Political Opinion

And back to @Blackduck s comments on critical thinking ! (or lack of ability to do it ! )

Completely over their heads ! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

One dimensional thinking !

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Really, then how do you explain Brexit, the election of Donald Trump, and the rise of Bitcoin. They are not laughing, they are scared and taking desperate actions.

Again, what side are you on?

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Do you have a thread on Bitcoin @Dennis3450 - if you do - I suggest we take this over there - If not I’m quite happy to take it over to my Bitcoin to fall of a cliff thread ?

Shame to lose this in the “Swamp” this thread has become :slightly_smiling_face:

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The vaccine was being peer-reviewed publicly as early as July 1, 2020. You can search Pfizer’s public press releases back to the same month where they discuss the vaccine candidate and a sale to the Japanese government of 120 million doses. It didn’t receive fast track status with the FDA until sometime in July, but that was public knowledge. So one can assume the US gov’t knew about it earlier than that.

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[My emphasis]

He’s right of course @Dennis3450 [Even ignoring - as we have to to make sense of the statement] - WE as individuals can change very little - BUT we can still point out the truth (as indeed his posts do - to a linited extent) - BUT rather than just capitulating and accepting the crud

“You will own nothing and you will be happy”

We can indeed retain our sanity and we can (currently) speak our piece and share our thoughts.

There are other ways of looking at this thing though - Rather than the confrontational and abusive way in which the little Bot puts it -

Young men and boys are already refusing to be sucked in - as the participation in “University” :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: -And the fact that “marriage” has fallen off a cliff - Clearly demonstrate :slightly_smiling_face:

  • Nice one lads !

Here is an alternative and logical view I found yesterday - from a lad who is highly intelligent and somewht forthright :grinning:

"Let the fools find out the hard way "

After they destroy their own lives !


Who is John Galt ?

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Well of course I do

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Ok mate - why don’t you pull that video over there and we can move it on together ?

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The US is a better country tonight by this news, but I am sure this swamp monster will just crawl back to the rock biden pulled her form and will continue to do her evil work behind the scenes


look like your still hurting, it’s very hard to reply to your comment because i can’t stop laughing at your name. anyway enjoy your thread

your moving up in the world as a honorary member, your dream have come true

Popcorn ? :parrot:

Yes I’m sure it would be - if you were real little Bot !

However to concentrate the mind it was

“One dimensional thinking” :wink:

So now we have “Trigger Warning” in a news article , Paul is right about the Weak men


you starting to feel better? no more whining you promise :rofl:

does anyone know what this wet match is talking about

Oh that’s a whole new ball game - Men now 50% less testosterone than 1960 - do your own research on “Fertility”

2035 - “Western male totally infertile”

so as far as the feminazis are concerned - "Islam is right about women " ! xx

Popcorn anyone ?

Who is John Galt ?

so we will become a race of women only, that worked out well in Jurassic Park

only if you feel like a woman, there is nothing stopping you from being a man, although a complaining man you are.

Nah - mate !

Most of those Black “BLM” Women believe in this - :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Except they’re around IQ 71 :rofl: :rofl:

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a weak man will complain about anything to make themselves feel manly , the problem is men who feel inferior to women.
