Political Opinion

The SP rose 18% on the news that they were cutting the Bank in half… toxic, non toxic… the only way was up for the SP… But since that announcement the SP has continued its descent to dangerous lows… Deutsche’s SP… anything under ~10 euro… the Bank is insolvent…

If a surgeon was about to remove a gangrene limb that was eventually going to kill you… your future prospects would improve as well…

Deutsche is already in the process of being ‘bailed out’. One means of bail out is forcing a merger with another large bank. That was recently attempted by the German government, with German Commerzbank, but the effort failed. Commerz took one look at Deutsches audit, and walked away immediately…

Another bailout measure is to get the bank in trouble to raise capital by selling off its best assets. Now firesales of its better assets are underway. Another approach is to set up what’s called a ‘bad bank’ in which to dump its non-performing assets.

That’s going on with Italian banks. But those solutions may not be enough should the bank’s stock price collapse further even more rapidly. At only $6.89 a share now, speculators could soon jump in and drive it to near zero, as what happened in the month preceding Lehman’s collapse.

All though the trajectory is very similar… Deutsche’s losses are monumental compared to Lehman’s.
More like a Lehman’s AIG combined… And as we now know… Lehmann’s were the ones left without a chair when the music stopped…

After doing some more research… one option on the table to the EU is to sacrifice a few smaller Banks, French or Italian to prop up the staggering German Bank…and even seek help from China and Russia for some stability…

Unbelievably… China is conducting joint military exercises with Germany’s armed forces over the coming months…

I’m not hoping for the Bank to fail, far from it, I personally have a financial plan in place that requires a further 18 months of market stability… and I’m done… hence my interest in this issue.

So, I guess only time will what happens in this space…

What do you consider as reputable sources?

anyone that is not on the payroll for a political party, big oil, Military contractor, and the banks. This eliminates all US MSM

Remember the first Men in Black movie, when agent K went to the newsstand, and he bypassed all the major papers and went to the tabloids, saying they are " the best investigated reporting on the planet" Sadly, that is where we are today

Who would those be? Would like to see if I can add them to my list of sources to check regularly, too. A lot of times I really don’t know who to trust anymore. Everyone seems to have their own motives.


You are correct, my friend. I went through all of them in my mind and they all can be slotted.
With that said, I sure as H E Double Hockey Sticks am not going to trust ANY foreign media.
Let’s face it…EVERY ONE has an agenda.

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Yep… same in this country… I take very little notice of the mainstream media or even tabloids and take 80% of YouTube with a grain of salt… What I do take notice of are comments sections after the videos or the articles…

Anyone who feels strongly, an agenda or actually knows the truth will find some media releases a call to action and feel the need to comment… sure most publications have their armies of paid influencers ready to bolster any cause or… now is even more common for the news bite to be supplied ready for consumption by various organisations that need their side of a story told…

Governments, Police Forces… Political Parties… Financial Institutions come to mind.

So, you’ll see a wide range of views on a particular news item both for and against whatever the content and reality can be found somewhere in the middle… hopefully a self critiquing system for the constant stream of fake factual information.

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Certainly Paterma I fully understand what you mean by bias. I think that this is why many issues related to contemporary topics are frequently discussed, because we are witnessing many situations in which something that is openly said by companies and then they are acting in different manner

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Stick to small alternative media, they are not being paid to lie so they have no reason to. One a my favorites is James Corbett or the Corbett Report , he cuts throw all the fluff and gets to the heart of the subject

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That is my plan as well, I will make money riding the coattails of their corruption and dirty deals and cash out once I reach my retirement number. But I do believe they can keep this ponzi scheme going for another decade or two, but there will be ugly bear markets along the way, so have a plan

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Thank you will check him out! But what about for your “daily news”? Is that something you still check on a day to day basis?

If it is news I find interesting I might follow it, but 50% of the news is a lie and 49% of the news that is not a lie does not effect me so I try not to give it to much of my time

Often times this section is better than the article of news itself.

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At the very least, Trump has saved America from Hillary Clinton.

There are times when I find myself spending more time reading the comments of an article rather than the actual article. :joy:

El Paso shooting

So this is the New America, And these are the guys that are supposed to protect us ( is that a shoulder rocket the one guy is carrying) and does military-style camo really help you blend in at a Walmart or Mall.

They argue the solution is for us law-abiding citizens to just give up our guns. If we do will the Paramilitary/Police also give up their weapons of mass destruction

Will Hollywood stop making moves that are nothing more than 2hr infomercials for gun violence

Will they allow God back in our Schools

Will they let us post the 10 Commandments and highlight the one that says " You shall not murder"


[Sarcasm on]
yes the best way to stop people kill other people with guns is by selling much much more guns

[sarcasm off]

Who do you know that is saying we need more guns, I say less guns and more God and no sarcasm here

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Awesome statement. 5 stars.

Its the republicans that keep repeating my sarcastitc statemen from above since a few decades.

Shootings in school? Trump: give guns to the teachers!

I dont mean to say negative about republicans. If id vote in us elections i were more likely a republican than a democrate. But some things are just wrong.

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The guy in dayton even shot his own sister by accident.

Only because a bouncer didnt let him in the bar.

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US mass shootings are not THE problem, they are a symptom of much larger issues.

The main one is that so many Americans don’t have faith in the US state, democratic government in the US, or maybe even democracy as a whole.