Political Opinion

In one sense it should not count to any observer how China deals with the Hong Kong democracy movement. Whatever they do, however benignly this might turn out, who can possibly think that China supports democratic government? Who can think China is not ruled by a repressive and authoritarian communist party, corruptly manipulated by dictator Xi Jinping?

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I dont think anyone would disagree with that statement, but isnt Trumps behaviour towards the Free Press in US also an attempt to repress them from voicing their opinions? His threats now against Twitter and other social media platforms is another example of a megalmaniac behaving in an authoritarian manner.“My voice is the only voice the people may listen to”
Maybe his next move, after scraping a win in the one-horse election, will be to change the laws so that he can become a lifelong-President just like his pals Putin and Kim.

Yes Dennis - That they are ! A collection with both High Intelligence and the Courage to speak out !

THey are the people who should be in charge of our countries - not desperately seeking to survive against continual attack from mobs of intellectual midgets !

Can you imagine how great our countries could be - If expressing an opinion was considered acceptable and promotions and opportunities were based on COMPETENCE instead of assuming that people are interchangeable and employing on the basis of skin pigmentation and Genitalia .

A quote I shal remember for ever is "Putting Diane Abbot up against Jordan Peterson - is like trying to extinguish the Sun with a Potato" ! -

Yet Jordan Peterson has been attacked and abused to the state that we don’t even know how the poor bloke is ! - Whilst Diane ABbot is an MP (LAWMAKER !) - Selected by our Labour Party for a nice “Safe seat” because - well “She is a She” and “she is black” - Can you imagine that there would not have been far more competent applicants for selection whose only fault was that they didn’t have enough Victim credentials ! ?


Can any political point be made which will not be turned towards Donald Trump?


Clearly as also pointed out by tommor you are suffering from TDS, so I will go easy on you but point out some facts

Excessive use of force by police has always been an Issue in the US, it was almost at epidemic level during Obama’s two terms, and as you are looking to cast blame let me point out this murder happen in a Blue State, under a Democrat mayor and black police chief , so how you skip them and go the occupier of the White House is just more evidence of your TDS

Back to my original point, both parties are leading us in the direction of an Authoritarian police state, we need to change directions before it is too late

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between Hong Kong protest and trade war with US, this coronavirus sure seems to benefit China, Makes my wonder if the whole thing was planned, the Chinese government did nothing to stop its spread internationally

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They didn’t need to do anything according to your Supreme Leader who said, on 22nd January “It’s one person coming in from China and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine”
Surely you’re not doubting your Supreme Leaders word?

Hi Tommor.

I was using Trump to make the point that left-wing political systems do not have exclusivity on repressive and authoritian states, and that the right-wing US of A are currently behaving in that manner themselves.

Meaningless verbal Diahorrea.

You are equating the actions of a democratically elected leader of teh free world - to a regime which imprisons millions in concentration camps - prevents freedom of travel for millions more, runs over students with tanks and invades close neighbours ?

Any apparent legitimacy which might appear to be contained in your verbiage is entirely undermined by the gross distortions contained apparently deliberately in thhat huge fallacy.

Homework returned - do it again - better this time !


Trumps own words. I agree, he was talking meaningless verbal diahorrea as he so often does.

And the current US administration is behaving in an authoritian and repressive manner, whether you think so or not.

More TDS

Mark, what is your assessment of the World Health Organization

So tell me why these intellectual giants will not come out of their dark web and let the light of an election shine on them and their policies so that we intellectual midgets may use the little intellect that we may posses to decide whether to vote for them - or not.

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Come on, Dennis. I have a lot of respect for you (unlike some of the buffoons on here) but throwing out “Tds” everytime someone criticises Trump is as bad as his “fake news” and other such childish put-downs

You missedthe burden of @Dennis3450 question - deliberately one suspects

Not missed, ignored.
2 reasons;

  1. My name isn’t Mark
  2. It’s a very broad question, Dennis needs to be more specific

As I said

Go on - have a go - It’s YOUR opinion - or we can wait until tomorrow if you have to go and ask your teacher :wink:

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Well Mark, what makes you think my name is Dennis just because it is part of my screen name

and why do you need specifics you have no problem segueing to President Trump on subjects that have nothing to do with him

Anyway, this whole conversation is silly seeing the state of the world

Tbh @Dennis3450 I think the “State of the world” is the way it is mainly BECAUSE - we as reasonabe people - just let the insane leftists get away with junk arguments - simply BECAUSE we are reasonable people - and THEY RELY on that plus junk arguments - to bore us into “Wandering off” - which THEY regard as Victory !

We’re "Old White Male Patriarchs " - mate - because WE understand the “Old Ways” of Objective truth, logical argument, and factual evidence - we assume everyone does !

THEY only see “Naratives, Stories, Pictures” - and their cockamamy teachers - genuinely teach them “Orange man Bad” - “Stalin Good” -

We actually owe it to our genes to fight back with the tools we instinctively know -

_ But it is hugely important too that WE learn their deranged thought processes and expose the tools they use !

atb mate

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Well, Markaria, if you think it’s a “broad question”, just throw a “broad answer” at it.

How’s this for a broad answer —

cartoon - virus - 60

I think Steve Breen (cartoonist for the San Diego Union-Tribune) answered Dennis’ “broad question” completely. See how easy that was?


Not logical. The fact that there are beneficiaries from global events does not prove that those beneficiaries planned and orqanised such events.