Political Opinion

Not only the KGB - vast majority of conspiracy theorists in the West joined in back then - and still do.

But times have changed, the KGB - now SVR - are no longer the bogey men, in the 21st century capitalism is the name of the game.

Thus the First Chief Directorate KGB London’s son is now honoured by the Convservative party UK as as a Lord.

The father - worth about 3bn USD - not bad for an ex KGB spy in London.

The KGB certainly fed the JFK conspiracy theorists and their ever more far fetched fantasies but they have become like their own snowball.

On the conventional diplomacy stage, it seems highly believable that Russia’s intelligence service aided Trump’s election and the UK’s Brexit vote. A strong USA and a strong EU would hardly be in Russia’s long-term interests. Same game, different names.


When I was training as a TV and VCR Engineer - way back (Analogue days) - We had an anecdote about the elderly guy who said he was impressed how we got all those “Little people” – in the back of the TV ! :slightly_smiling_face:

So we went through the explanation that we didn’t need “little people” because the “People” were in a studio and they were recorded - the individual “Pictures” and the sound were used to generate modifications to electro-magnetic waves - which were then transmitted - picked up by the recipient TV aerial en-masse and sent down a wire to the Tv Tuner - which used a system of variable resistors to tune inductors and capacitors to be sensitive to a particular wavelength, which was then passed through transistors to amplify the signal - passed through varios very clever bits of electronic systems to generate 3 colour signals - Red Green and Blue which were then applied to the input coils of a Line Output Transformer which amplified the 3 signals from millivolts up to 2500 Volts or thereabouts - these were then applied to the terminats of 3 “Colour Guns” which fired streams of electrons at a charged and sensitised screen which were magnetically moved from side to side in a constant stream of varying intensities to produce “colours” on the screen and these streams were moved down by the application of different magnetic charges so accuately that the individual “lines” could be interleaved to replace each alternate line of the previous picture and then switched off to allow the streams from the guns to Fly back to the top of the screen where the process began all over agiain but replacing the Other “Alternate lines” (Uk PAL system - USA is NTSC - which we rather rudely referred to a “Never Twice the Same Colour”) - and having gone through the parallel “Sound” system - we felt quite confident we had explained as far as we could. :smiley:

To be greeted by ;

"Yes but there must still be a FEW Little People - in there !"

Sometimes, when those of us who have tried to understand the mechanics of the current situations - wher we have the likes of Gates, Besos and Zuck firmly monopolising the psychological “Tuners” of Public opinion and passing their chosen signals through the amplifiers of the Universities indoctrination to the Colour guns of “Acceptable News” which lands on the screen of Their own Siocial Media platforms and the Mainstream Media to produce an entire “Narrative” which those who decide what we are to believe think is acceptable for us to see, whilst simoultaneously using their powers and their Algoryths, “Moderators” & other “Useful Idiots” to smash the tiny screens of the “Alternative media” tuned to the “other channels” and to Cancel those “Content Creators” who try so valiantly to show us what really is happening in the world.

Sometimes it is a little disheartening - whether it be references to “the RUSSKIES” - or to “Carbon Dioxide Death Gas” or “Orange Man Bad” or “Brexit Bad” - to actualy hear ;

"Yes but there must still be a FEW Little People - in there !"

However - some of us are hopeful that even if we only manage to open a few eyes - that is better than remaining silent -

Just call us “Cassandra” s :wink: :rofl: :rofl:

I’ve been thinking - well, it happens…
Somebody should start a conspiracies theory thread in this part of the forum. There could be a weekly vote for the points and inestimable glory of posting up the strangest nomination. People could set out why they believe in them - 3 bullet points (max. 3 lines of text) and 3 links max. only.

But to be fair, other members, or the same ones maybe, could also post why they DON’T believe in certain conspiracy theories - same rules of engagement, up to 3 x 3 line bullet points plus 3 links.

Anyone want to start us off?

Nope, didn’t say that.

No need for 3 points… OTC Markets… First rule of any game is to know when you’re actually in one…!!

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That’s true enough. I feel bad for the people who’ve been suckered into going down a rabbit-hole. But then they do the same thing with another rabbit-hole the next day, and so on.

Well then, again I gave you the perfect opportunity to explain exactly what you were intending to imply when I said ;

Please do assist :slightly_smiling_face:

Thing is people who believe in conspiracy theories regard those who do not as missing out on the truth. If a non-believer challenges their belief then that very challenge becomes part of the conspiracy.

Take for example the flat earth theorists - won’t bother to link to their twitter. If you seek a pic of the underside you are not a ‘free thinker’ :slight_smile:

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This is really only applicable to your hardcore conspiracy theorists… the opened minded look at all the facts available and hopefully make better informed life choices… The rest believe everything they see on “lamestream media” or read on a Twitter, Facebook or Instagram post…

And since we are in a financially related forum… Perfect example is fiat currencies… most sheeple don’t have a clue about how money is generated or circulated… Go back say, 20 years ago and a large percentage of following video would have been classed by the masses as a conspiracy theory…

It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.”
Mark Twain


I use that quote all the time too. :slight_smile:

There is just so much that the average person thinks he knows for sure but it just ain’t so. That is partly what makes discussing conspiracies so difficult. I’ve given up trying altogether.

Edit: Just watched the video. Very succinctly presented. The creator of the video recommends the same book, by G. Edward Griffin, that I suggest we all read in order to understand what money is. It really is a wonderful book and an amazing read.

The VP pick is in.

Who is Kamala Harris ?

She’s a “moderate pragmatist”!

Its annoying she is described as “black” in media reports of her appointment. Like Barack Obama (and Lewis Hamilton) she is mixed race. It would be equally wrong to describe Obama and Hamilton as “white”.

Don’t know much about her political views (I am not a US voter) but her foreign policy positions don’t look crazy. I distrust her allegiance with trade unions. I don’t like she is another lawyer chasing a position of power - just what the US does NOT need.

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Do you think the CIA saw one dime in reduction of their budget when they no longer had to deal with the USSR

Biden team picks for VP someone who was so unpopular in the primary that she ended here campaign 2 months before the Iowa caucus, and from a state that will be an uncontested win for Biden without Harris on the ballet. She also might be the most hated of all primary candidates by Democrat Progressives.

It just seems like the plan here is to lose the election and continue to fund the riots. I just don’t see how anyone wins with this strategy


I believe she is technically less black than Obama and she is also a states Prosecutor, responsible for sending 100’s of Blacks to jail, How is this going to sit with the " defund the Police" crowd

Father is Jamaican; mother is Indian.
She’s not black; she’s “a person of colour”!

The irony here is if the Democrats prevail the first " Black" President and Vice President will have no ancestry connection to African/American slaves


For no good reason at all, Biden’s handlers decided that they would not consider any qualified man to be V.P., nor would they consider any qualified white or Asian woman to be V.P.

They would only consider a black woman (“black” being broadly defined).

Putting such limitations on the V.P. selection is like saying:

We will not select a presidential candidate from the West, or the South, or the Upper Mid-West,
or the Northeast.

We will only consider a presidential candidate from Delaware.

Then you eliminate all the possible decent candidates, and you get somebody like Biden.