Political Opinion

let it go dennis :v:

gladly but you are the one stocking me, how about we agree to ignore each other

no comprende

Interesting when reading what these Cultists write - that it is and has been through the thread, impossibe to tell whether they are 12 year old kids or PhD Sociologist lecturers !

Such is the quality of their argument and capacity of their thought !

Such is the measure of how our education system is failing our children

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no comprende :rofl:

you are right our education is failing our children, i remember when kids wanted to grow up and make a difference in the world, now they go on forums crying and complaining about the world

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More broken promises, good to see yahoo news pointing this out,

Note: that 1.9 trillion stimulus bill, could have gone to pay every American ( age 18 to 65) a $1,000 a month UBI every month for the rest of the year. Instead, we will get a one-time payment of $1,400


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politicians will be politicians haven’t you learn that yet, what seems like an easy fix is not all that easy

Paul, I think this belongs to you, it is for catching fish, right


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I think we can argue the wisdom of everyone getting a $1400 stimulus payment?
Oh, everyone includes prison inmates and illegal aliens.

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Some how I don’t think “wisdom” was every a requirement.

If the check went to the victims of those prisoners I would be fine with that

Just how do you send a check to illegal aliens, would not a legal address and Social Security number be needed

It’s almost like you are implying that they know who and where they are…
And, I’m sure, many(most?) have SS#'s.


That would be stolen SS#, huge black market for stolen SS#, and it is a mess when you go to file your taxes only to find out someone has already filed a return under your SS#

and if they didn’t know who and where they are how would they send them voting instructions

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Another left-leaning newspaper calling out biden

The Philadelphia Inquirer is the third oldest newspaper in the country

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thank you :+1:, now back to your politics

My favorite leftist comedian Jimmy Dore calling out biden and democrats

Here is a fact I did not know, The IRS is using your 2019 tax return to determine if you will get a stimulus check, so if you lost your job in 2020 because of the covid government shutdowns you may not be getting a check, how stupid.

They should be giving this check to everyone, then require high-wage earners to pay it back on their next tax return. If this Sick Minded Zombie can figure this out, why can’t congress

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Do you think they are hiding something


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Actually, Dennis, they will use your 2020 tax return, if filed. If not, they will use your 2019 tax return to check for eligibility.


That still leaves a lot of eligible people in the cold, and as you said prisoners and illegal aliens don’t seem to have these limitations

What is wrong with overshooting (give everyone the check) then taking it back from high earners on next years tax filling,

And I stand by my call for a $1000 a month UBI, that 1.9 trillion would have covered it, They could have done this in a 2-page bill, not 1500

I heard one senator was going to force them to read the whole bill, do you know if that ever happen

Take care

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Think that was Johnson from WI? Not sure if they read the whole thing, but a bunch of it.