Political Opinion

Ok so what does that mean to you?

She supported Palestinian rights, not Hamass.

Are Palestinians civilians not entitled to any rights and should be killed due to Hamas?

I call and double the raise.

I guess you’d have to ask the Palestinians who allowed Hamas to control them all these years?

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When you go to war, you don’t kill civilians or commit genocide; you are no different than Hitler.

Palestinians rights was taken away years ago, way before any conflict and that’s what most people are fighting for

You are right. Israel is evil.

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Once again, I ask, how did they go from peace to this current state of chaos?

Historical photos show life in Palestine before the withdrawal of British troops in 1948

Palestine had a successful importing and exporting industry at the beginning of the 20th century.

The expansion of railroads throughout Palestine to neighboring countries helped the region’s growth in business.

The British occupation of Palestine created tension amongst citizens and soldiers.

Despite moments of heavy tension and conflict within Palestine during British occupation, life and commerce continued. Historical photos offer a glimpse into everyday life in Palestine before the withdrawal of British troops.

In the 1920s, Jerusalem started to become an important commercial center.

In the 1920s, Jerusalem grew its reputation as a key commercial center, in tandem with the coastal cities of Jaffa and Gaza, which helped with the importing and exporting of goods.

Palestine became a trading hub, trading soap, grain, and cotton to Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.

Gaza and Jaffa imported goods from Egypt, Istanbul, China, India, and France.

Palestine utilized the new influx of commerce to build roads and railroads that connected Jerusalem to other ports and cities.

Historical photos show life in Palestine before the withdrawal of British troops in 1948

We have a war about to be unleashed in the Middle East, which appears it may escalate in to a conflict involving Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, United States and maybe even other Gulf Nations…

It will have a devastatingly upward impact on global energy prices…

Under the Trump Admiration the United States had become Oil Independent. Surviving on it’s own drilling and shale operations…

Then the Biden Administration came in and smashed the United States Energy Independence by cancelling Fossil Fuel enterprises and instead… Purchasing Oil form the global markets…

Everyone, especially the media in the US has taken their eye off the ball and is probably unaware that the STR (Strategic Oil Reserves) in the US have been dangerously depleted down to just 17 days supply… (Lowest level in 45 years!!)

It was at 20 days supply when I raised the alarm a few weeks ago…

OPEC have been cutting production since March 2023… Petroleum across the globe has been steadily rising even before this latest conflict… I’ve been long on Oil since $82.60 a barrel as a hedge against paying $2.22Ltr ($7.45Gal!!) at the pump in Australia…

Petrol (Gas) and Diesel is the life blood of the American economy… Trucking, Freight, Distribution of goods that makes America tick will increase dramatically and, with most in the US driving gas guzzling trucks and large cars… The cost of living can only go North from here…

If Iran retaliates against Israel… Oil will skyrocket… I wouldn’t be surprised to see back to north of $100 a barrel…


Name one

These protesters should go to Israel and meet ham-ass face to face, they would soon learn just who is committing genocide against who

Talk about retards, do they really think Democrat leaders have any influence over what ham-ass does I wonder if they would be protesting if it was their children being killed or held hostage


Happy Monday morning everyone, how about a topic that does not involve genocide for a moment

I am figuring out what my SS check will look like after the COLA and Medicare increase. When paying benefits SS will round down to the nearest dollar. This is a big hit for me next year as my new benifit should be $1XXX.988 , So I am losing that 98.8 cents each month This rounding down will cost me $11.86 next year, while if they had just rounded up it would had cost the government 14 cents for the year.

We the People lose again

Okay, that is my rant for the day, you can go back to debating whom is genociding who

Deleted by me.

Dennis, I’m going to digress here and move on from this war, for now

It’s further distressing how much Qatar is involved with Hamas.

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My thanks to the person who sent me that information to read. I’ve done my research and cross-references, and everything was 100% right on.

In addition to what I already know and have learned through history, I will probably read it again and again.

Dennis. I didn’t see what the Medicare increase would be. You got the number?

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I knew you would tell that lie, you can’t just give your “Political Opinion” you have to make everything personal

For the record, I have offered several solutions that do not require killing everyone, where are your solutions?

Premium goes up too 174.70 for 2024,
2024 COLA is 3.2% ( name one thing that has only gone 3.2%)

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Moving on Buddy, I’m going to take a different approach with you. :+1:

The cycle can continue, but now is the time for a change.

how about you don’t take any approach with me or anyone else on this thread,

State your political opinion and move on

If you don’t like someone else’s opinion then give your alternative point of view and leave it at that,

You just seen my approach with you. anyways

Thanks. I am paying $329.70 per month for Medicare in 2024, because I sold my biz in 2022. Since I made “too much money” that year it went from what it was ($170ish?) to $329.70. $174.70 sounds better comparatively! The 8.whatever % increase we got last year was off set by the $180 increase in Medicare for me.

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The government is very good at punishing people who work hard and prosper

I am trying to deal with the SS tax torpedo, where for every dollar I take from my IRA, I have to pay taxes on $1.85

My advice to those not yet retired and still contributing to a 401K, STOP! and start putting all your retirement savings in to IRA Roth account, you will be glad you did

Our Government sucks, but at least they are not ham-ass

My apologies for not knowing you guys were senior citizens, Things can be tough for seniors. I also thought many of you guys trade for a living.