Political Opinion

Tweet on jan 14 alerting that the virus had travelled out from China -


Follow up tweet same day


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Then they published a “Situation Report” a week later

Note that the virus still located only in Asia - thus the world viewed it as ‘Sars-like’ - that was aa mistake - the world has changed since Sars even if the virus is similar.

Edit: they published a situation report every day thereafter - so bound to be something that could be found to make an argument that they down-played the virus or covered for China :slight_smile:

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In the unlikely event that Biden somehow manages to achieve the presidency - We shall ALL - in the Western World have far more to worry about than a little “pandemic” ! :hot_face:

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I’m prepared to believe Biden would be toothless in all arenas of foreign policy and needlessly accommodating to socialist and Islamist regimes but I don’t see that makes him dangerous to the other western democracies. Though he is likely to more seriously weaken the US through mistaken internal economic and social policies.

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This Youtube channel was spot on back in January warning about the coming pandemic, Google’s response was to demonitized and shadow ban this and future updates

who does more to cover for China, Google or the WHO

Some thoughts on China: the people who brought you the Wuhan Bat-Soup Virus

China: infiltrating western institutions

China: preparing for war

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Intentionally or or not when you create an empire then you have to prepare to protect it - and often you do so with war - the Roman Empire is perhaps the best example in history.

The Romans espoused logic - economics controlled by military power - and that power facilitated by infrastructure. In many countries in Europe to this day you will encounter long straight roads - built by the Romans - to allow their armies to move quickly to quell an uprising.

Pay the taxes and do the trade and all was well, just a token military presence.

From atlasobsucra -

Roads, built to allow the empire to flow outward, and for the rewards of empire to come flooding back to the capital, were the key to the Romans’ governance of Europe. Along these roads ran messengers, as a type of precursor to the American [Pony Express]—a relay of horsemen could carry a message 50 miles a day. Governors, emperors, legions, and, most importantly, trade flowed along these ribbons of stone that cut through hills and across gorges.

Thing is that same logic lead ultimately to peace -

Hearken, thou, until I relate things that shall come to pass in the latter ages of the world. Great carnage shall be made, justice shall be outraged, multitudinous evils, great suffering shall prevail, and many unjust laws will be administered. The time shall come when they will not perform charitable acts, and truth shall not remain in them, and truth shall not remain in them. They will plunder the property of the church, they will be continually sneering at each other, they will employ them at reading and writing. They will scoff at acts of humility; there will come times of dark affliction, of scarcity, monarchs will be addicted to falsehood. Neither justice nor covenant will be observed by any one people of the race of Adam; they will become hard-hearted and penurious, and will be devoid of piety. The clergy will become fosterers, in consequence of the tidings of wretchedness; churches will be held in bondage by the all-powerful men of the day.

Today my church has a label attached to the doors - “closed - by order…”

Wee Jimmy Krankie

  • pushes any possibility of winning a Scottish Independence Referendum way further into the annals of impossibility with this piece of Anti democratic garbage !

Can you imagine any person with any critical thinking skills trusting HER to lead an Independent Scotland ?

For those who do not recognise the nickname - here is a quick excerpt of the “Krankies” :face_with_monocle:

From Wikipedia-

The 2019 United Kingdom general election was held on Thursday 12 December 2019.

The Scottish National Party (SNP) received the most votes (45%, up 8.1% from the previous election) and won 48 out of 59 seats — a gain of 13 over those won in 2017, and 81% of the Scottish seats in the House of Commons.

SNP gains came at the expense of both Labour and the Conservatives. The Tories remained the largest unionist party in Scotland even though they lost more than half of their Scottish seats, winning six compared to thirteen in 2017.

The leader of the Scottish National Party ( a party who back an Independent Scotland) is none other than…

Interesting read. Thoughts from the locals across the big pond?

I never pay any attention to what any Guardian columnist says. If I wanted left-wing propaganda, I could go straight to the source and get it from Labour Party HQ.


That program isn’t fairing too well, it looks like.

This is the thing - is it or is it not.

What is the ultimate purpose - is it economic or political or a mixture of both.

Take the continent of Africa: Chinese companies have invested twice as much money between 2014 and 2018 in African countries as American companies, so say Ernest & Young.

Djibouti - Africa’s largest port it’s Chinese ships/workers/ownership - built with Chinese money from Chines state owned banks. There are huge rail/bridge/road investments - even underground cabling.

All economic investments -

I would not waste my time reading rags like the Guardian, New York Times or Washington Post.

As an American living here I will speak as to what is happening here, In early February when President Trump was trying to head off the Virus with international travel bans ( not very effective). Democrats in keeping to their " resist everything Trump" were busy undermining the Presidents efforts by urging Americans to socialize, New York mayor urged New Yorkers to go to shows and restaurants, New Orleans mayor went ahead with Mardi Gras and Nancy Pelosi urged people to visit China Town.

No doubt there is plenty of missteps and blame to go around but for these rags to play politics while people are dying is just inexcusable


Obamagate as we in the UK understand it ?

I’m hoping Pres Trump instructs those responsible to ensure Flynn receives full monetary cost reimbursement and a “nominal” $100.000.000 in punitive damages !


That’s the value of a free press - I am content to read what i find of interest and to trust my own judgement.

Time reading is seldom wasted.