Political Opinion

@WeRideAtDawn Talk rubbish and I’ll call you out… Please provide a link to this claim… You’re starting to post the crap that @SmallPaul is renowned for…

Trump plays are hard game of negotiation… He knows Russia hasn’t got the resources or desire to invade Europe… It’s you morons that take these comments at face value…

Trump just want’s NATO’s European nations to pay for their own protection… Why should the United States do all the heavy lifting…???

The US economy boomed under Trump… It was China that got it’s panties in a bunch because a global leader asked them to import under the same tariff protection that the Chinese demand…

You have to know what you are talking about if you want to post in this thread…

I think there is one key factor that outsiders cannot comprehend. And that is your country being overtaken, occupied and ruled by an enemy. I did not experience it, but it is engraved in every European. Your nationality is taken away, you are not allowed to be you, you cannot move around freely. Even I, born long after the war, heard these stores, and it formed us. As it did the Norwegian resistance, one of the strongest in Europe during the war. What they experience in Ukraine is what we experienced, except we were actually invaded. We lost our nation. For 5 years. That is impossible to comprehend. Imagine not being allowed to celebrate July 4. No show of a US flag. Speak a wrong word, off to concentration camps. So excuse me if I want a sane, reasonable man, who can administer the only superpower. As opposed to a 6-year old with a daddy issue.

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This discussion is moving fast! Love it! Apologies if I reply to a previos post!

@WeRideAtDawn The Ukraine has been destroyed… 600,000 killed, probably millions maimed by bombings and fighting… The Ukraine is no longer a Nation… It’s a warzone… With more dying everyday… All under the watchful eye of the Biden Administration…

“Clever countries shouldn’t get into fights they can possible lose…”

Even Norway wasn’t decimated to the extent of the Ukraine… Total civilian and military deaths only mounted to 9,500-10,000 during that 5 years…

You continue to snipe with identity politics… Your hatred of Trump is all consuming…TDS…

I think he’s arrogant… A buffoon… A showman… A womaniser… But he is better for the US Economy… The people of the United States and the free world as a whole than a dementia riddled old man who’s unaccountable handler’s and back room operator’s are calling the shots…

I stated what i had to state, i can never show him any respect, the floor is now you two

Anti freeze. This happened, I believe he even said to drink it?
DJT does not know Russia, just like he does not know anything. Russia do not have the resources today, but they will in a few years. Helped by China and North Korea. The fact that DJT is questioning the US support of Europe means Russia will increase their efforts in building an army that can attack. Biden would ensure this does not happen, DJT likes Putin and will let him.
Europe doses pay for their protection, what about Aussie? I do not know, just asking. Also, if Europe falls, how long after do you think Aussie, NZ, Pacific, Africa. Europe is first line of defence , US is second (geographically). How long if Europe falls?

Prove it… So much is published about what trump says is absolute BS…

Joe Biden: On COVID-19, Donald Trump said that “maybe if you drank bleach you may be okay.”

PolitiFact’s ruling: Mostly False…

@WeRideAtDawn We pay a price through absolute support of the US… We fought alongside the United States Military 1000’s of kilometres from home… WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War 1, Afghanistan, Somalia, Gulf War 2… Counter-ISIL in Iraq/Syria…

Which is more than could be said for many of the European Nations…

This is outragous. “No longer a nation”. Ask the Ukranians, who were under the Soviet repression. Their nation taken away by the very same who are bombing them. And I want say this in the strongest way possible: You are an idiot when quoting “Clever countries…” I question your sanity. They were attacked. Living down under where it is all beers and palm trees have messed you up.

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“for many of”. And still you are making your arguments like DJT puppet

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@WeRideAtDawn Lost interest in your “Anti freeze. This happened, I believe he even said to drink it?” quote have you… Facts are the best antiseptic to heal septic and misleading viewpoints…

So… You’d rather see your family killed… Your village destroyed… Your life ruined than live under the rule of Russia… The Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union for decades after WW2… 18% of Ukrainian’s identify as Russian’s. Your confected outrage is making you look silly…

There you go again.… No proof… Just soundbites… Your US University tenure has done your critical thought processes no good at all…

Are you saying the European countries did not fight back? We were the ones invaded, I think it has been proven that most did repell. Proof? I know Trumpists do not belive in facts and history, but this is quite extensively documented. You said yourself that Aussies fought, is that also questionable?

@WeRideAtDawn What… You know… just like Trump definitely said to ingest Anti-Freeze…

Once again… Please provide a link to these quite extensive documents of altered reality…

Come on… Give it a rest… Your anger is clouding your ability to debate rationally…

Why do we (the US, NATO) want your support? When you ask a question like that, you have never been in the situation. The answer is YES! You do all you can for your country and the freedom of your land! Everyting. You are suggesting Ukraine (today, who’s next?) should fold. What about Latvia, Estonia. Should they fold? Like you so wisely said: “Clever countries shouldn’t get into fights they can possible lose…
What if it was Australia? Would you bend over so easily?

So… You’d rather see your family killed… Your village destroyed… Your life ruined than live under the rule of Russia…

Did I say this? No, you added this for dramatic effect. You also added quite extensive documents of altered reality

Not my quotes or words, just the tampering of a lame person

I think this should be your mantra:
Clever countries shouldn’t get into fights they can possible lose…
Think it will get you a lot of support and followers.

Sorry, I need to comment that statement: Clever countries shouldn’t get into fights they can possible lose…
It is the most defetist, covardly statement I ever heard, and all Aussies should be ashamed to be from the same country as you (if they werent already). That is laying down, ass up, please penetrate me. It is the most covardly sentence I have heard. Ever.

Trumpists do not believe in facts and history = altered reality

Enough for today… You are have been babbling for the last few posts… No facts… No figures… No Links… You haven’t been able to prove any of your outrageous claims…

While I have provided links to debunk some of your drivel…

So calm down… Have a nice cool drink… And ponder why you paid for that US University education… It doesn’t appear to be money well spent if you can’t even engage with facts and reality in a two bit forum…

Ha det!!

That is how a conversation between grown ups sound to children… Rambling. I will leave you with one, now famous quote. Right up DJTs ally:
Clever countries shouldn’t get into fights they can possible lose…
That quote will never leave you.

Are you sure you hate Trump? because you copy his style of debating! :smiley:

Antifreeze? Not true. Seriously. That’s BS and you probably know it

Ukraine… fight, of course when needed. The question is whether the war was necessary and whether the outcome will be any better than a negotiated treaty before the war would have been. Also, the risk of escalation into a nuclear conflict SHOULD make both sides cautious. What are the victory conditions? Are they attainable? Is the risk worth it? Are there other ways to achieve victory?
Did the war have to happen? Would it have been averted under different US leadership?
If we are liberating countries, how about Tibet? Can we at least help the Uighyurs?
There are many moral wars we could fight. There may be more reasons for involvement in Ukraine than are publicly apparent.

At home, I think a major factor in public sentiment is that people could afford to pay their bills and eat when Trump was President. Biden’s economy sucks (and he has the audacity to lie to us about it like we don’t remember how much food cost 4 years ago).
Also, we don’t like our 1st amendment rights trampled. What happened to the free press?
I see a far greater threat from the Democrats to democracy than I do from the Republicans.
Lastly, it doesn’t have to be Trump, just no more Democrats! Many liberals agree with this sentiment. A lot of people are willing to overlook Trump’s personality quirks, or even look beyond the two party system for better policy.

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