Political Opinion

It gets funnier with time.

Stay toon - stick around and wait because something more is coming.

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Speaking of University… He’s someone that didn’t even pay attention to Trailer Park Tutorials

“Stay Tuned…”

lol. I haven’t said a word to you, but the floor is yours :+1:

Funny you should mention think… Any immediate plans? Also not sure @SmallPaul is my soulmate, but like I said. This is getting more and more entertaining, so please do not start thinking just yet… :upside_down_face:

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@WeRideAtDawn@SmallPaul sure isn’t blowing me love hearts every time I post…

would that be the same as you blowing love hearts to Dennis3450 every time he post. :rofl: :rofl:

@ WeRideAtDawn, I told you :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

@SmallPaul Sure do… Because Dennis posts information that is critical to the masses… Not the Drivel you post… Taxing the middle class into oblivion is a global phenomena…

Not really an issue for Trailer Park trolls like yourself…

In Victoria (Australia) we have had 52 additional taxes added in the last 10 years under a our Leftist Labor Government… So taxation is a serious matter to some of us that are paying attention…

My favourites are when posts include hillarious excerpts from far, far right media, and present that as the only, God given throuth. But I also enjoy the 30 minutes+ videoes where absolute pillars of society explain what is happening. I take for granted that every visitor in here watches from start to finish, so they really get it. I mean, where else would they get their viewpoints and lunch arguments? Listening to an entire DJT speach? No one is that suicidal.

Might be missing the point here, but you think supporting DJT will lead to less taxes in Victoria, Australia?

@WeRideAtDawn Please ohh please link one of these posts… hillarious… Spelt hilarious

Taxing the middle class into oblivion is a global phenomena… Struggling with reading and writing…

No it doesn’t, but in his sick mind it does

Sure you are glued to Fox and Breitbart, so seems redundant…

With the risk of swearing in the holy church of DJT, will you vote for him for President if he is convicted of a crime? Simple yes or no. @Trendswithbenefits we have your response registered.

@WeRideAtDawn Looks like you are all piss and wind… Never heard of Breitbart…

You don’t have a clue what hard right is… Far, far right media :rofl: :rofl:

Well, you live and learn. It is tailored for you.

As a result, he is more focused on another man’s country than his own

I think you are right, you are struggling with reading and writing. But that is ok. But you should not believe all you hear, is all.

@SmallPaul Just like your Norwegian NATO protected soulmate…

Always enjoy debating with children… No… no… You are struggling with reading and writing…

Is that my focus? I focus on America and what’s going on with America, IS THAT HARD TO UNDERSTAND

Bombshell! I am Norwegian… And proudly so. My thoughts and opinions have to do with the leaders of the worlds only superpower. I do not cry over our extreme taxes, and blame Biden. Or the US. Nor do I complain over how US politics affect Europe. I argue that the worlds only superpower is about to be run by a maniac. I believe that is a global right…