when US crashes many European countries will be severely affected. In the meantime most of European countries are building up their own debts and the way to get rid of them might be the same as for US, inflating their currencies and euro.
Britain is trying to solve its economic problems the way US does, so it will go under water pretty soon. Neither US nor GB are producing much stuff anymore, so there is going to be a big big crash.
Current economic pickup is just a dead cat bounce, since FED is trying to stimulate something that has to die. They are not creating jobs in manufacturing sector but in services sector, which means that money is spend and not made. Housing is also being stimulated, which is absolute nonsense. They have over 19 million houses unoccupied and they try to build more houses. More is thrown into the water. It will only create inflation.
Health care law that was prepared and voted for by the senate will crash insurance system in US.
All in all US will crash and after that become a socialist state with marxistic ideology. like it happen in Soviet Union. I will write more on that later.

ok i dont want you to think im correcting you or anything. But dont you think there is economic more smarter people than you and me that has solved this already also dont you think there are many people rich people also that have mutch to loose on this and will do everything they can to prevent this from happening ?

if you are right what will happen to usa europe and also sweden where im from ??

what will you do about this ??

best regards

Of course there are much smarter people than we. And they did a lot to solve the situation, but nothing really changed. And I hope you will agree that solve a debt with more debt is not very smart. And if Bernanke is nominated as an economist of the year for solving debt problem this way, it means that there are no more smart people in the government and media. To make it more simple: corrupt friends cover their corrupt friends. Why did Obama get Nobel prize? Would you have given him that? Would you have been so smart as to do that?
Gash, he has been escalating conflict in the middle east since his election day and night.
Those ‘smart’ economist were dead wrong every single time they opened their mouth. If you want to read what really smart economist say read more what Peter Schiff and Gerald Celente say. They predicted how housing market bubble will end. Why should we listen to people who have always been wrong. I have in mind Ben Bernanke in the first place.
I do not know how Scandinavia will go through the second wave, it depends how they solve current problems. Looks like they are much smarter than the rest of Europe and of course America.
Maybe they have learnt their lessons from the boom and crash in the nineties. But I am not sure.
In terms what we can do, I would advise to buy some physical gold and silver. That would be a protection from inflation and a possible hyperinflation.

ok so you really think that there will be no solution and the dollar will half its walue or more and some of the big europen contry will follow down what will happen next what country will benefits the most china ? maybe usa will start a war ?

best regards

There is always a solution. In terms of US, if they spent not more than they earned, this could solve their problem in the long term and economy will eventually start functioning normally. Now it does not. I read that since Obama came US spent 4 times more than it gathered in the budget. I think this ratio is even bigger now. But US does not try to solve economic problems by living according to their possibilities. They try to stimulate. Why not allow market to regulate itself. Now, they cover up bad guys who mismanaged banks, insurance companies, large corporations by giving tax money (paid by good people). So they rob those who work hard and try to be accurate in their business and giving money to financial crooks.
America will crash. So will the dollar. I do not know what ratio will be. It might be 1/10 with euro. Maybe even more.
Britain will follow the collapse. All eastern europe will go bankrupt (maybe baltic states first (that is where I am from) Greece, Spain, Italy, Austria will join the club. I think Germany will do best because it produces a lot and has a lot to sell. Norway might endure the crisis pretty well.
About war. Yes. We will have third world war. It will start in the middle east this time. And I think Russia will try to use the situation by occupying Ukraine, Georgia and Baltic states. Do not know about former Soviet block: BUlgaria, Poland, Chech republic, Hungary, Slovakia.
And of course, China and Russia will benefit most from the crises. I think so.

Fed: regulation 1st defense against speculation - Yahoo! News

Some of Bernanke’s ideas. And as you can see many economists waned FED about a possible recession that would housing bubble cause. Now they are warning about a possible second wave of inflation if interest rates stay at record lows.
And you can clearly see that the recovery that Bernanke is talking about is due to stimulus given to autos, banks and housing. When the stimulus is removed we could have a much worse situation developing than we had before stimulus packages were distributed.

yes lets see maybe they solf it somehow by borrow even more or by a war like that they like so mutch. You think it is going to be bad like in the 30´s or something depression ?

if you are whrong we still have the maya prediction that the earth will go under in 2012 december so i think we are doomed :slight_smile:

best regards

Also what will happen to forex as we know it today ??

best regards

Yes, I think it will be as it was in 30’s or even worse. Well, Mayans did not predict 2012 world end. It just we westerners interpreted it so.

It won’t exist. We are going to have something like world currency. I think so.

Ok. Holiday season is over. Back to my videos. Did one a few minutes ago.

if you dont here from me in a couple of days i have shoot myself :slight_smile:

is there nothing posetive about your prediction something to gain from it ??

will you please make a video about you technical trading i still dont get it.

best regards