Political Opinion

While many still coward under the boot of Big Brother in the blue states, Here in Florida ( a red state) we are safely getting back to normal life. Yesterday for the first time in years we went to Cocoa Beach, It was great, not only was it a beautiful day but it was so uplifting to see people of all races and political beliefs showing we can safely enjoy our states God created wonders

I pray for my brother and sisters living under the tyranny of blue state tyrants, and that they will soon to enjoy the freedoms granted to us by our creator and guarantee under our Constitution

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When leftists run things, “Mother Government” turns into a tyrannical bitch.

cartoon - virus - 81


That is SO confusing - Over here in the Uk The “Commies” are the Reds and that transfers to the Labour Party - Who wear Red at their events.
The Conservatives are the “Blues” and always wear blue at events.

So the “demolition of teh Red wall” in teh recent elections was the transfer of Control from Constituencies who had voted Labour - ever since teh party was invented (ie the Working class) Who chose at great personal pain for many of them to vote for Boris and lend him their support because they felt abandonned (rightly so) by their own "Labour Party who they viewed as “Champagne Socialists” interested only in furthering their own Marxist Agenda !

Something you over in USA ought to be aware of when looking at our issues (If indeed you bother ! :wink: )

The “Devouring mother” according to Peterson - which is totally ignored by the Leftsts and SJWs - Or the incarnation of “Toxic femininity” as many see it !

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Yes stripping away the political stuff about reds and blues or lefts and rights these words sum up all that is good and the pic reflects what we are made for.

The virus is evil, it wants to kill - yet the very thing that will help us in it’s demise is light - sunlight to be specific. From the heat of the sun it will frazzle.

And God said ‘let there be light’ :slight_smile:

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Firstly I agree with much of what you and @Dennis3450 are saying here - But I have to defend the virus here ! - It is Not “evil” - it simply wants to reproduce itself into the future as do all lifeforms on earth - and has come from it’s original host (insectivorous bats) to a completely new host (Humans)

It’s strategy when dealing with bats probably does not kill the host (inefficient) and we have evidence even as Laymen that bats have a different lung system from humans - since we know that in USA windfarms kill around 800,000 bats a year by exploding their lungs with pressure waves - as far as I know other mammals, birds nd humans are Not killed in this particular way by windfarms (although windfarms do have a dispensation from the USA authority permittiing them to kill Bald Eagles - which nobody else is allowed to do )

Hopefully the “bat flu” will evolve through Darwinian Selection to favour mutations which are Not fatal to their new hosts.

As to God - the Western value system is founded on the Judeo-Christian morality and many commentators avow that this differentiates us from all other systems to the benefit of alll our citizens. As we move away from our version of God - we open the door for the religious needs of many to latch onto other things - whether that be some Marxist ideal of “Equality” or a hatred of the Human Race based on “Global Warming” - we can see elements of “religion” in many of the Beliefs which increasingly divide us - Personally I say if I have to choose between “God” and the Chaos which we see from these “Groups” every day - If it has to be a choice - Hellfire I’ll go "Religious " again ! - Thank God for “God”! :wink:

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There seems to be a lot of effort in forcing us to take sides and fight each other rather than the elites who are gaining ever increasing wealth at our expense. I point to the movie " Hunger Games" as what we seem to becoming. I refuse to participate, no mater how much I might disagree with an opinion expressed on this thread I will never call the author of that opinion my enemy

As far as the red vs blue and all the variations. there really are only two types of government Libertarian and Authoritarian , and both sides of the red vs blue debate are moving towards Authoritarian


When I look at the accepted face of teh extreme right - Hitler, and the accepted faces of the extreme left - Stalin and Mao I do find it quite difficult to tell the practical difference - and something not many people know is that Hitler greatly admired Stalin and his methods, but didn’t believe he could “Get away with that stuff here” !

“Authoritarianism” is rife under the bat-flu asn’t it ? (AND of course it’s all “For our own good” ) - here’s a view from Sweden ;

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Th last 5 minutes of Bret weinstein 's explanation of how the magic trick is done speaks to exacly how easy it is for Libertarians of Left and Right to agree on an objective and how this should give us a real advantage.

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He hated him with a vengeance, saw him as inferior, a sub human and the ultimate representation of his greatest enemy (in his view) Bolshevism.

He didn’t admire Stalin’s methods, just that he copied them.

Hitler admired very few people - want an insight to an evil mind?

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Bret Weinstein is a leading member of the Intellectual Dark Web, Talk about an awesome collection of great minds

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Sweden’s experiment hasn’t gone as they expected.


But you have to hope your leadership is looking out for your interests. If you don’t think they are, there are still choices you can make for yourself.

I didn’t say he LIKED Stalin, just that he Admired him ;

"Imitation is the sincerest form of Flattery"

Why then would you imitate someone whom you didn’t admire ?

The tactics he didn’t think he could “Get away with” - were the blatant purges of the Beaurocrats, the secret Police and the idealistic Communists all of whom were supposedly On Stalin’s Side ! - Neither did he starve mutiple millions of his own people to death or send them to Gulags ?

Here is the story of one of them - with intro by Jordan Peterson

And a review ;

Notice what the reviewer has to say about Hitler in his paragragh before the end of this screenshot

.What Hitler DID indulge in was “Identity Politics” of the kind “It’s all down to the White Male Patriarchy” - “Blame the White Men and Boys” although HE said “Jews / Freemasons / Gypsies” etc

Perhaps we should note that the “Jews” are still in the frame - as we speak !
(Apparently they don’t have sufficient “Victim status” :rofl: ) - The REAL reason probably being that they exhibit far too much Competence and Intelligence to Deserve to be REAL “Victims” :roll_eyes:

Trump got fact-checked on Twitter. That’s new.

Hi Dudebro.
I read about that here

Must say I was surprised, given how much he uses Twitter to get his opinion out there

So social media is going away, it appears. :slight_smile:


those of you that support an Authoritarian government that takes care of you from cradle to grave, the cost of that utopia is submitting to the police state. Yesterday we say what that police state is capable of doing, cold-blooded murder. YouTube is censoring videos showing this murder, I think this is something that we all should watch and ask why is this happening,

I am not including the video link, it is easy to find if you choose too


Absolutely disgraceful behaviour, but the fact that this and many other similar occurrences happen in the US under a Republican president runs contrary to the narrative you are trying to make.
There are many cases of behaviour like the above in democratic nations, the US, UK, France, Italy, to name a few. This isn’t restricted to nations with political ideologies that you disagree with, so don’t pretend it is

I’m speaking for the UK.

Saying that excessive use of force by police occurs and even has lead to unnecessary deaths in the UK is of course true but meaningless without context, statistics, evidence.

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