Political Opinion

Did you watch the video @peterma ?

The London one, yes.

Turned out the author was… will not go into that.

Same video was shown in a UK mosque, saw the interviews of the young men afterwards, they weren’t told the origin of what they’d just seen.

The 9/11 video? - no intention of.

No mate - Not the “London one” - the one @Clint posted !

There is no “Conspiracy theory” postulated in it - Just real good solid evidence - assuming it has not “All been faked” !

As I said - I believe it would stand up as a valid argument in a Court of Law !

Something is Wrong there mate !

“In the internet age, it seems, some canards never die”

Maybe google that, not sure whether it will come up, anyways like I said I will not debate re 9/11.

No offence.

I can not help but note the similarities between the US government Intelligence agencies reaction to 9/11 and the Election of Donald Trump as President

After 9/11 US government says master mind behind the attach was a guy hiding in a cave in Afghanistan ( Osama bin Laden) but never put forth any evidence of his guilt but used this to justify invasion of Afghanistan and later Iraq, and suspension of civil rights of Americans

Fast forward to 2016 Donald Trump is elected President and the US government goes nuts, first they blame Trump’s election on Russia and Putin then use this for return of the Cold War, massive increase in military spending and suspension of many Americans 1st Amendment rights through Google and Facebook. All while offering no proof and Russian or Putin’s involvement

As Sam Clemens ( Mark Twain) once said
History doesn’t repeat itself, but if often rhymes

I thought bin Laden claimed responsibility for the 9/11 attacks.

And wasn’t the invasion of Afghanistan aimed at eliminating it as a Taliban-run base for al-Qaeda which bin Laden was behind and where he was based?

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claiming is not the same as doing,

or to secure Opium fields and Afghanistan vast mines of lithium, the stated goal is never the real real reason

Need more evidence

Seems like another good reason behind destruction of Taliban regime in Afghanistan.

I just watched “Rambo 3” the other night. I LOVE that little acknowledgement at the end ; "This film is dedicated to the Gallant People of Afghanistan"

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Wasn’t aware of Afghanistan’s mining riches. Makes you think twice about why the US is really over there.


Do you think it would be better for NATO to let the Taliban have the mining income?

is it really any different then letting the Saudis have the oil income

Or even allowing the Central Banks of USA, GB, EUR etc etc etc - and the income therefrom to remain in private hands ?

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Its not great having to deal with the Saudis, but as long as there is commerce and trade between them and us, we’re talking not shooting, we’ve both good reason to maintain peace. I’m sure the Taliban would not see it that way.

What’s your preferred outcome?

Preferred outcome to what ?

In overall terms I would wish that supposedly educated people could just look at their “Belief systems” and give up the ridiculous notion that “My God is better than your God” - That they would Stop re-engaging in crusades that are over 1000 years old.


That Governments could start to look to the “plank in their own eye” and take control of the monetary systems of their own denominations


In short that people could learn the art of critical thinking rather than being blind followers of some dogma or other.

THere are other instances I could cite as you know, of people simply following the crowd, which is psychologically manipulated.

ie perhaps that people could just learn to stop holding grudges and learn to look at each argument on it’s merits.

But perhaps I expect too much from a tribal society such as the human race, since it is a fact that in all “Pack societies” the underdogs are taught to “know your place” and obey the dictates of the “Top dog” - whether that be an individual as in wolves, or a group of “Governors” as in the western world governments. Especially as it very much suits those in power to maintain the status quo !

Perhaps the first step could be to have the word “Should” entirely removed from all languages :laughing:

Wishing for a better world isn’t an outcome. I’m not saying your sentiments are evil or even incorrect. But more often than not in foreign affairs, its a question of picking the least bad option of the two or three available and doing nothing might be the worst of the bunch.

As I said - Define me a question, I may give you an answer you may find more amenable. :smile:

I did give you a question but you dodged it.

The context was the correctness of the NATO military intervention in Afghanistan with its apparently rich mineral deposits, and my question was whether you think it would be better for NATO to let the Taliban have the mining income?