Pepperoni and pineapple please

Cable buy for me if less than 10.

The mpc minutes released show even the 2 members that were looking for more QE have changed their minds.

Even on the ground I’ve noticed managers painting a brighter picture of late, local newspaper headline this evening: ’ Local unemployment falls’.

The market has been noting this growth - EUR/GBP is a good indicator since EZ is GBP’s biggest trading partner.

Here is today’s BBC news on this:

BBC News - Bank of England upgrades UK growth forecast

[QUOTE=“peterma;535521”]Cable buy for me if less than 10.

The mpc minutes released show even the 2 members that were looking for more QE have changed their minds.

Even on the ground I’ve noticed managers painting a brighter picture of late, local newspaper headline this evening: ’ Local unemployment falls’.

The market has been noting this growth - EUR/GBP is a good indicator since EZ is GBP’s biggest trading partner.

Here is today’s BBC news on this:

BBC News - Bank of England upgrades UK growth forecast[/QUOTE]

Yep… Pound has been on a rampage… MPC minutes definitely provided more fundamental reasons for strength.

And there you go… No taper.

Money made on nzdusd long… I’m out.

I have the same ones , sometimes bases on tech and other times based on news.

I have the strangest feeling of deja vu. Did Banker get possessed by ICT’s ghost?

This is off the subject of forex. Although I could tie it in if I wanted.

When do you think stocks will crash? Or maybe better how long do you think QE can hold them up? I was really hoping for some tapering so I could find some good deals.


I have the strangest feeling of deja vu. Did Banker get possessed by ICT’s ghost?[/QUOTE]

Actually banker deleted 700 of his posts way before ICT had his meltdown.

So if anything… ICT got possessed by bankers ghost.

There is a clear difference in motivation between the two… But you would have to ask banker and ICT as I could only assume what their motivations were.

[QUOTE=“IyaJenkei;536016”]This is off the subject of forex. Although I could tie it in if I wanted.

When do you think stocks will crash? Or maybe better how long do you think QE can hold them up? I was really hoping for some tapering so I could find some good deals.[/QUOTE]

As Bernanke stated yesterday… “Monetary policy decisions will be entirely data dependent” … Which puts us in the strange situation where bad US data may boost stocks as it pushes tapering back.

However… Bernanke stressed that fiscal issues have a very real risk to the economy… Mainly the debt ceiling issue. If we see congress deadlock… Stocks will plummet… I’d say sometime between today and three weeks from now, stocks will hit a peak and start retracing.

I am one trade away from hitting $10k on this account… Once the trade closes I will post a screenshot. I will post the trade reports from April -September once September ends… And that will end my account updates… :slight_smile: $2k to $10k in 5 months on a real money account.

dude, go for the Million!!!

Lol 10K is where I will be combining this with my main account and I start over at 2K.

oh that’s too bad. I thought you’d take it to 50K or something. still a great accomplishment though

I always say a win is a win and this one is a very nice win ILovePizzaMore. It’s nice when a plan comes together. :slight_smile:

What about your main account? Do you trade the same strategy with smaller position? Or do you trade a different strategy?

And what is the sense of this type of account? Just for fun? To show off? Or are you being aggressive to earn money fast to fund your main account?

Don’t you think anyone could apply similar strategy to a main account? Or is it too risky?

Btw, Congratulation! You are a great trader and a great example for all of us! Thanks! :slight_smile:


What about your main account? Do you trade the same strategy with smaller position? Or do you trade a different strategy?

And what is the sense of this type of account? Just for fun? To show off? Or are you being aggressive to earn money fast to fund your main account?

Don’t you think anyone could apply similar strategy to a main account? Or is it too risky?

Btw, Congratulation! You are a great trader and a great example for all of us! Thanks! :)[/QUOTE]

I don’t really compound my main account very often… Maybe once or twice a year at the most.

I have my small accounts which I compound aggressively… Dump the winnings into my main account at a certain point… And reset them. I can get a smoother equity curve this way with less risk.

80% of the trades I make on my small accounts I also make on my main… Most of the differences revolve around position sizing and whether I average into certain trades that go against me… So yes you can trade this way on a larger account.

Pizza Man, you are an inspiration! I just opened a demo account with MT4 and look to execute your methodology next week.

Congrats, and keep on keepin’ on!

Really though – why did you go on a rampage with the delete key and whack all of your posts on this thread? :31:

[QUOTE=“JohnLeonard;537671”]Really though – why did you go on a rampage with the delete key and whack all of your posts on this thread? :31:[/QUOTE]

Had a “run in” with the forum newbies and mods…

My original intention for the thread was mostly self benefitting as I was using it mainly as a medium to record my trades and jot some thoughts…

There were a couple of members specifically that had shown interest in how I traded and I wanted to show them… I feel like 5 months is long enough for the targeted members to get what they needed to… They were following along and me deleting the info now won’t affect them… And most of the incoming new members seem more interested in the “free signals” and defending the signal providers who are merely using this as an advertising tool to really care to learn how to trade anyways… So it won’t affect them either.

I have just noticed it. I didn’t have time to reread the thread unfortunately.

So are you basically punishing the few interested people because of the ones that are not interested and/or are in the signal provider side? :slight_smile:

Strange choice but well, it is your thread and it is your choice. You must have your reasons and I am not here to question them for sure. Who am I in the end!?

However, I just wanted to say that all this situation was pretty normal for me. There are really few people around interested to become a self sufficient and profitable trader and invest the time required to become one. Most of the people are just looking for a way to invest their money and maybe looking for a free high return investment source like a free signal provide could be. Sometime they can maybe charge for it or they can charge for any extra services. And people maybe want pay for it.

What is the problem? Why are you fighting wars that are not yours wars?

Not everybody can be a trader. Neither they probably want to be one.