Political Opinion

I agree, to me there’s no question but that crime is more strongly embedded in poverty-stricken communities. And that the wider US society has colluded in making some communities poorer than they should be. And that because of the crimes they have committed and their lack of access to legal support, arrested members from these communities will statistically get a harder deal from the justice system.

But it would be useful to know the rate for violent crime, especially gang-driven violent crime amongst these communities compared to the general population. It might well be that members of certain racial / cultural groups are more prone to use violence either in the course of a crime or as the point of a crime.

As for incarceration rates by race, its clear from statistics that most crime committed by specific racial groups in the US is committed against members of their own community. So if you argue that a disproportionate percentage of that community are going to prison, then its mathematically clear that the justice system, far from being racially biased against the community, is disproportionately protecting that very same community.

Interesting. But the black American community is stricken by poverty and crime. It cannot be surprising that this is one more negative impact from their situation.

There are obvious issues with police training, management and procedures in the US. That should be no surprise when its considered that there are 18,000 law enforcement agencies in the country, 99% of which are controlled by local communities (many are way smaller than what we see in the UK as a contrast).

There are multiple factors that can affect which way an encounter with the police goes. Its not all in the hands of the police attending.

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Ah! You may want to tell that to these kids (link below. see it on Netflix) who were wrongly accused of rape and imprisoned for a crime that they did not commit. In addition to killing, incarcerating and maiming them, they are routinely made scape goats and accused of crimes that they did not commit, complete with coerced statements and manufactured evidence.

I’ll try Again - That is WRONG - 100% - definitively -Provably WRONG

That is closer but still Wrong ! - see Jordan Peterson above

Most of the rest of this conversation is explained by the Gini coefficient and teh fact that you correctly observe that most aggression is within the ethnic group rather than between ethnic groupings.

It also explains why the police might have different expectations of being in receipt of violence between - something we did not do until this ethnic group Hatred of whites being stoked by BLM amongst others.

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Dopey Donald caught spreading fake news- odd, I thought you guys said only lefties did that sort of thing

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Actblue is a nonprofit that runs tech infrastructure used to run the grass roots fund raising campaigns of politicians and political orgs. Actblue doesn’t direct donations to individuals or orgs on its own. They’re like PayPal, a payment and campaign processor. Left leaning and progressive ideas focused, yes, but infrastructure all the same. BLM donations go through Actblue, just like when you pay a person or merchant on PayPal.

They’ve been around since 2004. The right leaning version of ActBlue is WinRed. Buy a Maga hat, it goes through WinRed, and to the Trump campaign. WinRed, unlike ActBlue, is for-profit and does not publicly disclose donation levels. Apparently the Trump campaign and RNC was trying to get all Republicans to use WinRed.

So, ActBlue, the payment processor, collects the money and gives it to…?

Moi PLC - Moi LTD - Moi LLP - Moi INC - Me, me, me :slight_smile:

I’ll pay all taxes of course - applicable to Island Moi :slight_smile:

If it’s going to you, that’s one thing. Otherwise, I’m curious to know where the 10’s of MILLIONS of dollars are going that our wonderful corporations are giving to. I wonder it THEY know? (that’s rhetorical. I know they don’t care as long as they can assuage their white guilt)

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By paying their taxes via off shore of course - Island Moi.

Is that like a charity ?

Depending on what code section of the IRS it falls under, it could be a tax-deductible charity.

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I believe it was $300++ million yesterday or day before - smebody I know of is researching this whole thing as we speak and I’ll publish as soon as he does - likely monday I think.

[There’ll be some surprises in there I’m pretty sure from what I know so far ]

We’ve got a LOT of white guilt, here in the states!

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Well hopefully we’ll have a little more sanity (on here anyhow) - After we get the facts.

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I’m surprised the American media hasn’t been all over this(that’s sarcasm)


Hmmm… you know of this thing called ‘research’ they sometimes call it ‘news’, then there was times it was known as ‘statistics’.

I asked an ol’ timer who wore a hat and smoked a cigar from the side of his mouth - ‘what do you think Mr Prime Minister?’

"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.";

Then again - did Churchill ever say that - the fog of research

Shoot. Thought you were talking about me but I was never Prime Minister.


If you’re donating through blacklivesmatter.com, it’s going to the BLM Global Network Foundation Inc, which supports 16 official BLM Chapters across the US.


Without doing the best we can to establish truth through research and discussion - we are surely condemned to be ruled by dogma, propaganda and simply Shutting discussion down ?.

Many great current thinkers (Jordam Peterson springs to mind - one of the world’s most knowledgeable authorities on the lessons we can learn from biblical texts) hold that amny of the current problems arise out of the abandonment of the Judeo Christian Value system of personal responsibility for our actions arising from shared values.

Without these values the masses are seeking replacement value systems and Identity politics seems to be attempting to provide such a system and rapidly gaining a Cult status.

Take a look at some of Peterson’s biblical stuff mate “Cain and Abel” spriings to mind.

Also I highly recommend Douglass Murray “Madness of Crowds” - I’m sure tehre is nothing in there for you to feel “Anti” about and it is the absolutely BEST book to explain this stuff.

Here is a portion of conversation about what you just said and how I feel about it - play as long as you like 2 minutes is ok 4-5 would be better - all iof it is good!


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