Political Opinion

Should they stop supporting the Democrat party

Why do Jewish Americans vote Democrat?

Whether you like him or not, President Donald Trump wears Israel on his sleeves.


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So this means 95% of Jewish lawmakers in congress are Democrats , does anyone here believe that 95% of all Jews living in America are Democrats? I would think not, meaning a large number of Jews are not being properly represented in congress

I agree “Sad”

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I would love to be a fly on the way to hear the behind-closed-doors conversation that led to this decision.

Make that conversation public and even democrats would support impeachment

Fact, It just mean 95% of Jews In congress are Democrats, also most Jews in America support democrats

Halie Soifer, CEO of the Jewish Democratic Council of America says there’s no indication of a major shift. She points to a new poll released Thursday by the Jewish Electorate Institute, in which 74% of Jewish voters said they approve of Biden’s handling of the war.

“There is a misconception that is out there regarding Jewish voters that somehow because Republicans have tried to politicize this, that Jewish voters may be leaving Democratic Party or may be leaving their support of President Biden amid this crisis,” she said. “And that is patently false.”

Half of US’s 25 most generous philanthropists are Jews. Few give to Jewish groups

12 billionaires with Jewish backgrounds appear on list of America’s ‘most generous givers’ who donated a collective $27 billion in 2022

Jews made up nearly half of America’s biggest philanthropic donors last year, according to a calculation by Forbes of who gave the most money away in 2022.

In a year that saw their fortunes take a hit amid declines in the stock market, America’s 25 “most generous givers” donated a collective $27 billion, up from $20 billion in 2021, for a lifetime total of $196 billion, according to Forbes. They included 12 billionaires with Jewish backgrounds — a dramatic overrepresentation when compared to the proportion of Jews in the overall US population.

The Jews on the list include financier George Soros, who gave away at least $300 million to racial justice and humanitarian work in Ukraine and other causes; businessman and former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg with $1.7 billion in donations to charter schools, clean energy, and fighting heart disease; and Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, whose charity donated more than $900 million, with much of the money going to fund research into artificial intelligence and genomics at universities.



Another fly on the wall moment, I can just imagine the behind close doors conversation that led to this.

My personal opinion, any of Iran’s money held by the US should had been paid to the 52 Americans held hostage 444 days by Iran back in 1979-1981

But my government had a different opinion


They was suppose to get paid $4.4 million, That was $10,000 for every day they was held hostage

The 52 hostages were unable to seek restitution from Iran due to the Algiers Accords. However, the United States paid the hostages $50 per day for every day they were captive, amounting to just over $22,000 or about $75,000 today, adjusted for inflation. They also helped pass a bill to receive $4.4 million each in 2015, but payouts didn’t begin until 2020 and have been scarce since. Regardless of any compensation or recognition, the hostages suffered tremendously, both psychologically and physically.

Algiers Accords

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and then we have this


I cannot be the only one to see how wrong this is

Surely, if you have problems with the U.S. giving aid to Ukraine, you would have the same problem with the U.S. giving aid to Israel over American citizens, In the current conflict in Israel.

Other countries have always been more important than the American people, history should tell you that.

In terms of importance, what is more important at this moment, the American people or the Wars in Ukraine and Israel?

The American People, hands down

What is everyone’s vote one this?

In Congress, The American people are not the most important at this moment.

Very same question was asked on March 11th 1941 - only it was war in Europe vs the American ppl.

FDR came up with Lend-Lease - his battle was with isolationism in the US - why should we get involved in another European war?

It ended up at a value of circa $50 bn - around $720 bn in today’s money.

In terms of importance, what is more important at this moment, money or not living under the yoke of a dictator(s).

President Roosevelt did not get to see how his vision of money changed the lives of so many people not only in Europe but the entire world - then again very likely he has.

Lend-Lease - Wikipedia

Lend-Lease effectively ended the United States’ pretense of neutrality which had been enshrined in the Neutrality Acts of the 1930s.

It’s good to see they are attempting to improve the immigration system , but I’d love to know the details of that, most likely a band aid to a much more serious problem.

Congress to approve additional aid for Ukraine and Israel by Christmas

Leaders of the US Congress hope to mobilise the voices for additional aid for Ukraine and Israel, as well as for the improvement of the immigration system, by Christmas.

Details: Chuck Schumer, the Senate majority leader, has made it clear that approving the additional aid will be a priority for him between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

He stressed that American lawmakers would start working on the bills about the aid for Ukraine and Israel, as well as on the immigration package, which must facilitate resources for border security.

Michael McCaul, Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, who is an ardent supporter of financing Ukraine and Israel, regularly gets in touch with Michael Johnson, spokesperson of the Chamber of Representatives, concerning the additional aid.

McCaul has recently returned from a trip to Israel and stated that the Israeli leaders insist that the US supply Israel with necessary aid as soon as possible.

Congress to approve additional aid for Ukraine and Israel by Christmas

My understanding was the House wanted separate funding bills?

That was the case, What happen? or are we heading for a showdown

Congress faces fierce battle over Israel, Ukraine aid

While both chambers moved quickly last week to pass bipartisan legislation averting a government shutdown, they left assistance for the two war-torn countries up in the air.

House Republicans passed $14.3 billion in Israel aid earlier this month, and newly installed Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) has vowed to back separate legislation combining Ukraine assistance with tougher security measures at the U.S.-Mexico border.

But the Republicans’ Israel bill included cuts in IRS funding — a non-starter with Democrats in the Senate, where the proposal was dead on arrival. And the notion of providing more funding to Ukraine has grown increasingly unpopular within the House GOP conference, presenting Johnson with the dilemma of how — or whether — he intends to bring that bill to the floor.

So, in other words, it’s “paid for”?! No, no, can’t have that! Thank you Senate.

What’s the point of beating around the bush when you can simply say what you want to say?

What? The Senate stinks?

Again, just say what you really wanna say.

I’m not sure what you want me to say? That they should be separate bills and paid for?
THERE! I said it…sheesh…