My forex strategy that helps me pay all my bills: MarchFX

For nokjpy, see for yourself here


Yesterday, I sold xageur



I forget to post all my trades here, that is why, like this trade was done yesterday

I hope I will manage to post all signals here, although it is is very tiresome for me. :worried: :worried: :worried: :worried:

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No. I am not scalping

Very true. For intraday traders like me, the market doesnt provide clear directions on mondays

Yes, I place two orders to maximize profits.


I am sorr i didnt send thta text here, but it was a great success.


So your strategy “pays all your bills” with a 0.01 lot size?


lol. I guess you have blown up accounts severally,

$30 a day is more than I need to pay all my bills.

Furthermore, my long term strategy is to have people subscribe to my signals. I have several accounts. People that know how to identify good signal providers look at several things apart from monthly growth namely:

  1. Duration of the signal.
  2. maximum deposit load.
  3. maximum drawdown etc.

Those factors are my focus for now.

See what I am talking about below. Achieving 10% monthly growth and maintaining minimal drawdown is something. For now, my signal is not available to the public. after ten months of consistent growth, i will make it available to all.

What makes you think I’ve blown accounts? What did I say to indicate that?

So $30 a day. To achieve, you need 300 pips a day with 0.01 lots. And you take less than three trades a week.

Yeah, I’m calling BS on this one, champ.

Lol. Those who can, trade. Those who cant, sell signals. Maybe you’ll be the exception. :man_shrugging:t2:

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I am selling usdcad right now.


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