Political Opinion

The proposal for a $15 an hour minimum wage is all but dead after the Senate ruled it cannot be passed under Budget Reconciliation provisions, so in all likelihood the Republicans would block the stimulus package if this remained part of it.

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Aye, looks short term dead - would need 60 votes going that route - Speaker still not giving up.

After yesterday and the bond and stock selling at least things settling down right now - for now that is.

Wonder will the Fed have something to say before the weekend.

There are still ways to watch and listen to reality - even when U-Tub decides that knowledge is hateful - Well worth the watch and quite a lot of levity amongst the condemnation of vice and the expression of the virtuous !

Make a note of the website !

Oh and apparently the Pareto principle actually applies in the OFFICIAL statistics - in a way you will find horrific ! :broken_heart:

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Sorry mate I didn’t see that one - but the logic is pretty much incorporated in my “Filosify” post - sorry for not acknowledging :slightly_smiling_face:


Phone Records Prove House Sergeant-at-Arms DID Ignore Pleas for Backup: Capitol Police Chief

This cracks me up. Love it.

:joy: :joy: :joy: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:




Dr. Seuss quotes

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”

Wot yer sayin’ ? :thinking:

I like the lotus eaters. Great Podcast. I cannot believe that woman makes 150K a MONTH doing raunchy photos on the internet. Seriously I’m in the wrong game. :star_struck: :joy:




I is not saying nufing cause ya freeeking mee out.


Political Opinion from Uncle Jesse Duke (Willie Nelson)
from the film The Dukes of Hazzard

Uncle Jesse: What happens when a politician takes Viagra?

Bo: I don’t know. What happens?

Uncle Jesse: He gets taller.


This troop deployment based on a manufactured threat reminds me of this movie plot. Is this really what we are becoming


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My favorite leftist Jimmy Dore was on Tucker Carlson, see his rant in the first 4 min. of video. You will not see this on CNN or MSNBC

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borrowing a line from Yoda, " Begun, the Clone War has"

borrowing a line from Padme " so this is how liberty dies"


If that’s freeeking ya out - take a look at what @Dennis3450 says here ;

Then ponder a while on what Andy Ngo has to say to Callum here ; [I assume you know who ‘Andy Ngo’ is ]

[… It’s odd how thoughts come together … but I cannot help wondering … “Are WE the Kulaks … ?” ]




82% Nutters ! :roll_eyes:

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Yes I saw that poll. Even here in Australia you speak to people about Trump and Biden and they cannot tell you what Biden’s policies are and how better America will be under his presidency, all they can say is how glad that Trump is no longer President.

Hatred is everywhere. That episode of the Lotus Eaters about Antifa should be an eye opener for anyone who believes that they are critical thinkers.




I don’t think even biden could say what “biden’s policies are” ! - Depends on who is paying out the cash ! - I have a ‘Quasi in-law’ who is “one of them !” - and the best she can do is dance about and chant about “orange man” - and she’s a woman oin her '40’s ! (Evangelising Vegan of course - she’s caught the “Virtue signal virus” big time ! :rofl: :roll_eyes: )

That poll is a complete shocker though - The triviality and underlying irrelevance of what they have been indoctrinated with is very difficut for a Normal person to even comprehend !

Agreed - I’m thinking quite seriously of buying the book.

Here’s a take on the whole sad “Hate and virtue” fiasco - This is pretty depressing stuff - looked at from a direction we have not consdered - but which seems to be coming apparent as we speak ! - They are both “Lefties” and the “solutions” they sort of discuss at the end reflect that - Although Bret does try to hold the guy’s enthusiasm within bounds a little. They do seem to nail the problem well though and lengthy as it is - i commend it beacuse it examines stuff we really need to know -

"What do you trust - Me or the evidence of your own eyes ? "

(And your answer is Wrong ! ) :thinking: