Questions about advertising and solicitation and forum rules


What do you mean “what if…” lol[/QUOTE]

Uh huh… Well apparently it’s all good if it generates site traffic.

I guess I was a bit more optimistic… Seemed like the creators of babypips had a bit more integrity then that. Disappointed in you guys. You blew this one.

I will not stop posting Horliques trades… If I have to simply post a link to his thread with a summary of his signals in my own words instead of simply re-quoting him then so be it. I will also be posting a screenshot of his profile that has his contact information with every signal to help the newbies in finding where to give him their business as well… Since you guys don’t mind him advertising in that fashion.

My latest trade based upon the signals is to sell audusd…

And buy eurcad

We are risking 1% on each trade.

I will update the trades as soon as the signals change or hit the SL or TP.

I can definitely understand your position, but you’ve been here since April of 2013. We’ve been dealing with situations just like this since 2006. Our moderators know a thing or two about how users interact with each other and they know we have policies in place to create an environment for learning and discussion. And the community, even new members, know when someone’s behavior is unacceptable.

When multiple complaints come in about your aggressive activity on this forum, not just from Horlique2, it says something about your “contributions”. We’re happy that you’re helping us weed out the bad members and snake oil salesmen. It’s one of the primary reasons we started the website. But it’s the aggression that we have a problem with.

Regarding Horlique2, he’s been given multiple infractions in the past, and his profile/visitor messages have been updated to reflect our policy. If he is in fact peddling his services, and we’ve given him notice about his behavior, and he still continues, then he won’t be here much longer.

That’s when we rely on members to use the report post feature. We’ve been pretty clear that this feature is the best way to get us to review a member and his/her activity. Thread battles and flame wars never end as expected.

Regarding your actions on Horlique2’s thread, we’re not against members referencing other members’ content. We’re not even against you trying to show whether a system performs or not, or if it’s utter crap. Your posts were deemed aggressive and harassing; hence my request for you to stop posting on that thread and referencing the same material. Had you simply posted your results and constructive feedback, we wouldn’t be here.

Regarding your assertion that “we protect commercial members” such as Harlique2 for our own gain, we’ll that makes no sense at all. We’ve had a handful of situations just like this in the past, very public, and almost always all parties involved end up leaving the website forever. Even members with honorary member status. That actually hurts us in the long run. Sure we might get a small surge in pageviews initially, but members and visitors are turned off by bickering and aggression and disrespect, and they too leave. And knowledgeable and active members/traders are always hard to replace. Plus, members tend to leave the website when situations like this (where there’s even just a hint of some commercial deal in place to make us millions of dollars) get drawn out and no action is taken. So there is a reason to make sure we get the scammers and peddlers out of here. But for us, if there’s some perceived value by even a minority of members regarding the offerings of this member, we let them decide whether they want to give up their attention and time to follow this member (as long as the member is following our policy).

Now that fact you’ve gotten sarcastic in this thread and said you’d basically do whatever you want to do, shows that you probably don’t care what I or our policy, or any other member as to say, and that’s fine. I or our moderators can’t change that. But we will enforce our policies. We’ve always made it clear that we expect respectful discussion, even when one of the parties involved might be a scammer or someone selling his snake oil. We’re pretty flexible most of the time, and often late to the game in certain situations, but when needed, we do step in. This is one such case.

As I’ve requested, please stop posting to Horlique2’s thread and referencing his posts to yours. If we receive complaints about Horlique2’s activity on the forums, we’ll take action just the same.

Let me know if you have any questions.



I can definitely understand your position, but you’ve been here since April of 2013. We’ve been dealing with situations just like this since 2006. Our moderators know a thing or two about how users interact with each other and they know we have policies in place to create an environment for learning and discussion. And the community, even new members, know when someone’s behavior is unacceptable.

When multiple complaints come in about your aggressive activity on this forum, not just from Horlique2, it says something about your “contributions”. We’re happy that you’re helping us weed out the bad members and snake oil salesmen. It’s one of the primary reasons we started the website. But it’s the aggression that we have a problem with.

Regarding Horlique2, he’s been given multiple infractions in the past, and his profile/visitor messages have been updated to reflect our policy. If he is in fact peddling his services, and we’ve given him notice about his behavior, and he still continues, then he won’t be here much longer.

That’s when we rely on members to use the report post feature. We’ve been pretty clear that this feature is the best way to get us to review a member and his/her activity. Thread battles and flame wars never end as expected.

Regarding your actions on Horlique2’s thread, we’re not against members referencing other members’ content. We’re not even against you trying to show whether a system performs or not, or if it’s utter crap. Your posts were deemed aggressive and harassing; hence my request for you to stop posting on that thread and referencing the same material. Had you simply posted your results and constructive feedback, we wouldn’t be here.

Regarding your assertion that “we protect commercial members” such as Harlique2 for our own gain, we’ll that makes no sense at all. We’ve had a handful of situations just like this in the past, very public, and almost always all parties involved end up leaving the website forever. Even members with honorary member status. That actually hurts us in the long run. Sure we might get a small surge in pageviews initially, but members and visitors are turned off by bickering and aggression and disrespect, and they too leave. And knowledgeable and active members/traders are always hard to replace. Plus, members tend to leave the website when situations like this (where there’s even just a hint of some commercial deal in place to make us millions of dollars) get drawn out and no action is taken. So there is a reason to make sure we get the scammers and peddlers out of here. But for us, if there’s some perceived value by even a minority of members regarding the offerings of this member, we let them decide whether they want to give up their attention and time to follow this member (as long as the member is following our policy).

Now that fact you’ve gotten sarcastic in this thread and said you’d basically do whatever you want to do, shows that you probably don’t care what I or our policy, or any other member as to say, and that’s fine. I or our moderators can’t change that. But we will enforce our policies. We’ve always made it clear that we expect respectful discussion, even when one of the parties involved might be a scammer or someone selling his snake oil. We’re pretty flexible most of the time, and often late to the game in certain situations, but when needed, we do step in. This is one such case.

As I’ve requested, please stop posting to Horlique2’s thread and referencing his posts to yours. If we receive complaints about Horlique2’s activity on the forums, we’ll take action just the same.

Let me know if you have any questions.


No… You caved in to a bunch of people who have less then 10 posts who reported me based on Horliques prodding… If you had taken the time to actually read my posts in Horliques thread you would have clearly seen the context… Quite frankly I don’t even think you had even opened Horliques profile to see the blatant advertising… Yet you “viewed” my profile (I can see that you did on my profile")…

It’s weird that he has “several infractions” … A warning … Then an infraction… Then the ban… thats process isn’t it? Why would he be given “several infractions”…?

I have been here longer then a year and have over 3K posts to this forum. You slap my wrist based on the reaction a commercial member evoked among his following based on me pointing out the rules you posted. Makes sense.

Lastly… I haven’t been posting to Horliques thread since he ignored me… As its impossible for me to… So why do you keep saying that I have continued to post on his thread…?

Ha Ha ha Ha Ha …oh pizza pizza pizza man …can you try and spend a bit more time on your 10 pip profit 500 pip stop strategy …I want to learn from you !!! you really sound a pretty cool trader and a great mentor … is that 10 pips including spread or do I have to add that and the same with my stop do I put my spread ontop of the 500 pips

[QUOTE=“freddypond;534417”]Ha Ha ha Ha Ha …oh pizza pizza pizza man …can you try and spend a bit more time on your 10 pip profit 500 pip stop strategy …I want to learn from you !!! you really sound a pretty cool trader and a great mentor … is that 10 pips including spread or do I have to add that and the same with my stop do I put my spread ontop of the 500 pips[/QUOTE]

Speaking about advertisers… How many infractions have you gotten for spamming the threads?

Don’t worry… I just went through my thread and heavily edited everything out :slight_smile: there is nothing there of any substance now. The forum is free for the newbs to have fun with their signal providers :slight_smile:

Like I stated earlier, we’ve had complaints fromseveral other members (with more than 10 posts) on several other occasions. Not just this one. There’s a pattern of aggression and rudeness. So ratherthan let it continue, I decided to ask you to stop. You weren’t given aformal warning or an infraction. You call it a hand slap, we call it a simple request. And whether amember has 1 post or 1000’s, it doesn’t change your behavior at the time of thereports. Plural.

Infractions,depending on severity, can expire. Some infractions are permanent. Horlique2 has/had a combination of the two. Horlique2 has beengiven infractions in the past, some more recent, and he received another today for continued policy violations after our requests for him to stop. He didn’t stop. So we banned him today.

We can go at this all day long, but it gets us nowhere. Horlique2 is no more, we’ve literally only asked you to stop being aggressive and rude, and that’s it. What you decide to do from here on out is your decision. We’ll stick to our policy and processes of enforcing it. You can respect that or not. We’ll understand either way and move on.



Like I stated earlier, we’ve had complaints fromseveral other members (with more than 10 posts) on several other occasions. Not just this one. There’s a pattern of aggression and rudeness. So ratherthan let it continue, I decided to ask you to stop. You weren’t given aformal warning or an infraction. You call it a hand slap, we call it a simple request. And whether amember has 1 post or 1000’s, it doesn’t change your behavior at the time of thereports. Plural.

Infractions,depending on severity, can expire. Some infractions are permanent. Horlique2 has/had a combination of the two. Horlique2 has beengiven infractions in the past, some more recent, and he received another today for continued policy violations after our requests for him to stop. He didn’t stop. So we banned him today.

We can go at this all day long, but it gets us nowhere. Horlique2 is no more, we’ve literally only asked you to stop being aggressive and rude, and that’s it. What you decide to do from here on out is your decision. We’ll stick to our policy and processes of enforcing it. You can respect that or not. We’ll understand either way and move on.


Do you understand where me, trying to post to someone’s thread who is breaking the rules (that you posted for the forum to follow) will be perceived as “rude and aggressive” to someone who is violating them? These complaints that you had received were regarding MAINLY the situation with Horlique2… (Sure I’ve called out other marketers, those were probably the other occasions you mention). What he perceived as me being aggressive, was me hassling him for being a commercial member… Advertising on the forum… And soliciting members for money to manage in his account… Again… It would have been fairly obvious what the context was with a simple read through of the reported posts that he (and the people he had asked to join him in reporting me) reported.

I created the thread to chart and review his performance to bring awareness to what he was doing… He ignored me on his thread… Which meant I could no longer post to his thread… Thats why i created it… Several of his followers (some of the ones who reported me for agressiveness) followed me to my thread and began posting more aggressive posts and I returned in a lesser degree.

It really was plain as day what he was doing… And I don’t think I was out of line in being aggressive with someone that was blatantly breaking the forum rules. The guy breaking the forum rules encouraged his followers to report me for calling him out… It’s that simple.

It boils down to “is advertising allowed”… If it is then there is no reason for me to care and I will not need to call out any transparent and insidious marketers as they come… Therefore all perceptions by the offender of me being “aggressive” will be avoided. His followers can skip along merrily and eventually hand him their money… And when they come back empty handed, their bad experience will be partly blamed on this forum… And the reputation will spread fast.

If its not… Then the guy who is calling them out shouldn’t be told to stop based on the guy who is breaking the rules reporting him… Lol. That makes zero sense… Send me a PM next time… “Hey… We are looking into this guy… You can relax now” … Instead you legitimized him by telling me to stop publicly.

Do you want someone who is pretty dang good at sniffing out the people using this site for marketing to bite his tongue? You told me to stop so I will stop… Mind you, Horlique2 made it 3 months and got over 100k views (and no doubt more then several customers from this site), and he would have continued on for many more months if it was not for me calling him out and being “aggressive”. There are and will be more like him.

Very interesting discussion.

But I think, it’s not necessary to protect newbies in this honorable way, as you do, though.
Each trader, even newbie, gets a feeling for ‘good’ and ‘bad friends’. If not, it’s probably
the same, who opens an account with leverage 1:400 and get it closed faster than opened.

Trading is a profession, which demands patience, calmness, discipline, discipline and discipline.
Included in this characteristics there is a bit tolerance too.

[QUOTE=“josch;535664”]Very interesting discussion.

But I think, it’s not necessary to protect newbies in this honorable way, as you do, though.
Each trader, even newbie, gets a feeling for ‘good’ and ‘bad friends’. If not, it’s probably
the same, who opens an account with leverage 1:400 and get it closed faster than opened.

Trading is a profession, which demands patience, calmness, discipline, discipline and discipline.
Included in this characteristics there is a bit tolerance too.

But he also is violating note 11 of basic rules for cross posting, not too mention being abrupt, rude etc on other threads. I think if Horlique has been banned then so he should be also!! At least Horlique was polite and was able to have a conversation with without being accused of stuff!

The guy breaking the forum rules encouraged his followers to report me for calling him out… It’s that simple.

Case in point…


But he also is violating note 11 of basic rules for cross posting, not too mention being abrupt, rude etc on other threads. I think if Horlique has been banned then so he should be also!! At least Horlique was polite and was able to have a conversation with without being accused of stuff![/QUOTE]

It all comes down to Horlique2 is the first one who violate the rules of BP for advertising and soliciting. If Pizza didn’t do what he did, he could have been still here posting and building his own business to attract new customers. Though, there are so many back and forth bantering that are very rude for both and other valued followers of Holique2 not just Pizza…so it does create some distraction in the forum/thread…

Unfortunately, some folks do not know how to accept criticism and how to response to it in calm manner but what can we do… True, we cannot protect newbie from scammers or from those who are doing advertising… It is there own choice but it is still good to look at both side if it is makes sense by providing a " constructive" opinion to balance out…

Horlique wasn’t banned… He just post on his thread…

This is not an issue about whether advertising is allowed. It’s clearly obvious that it isn’t. The issue we’re discussing now is your behavior. The fact that you keep questioning our actions regarding this situation and particularly how we view the way you interact with others is evidence enough that you don’t think you’re doing anything wrong. That’s the real issue. Like I’ve said plenty of times, your behavior has been reported basically since you started posting in April. It’s not recent. And as much as a Horlique2 might tarnish our reputation, you’re behavior towards other members is just as bad for our reputation. You say he’s made it 3 months, you’ve made it 6 months. Both of you bring/brought value with your offerings, but like we told Horlique2 after we banned him, membership comes at a cost - the cost is adhering to our forum policy. We gave you the benefit by requesting you simply change your tone. We gave Horlique2 more than enough chances to stop his blatant advertising even after contacting him several times. He didn’t, so we banned him.

You’re still here. Members and visitors find some value in some of your posts. That’s the good. But your treatment of many other members is completely disrespectful, regardless of their motives. And your actions of changing your posts to utter nonsense is yet another sign of just poor behavior. Juvenile might be a better word.

The educational and experienced half of ILovePizzaMore can stay. The rude and aggressive half has to go. You choose which one you want to be. We’ll choose which one stays.


I’m aggressive because I care… And I know what it takes to make a lot of money doing this. I will care less and that will solve the issue of my posts getting flagged by people who are put off by having someone disagree with them. :slight_smile:

I suggest you report everything to the admin. They know what they’re doing.

Keep calm and Report. :slight_smile:

Someone who only dedicates to troll and insult arround and now complains because is receiving his own medicine. Well, kinda poethic don’t you think? You have dedicated a lot of effort in pissing me off, even you ruinned my last thread because you wanted to be the knight of civil rights but prior to that you insulted all latins in a very awful way and nobody banned you.

I have seen this happen on another website which I will reffer only as FXCrap. Many good old members decided to leave because of people like you.

You don’t accept criticism, when someone tries to make you notice you start your troll and bann campaing. So don’t complain. And please stop bothering everyone.

And what about insulting and harasement??? You are a master of both.

[QUOTE=“Mr Gone;536178”]Someone who only dedicates to troll and insult arround and now complains because is receiving his own medicine. Well, kinda poethic don’t you think? You have dedicated a lot of effort in pissing me off, even you ruinned my last thread because you wanted to be the knight of civil rights but prior to that you insulted all latins in a very awful way and nobody banned you.

I have seen this happen on another website which I will reffer only as FXCrap. Many good old members decided to leave because of people like you.

You don’t accept criticism, when someone tries to make you notice you start your troll and bann campaing. So don’t complain. And please stop bothering everyone.[/QUOTE]

You have called more people" idiots" then anyone I’ve seen… You reference wanting to kill people and slap people numerous times in one of your threads… You have even used the “n” word (racial slur). I know for a fact your posts have received more complaints then mine. Where mine may be aggressive, yours have been down right offensive.

Here are some examples.

[QUOTE=“Mr Gone;528488”]With Muggles I am making reference to people who does not have a f word in geruind idea of what trading is.

With this thread I am asking you to share all the crap you must deal with everyday that makes you wanna kill muggles.

[QUOTE=“Mr Gone;528488”]
I have a coleague who always is making fun of me, when he stretches out of line I say “OK let’s settle outside”, I am much bigger than him so he finnally shuts up but he is always saying “Oh why don’t you buy FB or buy EUR it is rising.” I always respond “really?”. Normally he is making fun of me because most of my trades are losers and he cannot believe I am still making money and also makes fun of me because another coleague is always making more than me but that other idiot does not protect his account, yes he does not use SL.

[QUOTE=“Mr Gone;530317”]
It really makes me wanna kill Muggles.[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=“Mr Gone;528940”]Another reason why I wanna kill Muggles: They all caomplain all the time. I am sick of it.[/QUOTE]

Well how about being so negative all the time… Posting depressing comments… Advising a voodoo and mental psyche strategy, etc… What do you think about that …sir?

P.S: You will be the luckiest Man if I did harass you :wink: lol

You know it was not a racial statement but you have found a perfect excuse for trolling. Have you ever watched GI JAne??? When the black GI says to the female recruit “You are the new negro in the block”, and by the way I have said fagged and that is an insult to those with a differnt orientation, but no, you only care for black people… Anyway, in my early days my mentor told me “You are an idiot”, today, the best words I’ve ever heard.