Political Opinion

hmmm… by 'funny’my guess is to substitute with ‘strange’. With ‘die hard’ perhaps ‘committed’ to an opinion.

‘to show off’ possibly meaning to voice a position.

To ignore differing opinions is not uncommon, but can a person learn and grow or does he/she easily become prey (influenced by) the stance of only those they agree with.

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Always revert to name-calling, just like the big bad orange man.
Talking of Dopey Donald, looks like he’s quite chummy with Epstein and Maxwell (sounds like a law firm, ironic as she’s going to need a damn good lawyer to save her skin or sort out a deal with the authorities)
Let’s hope ALL the pedos are behind bars soon!

Do you believe that your favorite politicians will not be implicated in this?

One collects information via confirmation bias or via research. Information collected via confirmation bias alone is myopic by definition while that collected via research is objective. There will of course be some seepage of confirmation bias as it is a human tendency but the key is to recognize such a bias when it’s encountered and attempt to mitigate it. I don’t have the time to educate you but I will suggest that you consider a more research oriented approach and become cognizant of your confirmation biases.

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I shook the hornets nest and here comes the TDS

You and Carlos are not offering opinion you are simply parroting media propaganda, I would love to see you and Carlos express some outrage when children are being murdered in our city streets while mayors order the police to stand down, and maybe offer your opinion on what can be done to stop it, that would be a good conversation

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@Dennis3450 What’s your opinion on Trump’s foreign business interests and the potential for them being used against him? You answered by bringing up Biden last time I asked, but that’s not really answering the question.

TDS as you call it is media propaganda, C’mon now. More smiles.

It is not name-calling it is a condition recognized by Psychologist , you should read the works of Carl Jung



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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: - When was teh last time You answered a question ?


Speaking of hypocrissy and projection ! :wink:

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Name one, Under President Trump our relations between Russia and China have not been this low since the end of the cold war, where do you see anything in Trump’s pass being used against him by a foreign power, now the Democrat party and their lap dogs in the media is where all these attacks are coming from. and back to Biden, Trump tried to used Biden’s crocked foreign business dealings against him and the response from TDS democrats was to impeach him, and now we have such a low bar for impeachment you can bet the Republicans would be happy to return the favor and impeach Biden for his business dealing should he become president.

I don’t have favorite politicians, they’re all in it for themselves.

[quote=“QuadPip, post:4197, topic:42247”]

And I suggest you remove your head from that dark crevice you have somehow got it stuck up.
What an idiot!

No don’t ignore them @Dennis3450 - Learn from them ! - Since all our casual readers are well aware of the difficulties of debating someone who simply WILL NOT engage in meaningful debate - and simply deflects, projects and poduces meaningless and irritating verbiage in which they simply deny truth and deflect at the same time ;

I think it is beneficial to All of us - Including our “observers” to gain experience and knowledge of the ways they have been indoctrinated and some of the tricks they use to lend themselves a superficial air of credibility.

SInce at the end of teh day they really ARE the very lowest of teh “Useful Idiots” and have been trained like “Pavlov’s Dogs” to salivate at every opportunity to attack thoughtful people with their pre-prepared “pictures” and “arguments” - they clearly are under strict instruction NOT to engage in debate - since they cannot possibly win any discussion based on meaningful use of either words, logic or facts, all they have is the Postmodernist approach (See my vid a few posts back) - and for more detail - watch the discussion on the subject between Jordan Peterson and Stephen Hicks - one of the very best examiners of the phenomenon and the conclusions they come to.

It must be quite frustrating for them - trying to overcome the Cognitive Dissonance between the garbage they vociferate and thos nagging thoughts in their own minds that they really ARE using “Words” and Pictures - without any knowledge or understanding- but hey - they are good and faithful litte students - presunably hopin that when they get a little further in their “Education” - perhaps they WILL be allowed to Speak - after all !

The most damagng thing which possibly awaits them is IF - Just IF by some strange mechanism their wishes DO come to pass - and the “War” ends up in a Democrat victory and the full extent of Biden and AOC “Manifesto” Does get implemented !

What most people do not know is that Pavlov’s Dogs got invlved in a FLOOD in his Laboratory and nearly died.

Afterwards - They had entirely Lost their Indoctrination !

Thus it is that when Stalin - took over the Communist Party in Russia - the Faithfull Bolshevics (those who truly believed) were the very first that he exterminated ! - Why would that be ? one might ask ! - The answer is that a disillusioned zealot is the very worst enemy the regime could possibly face !

= That really does not bode well for teh “useful idiots” does it ? Lose - Lose situation !

Tell you what tho’ I’d love to get my hands on one of the “Trainers manuals” they use to create this indoctrinaion ! :wink:

It would save aLOT of time and effort in Reverse Engineering this stuff ! :slightly_smiling_face:

However - as a purely educational excercise we ought to be grateful to them and their many predecessors - for Educating US - if not themselves ! :slightly_smiling_face:

[In the meanwhile, it is heartening that they keep Doubling Down in their efforts - their instructors must be SERIOUSLY Worried that the Election is not going to go their way in November :joy:


Is that why you’re trying so hard to get us to vote for someone other than Trump? I don’t see you sharing dirt on any of the others. If everyone is in it for themselves then what does it matter who becomes the next President? Why do you have your underwear in a knot?

LOL. Looks like I struck a very raw nerve. :rofl: It’s easy to devolve conversations to name calling but what can you do besides attempting to denigrate Trump and thinking that you’re superior than the rest of us in this forum?

I understand that you’re probably frustrated that not everyone has taken to your rabid ramblings but for your opinion to be heard and taken seriously you’re going to need to put forth material derived through cogent and reasoned thought; a task that is clearly well beyond your intellectual capacity.


The comedy. You heard about this tax return thing going on since like 2015? There’s no way of knowing what is what. That’s the whole issue. Who was talking about logic?

Sure do and I’m counting on it

What was it you were saying?

I couldn’t care less who you vote for, that’s your free choice.

Because no one else is President. I have no allegiance to Biden, and if he somehow wins and then shows himself to be as incompetent as Trump, then I shall criticise him- I’ll likely be accused of BDS for that.
I’m not trying to claim superiority over anyone else, apologies if that’s how it came across.
I actually don’t care if my opinion is heard or not and don’t generally enter into detailed conversations here, so if its okay with you I’ll stick to posts of few, if any, words.

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No, of course not. You stick to denigrating Trump and name calling.

If you’re seeking my permission then I would prefer that you cease to dribble your drivel altogether. :smiley:

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And these type of responses are exactly why I don’t waste my time going into detail on here :roll_eyes:

Propaganda, from media, state, individuals or organisations must never be ‘parrotted’, by doing so is to ‘propagate’ it - like rich soil does to seed - thing is propaganda seeds grow weeds.
I listened to a Chinese propagandist ridicule the American people and their up-coming Presidential election - when challenged by the UK reporter as to when the next such election would happen in China the answer was thin…

The portion that seeks my hear my thoughts as a Father, Grandfather and Christian on murder of children will not illicit debate from me and will not form a ‘good conversation’ on my part - nor have I any idea what you are talking about re Mayors or Police standing down when children are being murdered in your cities.

Should never have read this thread, serves me right.

To THe Casual Reader - Please read this post with attention and see if you can understand it

To the casual reader

You will note that this quote from the Blob is

Complete verbal diahorrea - from the deflective misquotes - through the irrellevant and deliberately obfuscational - so called “Answers” - most of which are just random words stuck together as though they should convey some message (Other than the obvious one of course )

To the very end - not one single word of meaning or discussion in the whole waste of reading time !

This post represents the absolute epitome of "postmodern thinking" and just reflect for one moment - this poor soul is paying around $30,000 a year - to get this "Education"

WHo among you will offer to give him a job -when he gets his "Degree" - which he will of course - NOBODY FAILS these days ! :wink:


@CarlosRay, @dudebro : I read some of my posts again and I can see how I may have come across like a sanctimonious arse. Religion and politics are the bane of humanity IMO and not worth arguing over. I would rather discuss ideals and come from a perspective of love and acceptance.

I believe that our world will get a lot worse than what it is now, before we see the trend change. I also believe that whatever the outcome of the elections it will be for all our good. :slight_smile:

So, please forgive me if I offended you and please accept my sincere apologies.

No worries on my end. It’s a political opinion forum. You’re bound to disagree with at least half the crowd. Gets the heart rate up and the brain thinking (every now and then).

I appreciate your comments though.