Political Opinion

Tinfoil hat ? - of course they will - wear it with pride mate :sunglasses:

I think itā€™s all down to the Uni courses they went on - the postmodernist neo Marxists congregate to a philosopher caled Rousseau - who conjectured that people were all ā€œGood at heartā€ and would co-operate and live in peace - given the chance - THere was another called Hobbes who postulated that given frredom we would all be at each otherā€™s throats !

Not exactly compatible are they ? and I havenā€™t really considered the ā€œSocial experimentā€ aspect of @Trendswithbenefits video, although I can see your point and think that is probably the most charitable view of putting the incompetents in charge.

However as to ā€œthe rest of itā€ - we ABSOLUTEY DO KNOW what happens when the Adults leave the room and the ā€œleftiesā€ are put in ā€œcontrolā€ = here is the exact ā€œTrial runā€ of what is going on just now - and teh third anniversary of the ā€œEvergreen riotsā€ was almost exactly the start of this rubbish - here are 3 vids which will leave you with your mouth open in disbelief at the congruency of it !

If you havenā€™t seen this thread before watch from post 1 if youā€™re interested - after you watch these 3 !