Political Opinion

" The man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them, inasmuch as he who knows nothing is nearer to truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors. He who reads nothing will still learn the great facts, and the details are all false." ~Thomas Jefferson

I choice not to cloud my mind with half truths and out right lies in the name of some corporations desire to control public discourse , for this reason I do not read anything not one word from NYT or WP , I also will not listen to a word from CNN or MSNBC. In this day and age we have many sources for information free of this kind of propaganda

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Yes. That’s exactly it. Unless it can somehow be connected to RUSSIA, because the commentator said that Trump was telling the truth and that HAS to be a lie.
“We’ve” known about this for years, unless you only watch CNN, MSNBC, or only read the New York Times or Washington Post. Rotten to the core, top to bottom.

What’s your go-to news source these days? Political news or not.

A huge number of people in Russia believe that the UK government poisoned Sergei and Yulia Skripal with Novichok. They believe this because that is what they have been told by a Russian TV company.

That is their choice and their belief, but that doesn’t make it the truth.

To be informed only a single source lays open the possibility of being misinformed - Thomas Jefferson or not.

A modern day example - a debate arose as to whether the White House was taking a laissez faire attitude to covid19 in the early weeks of the outbreak. So I read Fox News and CNN to help me form a judgement of the truth.

Take care everyone.

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Its good in theory @peterma but you’d probably end up with opposing sides shouting in opposite ears. Sounds like a better way to go deaf than to gain information.

I’m not saying its useless to have an opinion on current affairs, but information which does not inform action is just clutter. If the only action you can take is to vote in a general election, all you need to remember is that the communists must not win.

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Aye, this is true because a general election is a democratic instrument and history shows that communist followers use democracy to destroy it.

I have an appetite for both history and current affairs, I remember learning re Thos Jefferson when studying American History but I had forgotten about his intense dislike of newspapers - found this interesting:


Thomas Jefferson was such an interesting man.


The only way understand is to read both sides story, then come to your own opinion.
Far too many only ever look at things from one perspective, and only read what confirms their preconceived ideas

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Yep - happens in trading as well - often you will hear someone say ’ oh I’m bullish the dollar’ or whatever. The problem with bias is that a trader’s mind is then wired to ignore bearish signals or worse he/she will ignore the fact that price is falling and keep buying ( sure I’m getting a better price)

Happened recently with oil etf USO -
What’s happened in the ETF is truly mind-blowing. Look at the massive number of newly-issued shares along with the unprecedented rise in volume today.

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USO is a flawed ETF, it is suppose to track the price of West Texas Crude dollar for dollar but the flaw is if crude drops one dollar the USO will drop one dollar but then crude goes up a dollar USO only goes up about 75 cents, that is why the USO price had recently dropped to under two dollar with oil at twenty. They tried to fix the ETF with a 10 for 1 reverse split, that only lasted a few days and as of today the ETF is already 6 dollars below the crude price. I would stay away from this ETF except for shorting it

News conferences are helpful, Get the news direct from source, I then ignore the question and answer session as the news media are total idiots and only ask " I got you questions" that they can later use as click bait. News channels based outside the US are helpful as they are likely to not be pro Dem or Rep in their reporting, two favorites are RT and Al Jazeera. There are also many YouTube channels that do nothing but call out all the BS coming from MSM, three good channels are Styxhexenhammer666, Jimmy Dore and Tim Pool.

Hmmm… and a few others - part of the reason for the front month problems.

Anyways for anyone interested in how it can go wrong - thing is it’s a newspaper article so perhaps many of you will not wish to read, the good news is that the actual paper is pink :).


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Anti Trump campaign ad released by Republicans For The Rule of Law


And let’s not forget …


cartoon - ObamaGate - 4

Yeah, right.

Brocko Bumma and his buddy Eric Holder — the Fast And Furious Boys —
should appear together in a Youtube video, whining and moaning about “the rule of law”.

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Kinda rich that they are talking about the rule of law when they subverted the “rule of law” to frame
a political rival.

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Is the truth somewhere in the middle when comparing these two? A lot of times the news of the day is very different between these two.

“What is truth?” - a question asked over 2000 years ago by a leader when making a judgement.


New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio,
and the Controlled Demolition of the New York City Economy.

By prolonging the coronavirus shutdown long after its core mission was accomplished, Gov. Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio have plunged tens of thousands of New Yorkers into poverty.

It needs to end. Now.

By David Marcus | New York Post
David Marcus: End New York City’s lockdown now! | Fox News

We always knew the shutdown was a tradeoff between economic damage and slowing the spread of the disease. In this respect, the shutdown initially made sense. Reopening the economy will similarly be a tradeoff that makes sense.

By Andy Puzder | Fox News

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The more people who die, the more energy the Democrats have to blame Trump for it. Why do you think these models are showing increased projection of death along with the increased projection of cases? Because to these people, more death equals more blame on Donald Trump. This is the campaign strategy in toto of the Democrat Party.

They can’t find any other way to beat Trump. They haven’t been able to impeach him. They haven’t been able to find anything criminal during investigations. They haven’t been able to do diddly-squat. So what they’re doing now is trying to take advantage of something that’s fallen into their lap. The coronavirus gives them an extraordinary opportunity to inflict and maintain the infliction of great damage on the economy.

Rush Limbaugh | The Rush Limbaugh Show — Thursday, May 21, 2020


I’m all right, Jack


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