Political Opinion

The pangolin was suggested as a possible in February, but nothing conclusive has been found.
Not sure about them being fashion items, but the meat is eaten in many South Asian countries and their scales used in traditional Chinese medicine.

Apparently - It’s all MY fault !

yes it is !

Well actually the students on my particular course were just as dismissive of the “loony lefties” demonstrating and occupying the Admin blocks of the Universities as the rest of the population.

What we tend to forget is that Those students were convinced of the ideological purity of their convictions AND that they were Highly Intelligent !


. INteresting too that they were almost without exception White and Men were probably over - represented because professions like teaching and nursing were qualified in different ways in those days

So - Maybe - just maybe - “they” are right - all the carp we see around us IS / Was caused by the actions of “old white men” - see we’re STILL manipulating You ! :rofl: :rofl:

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“Are you ready to depend only on me and not on all the institutions of schools and parishes that you are working so hard to foster? Son of man, I call you to be ready for that.”

“That is what I am telling you about. The structures are falling and changing—it is not for you to know the details now—but do not rely on them as you have been. I want you to make a deeper commitment to one another.

“I want you to trust one another, to build an interdependence that is based on my Spirit. It is an interdependence that is no luxury. It is an absolute necessity for those who will base their lives on me and not the structures from a pagan world.”

This is anti - Black
The dawning of a new Dark Age

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Maybe I’m the only one who didn’t know this? Where your money goes when you give to
#BlackLivesMatter? ActBlue.

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I had no idea what a pangolin was, I think I would need to be starving and near death before eating this little guy, but I am sure the Chinese will tell you it tastes like chicken

Now you know why the Democrats support every crazy left wing movement out there, even when movements totally counter-dict each other, It is all about the money

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Come on Carlos, I thought we all agreed to give the TDS a break for a while

I cannot think of anything lower than to accept a position of trust under the President of the United States , then betray that trust with a tell all book while the man you served under is still in office.

Also remember this is the same John Bolton that President Bush wanted as his Ambassador to the UN. The Democrats blocked his confirmation calling him a war monger, 12 years later those same Democrats where only to happy to allow Bolton to serve under President Trump, then Trump fires him for being to much of a war monger,

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The professional suer-in-chief won’t allow attendees to sue him if they get Covid at his Tulsa rally.

Maybe they shouldn’t worry about the lefties but more about themselves and the trendline?


Not looking too hot.

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I do love that TDS from the Looney Lefties ! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I dO LoVE tHat tDs FRom tHE lOonIe lEFtiEs!

You notice that the TDS crowd totally ignored my post about BLM and the mass murders happening in Chicago and many other US cities. Sickening what is happening to my country and how some are perfectly fine with it

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Atlanta Ga.
on April 13th , a drunk man in a Wendy’s drive-thru is arrested by police, the drunk man resists arrest, takes the Officer’s phaser, and tries to use it against the police, out of camera we here 3 shoots fatally wounding the drunk man. The next day an angry crowd burns down the Wendy’s

The Police Officer has been charged with first-degree murder

Good police officers are quitting all over our country and I don’t blame them


I’m editing my full post… I have now seen the complete video of the incident from the Police arriving at the scene… They were in actual fact courteous towards the driver up until the point of the scuffle and attempt to take the Officer’s Taser.

I was completely wrong in my assessment of the initial incident.

Still cannot comprehend why they need to shoot him. They had his car, his higher registration, they just needed to go around to his residence over the next couple of days and serve him with resisting arrest and refusing to take a sobriety test… (both serious penalties in Australia)

@Markaria, feel free to remove the like on this post… I’d only seen what I thought was the complete footage which had started shortly prior to the scuffle and subsequent audio of the shooting…

I apologise to any and all offended by my deleted post. (Mods feel free to remove all references)

I think I will stick to trading strategy advice from here on… :blush: :blush:


Just as a point of clarification, he was administered a alcohol level test, was found drunk, so he was guilty of a felony-drunk(drink?) driving. Then he committed another felony, resisting arrest.
The rest can be argued about the outcome, but IF we start allowing “resisting arrest”, it’s over for the police.


I’ll bite.
I appreciate your contribution to the community in regards to your SW Analysis, but I am often disheartened by the tone you take in this particular forum.
Two things can be true at once–the murder rate in Chicago is high, and police are killing a large number of civilians. Humans are capable of holding both ideas in their brains. The difference is, police take an oath to serve and protect. I, as a regular person in a regular job, swore no oath the protect my neighbor. Meeting me on the street, no one should assume I will not harm them. Also, and perhaps the most defining difference is, I, as a regular person, will certainly be brought to justice with no union or pension or blue wall of protection. Regular people who commit murders go to jail. While it is preferable the murder rate in Chicago decrease, we can rest assured, once the killers are apprehended, they will go to jail. There are also programs in Chicago that attempt to keep people off of the streets and deter them from lives of crime. The work has been and will continue to be done on that level, but regardless, as I stated, justice will be served. There is no need to protest injustice there. Instead, vigils are held. A cop, however, is someone we should be able to look to for the protections they swore to uphold, and when their oath is not honored, it is a problem.
The protests have continued not simply because of the brutality of the murder of George Floyd, but because ordinary citizens expressing their constitutional right to protest have also been brutalized. Yes, the percentage of POCs killed by cops comparable to their percentage of the population feels high and so the protests are lead by BLM, but police brutality has shown it knows no color. Kids are teargassed, innocent passersby are hit with rubber bullets, and people are shot at by police in their homes. For far too long, cops have been protected by the blue wall and unions and qualified immunity–there is no justice and that is the root of the protests.
Murder is wrong. Full stop. Civilians go to jail for murder. So should police in instances ruled police brutality.


What are your statistics that support your statements that police are killing a huge number of civilians?

The Washington Post reports that in 2019 US police shot dead 1,004 persons. This is against an annual total (from the FBI) of maybe 12 million arrests. So even when an arrestable suspect is confronted by police, the probabilities of being shot dead by the police are minuscule.

There is a problem in the US of poor police training, management and behaviour. But the scale of the problem has to be measured before the correct remedies can be identified.


Here’s some statistics on the number of civilians killed by law enforcement officers (not just police, but other agencies as well)

Are you saying this is acceptable?