Political Opinion

I have a horrible feeling that, regardless of the election result, there will be blood on the streets in November.
Both sides (pro and anti-Trump) are too entrenched and some have already made comments to the effect that they believe the election will be rigged (if they lose)

No worries, enjoy your day

Well now weā€™re all taking warm baths together and lighting scented candles to each other - perhaps the time is right to hear what Douglas Murray has to say about Mt Rushmore speech on 4th July and American History :smiley:

  • (plus a little on sad Harry at the end) :wink:

"What is this Perfect World which is supposed to have been created - in time for the Millennials to come along ā€¦ ? "


That cracked me up! :joy:

Will check out the video sometime this evening.

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thank you

Hereā€™s another real quick one from the wonderful Titania McGrath - the only negative reviewer of Murrays book !

You might find this fun - specially when you realise it was from before the era of

"Some Lives Matterā€¦"

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All of the violence we have seen this year has come from the left, people murdered, buildings burned, all done by the left

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According to ā€œSome Lives matterā€ - that is NOT violence !

property damage not violence 1

Although again according to ā€œSome Lives matterā€ - "White silence IS violence !" :upside_down_face:

So Akkad is prompted to ask -whether the deaths directly attributable to ā€œSome Lives matterā€ ā€œProtestsssā€¦ā€ - (28 so far accoring to Wiki )

Do actually count as ā€œViolenceā€ or not ?

28 people - is this violence yet.

ā€˜cos weā€™re Learninā€™ Lads - youā€™ll understand and wouldnā€™t want to call something violence - if it isnā€™t ! - But logical deduction and the scientific principles of truth - Donā€™t help us to understand how those of superior intellect work these things out - so we just have to learn them off by heart -

Surprising the Remainstream Media have been keeping that one quiet ? @Markaria - so who is Tbuha ?

However, He is obviously a man of little ability - having screwed up Theresa Mayā€™s snap election - so she lost a workable majority and came so close to being beat - by an entirely unelectable Corbyn !

And THEN ;- Campaigned AGAINST the democratic will of the UK Electorate - to ignore it entirely - and seeminly to stay in the vast beaurocracy !

conservative child abuse

Sadly we can do nothing (at this stage) about those Candidates selected by the local groups to stand as Political Candidates - and there is much evidence that those constituency groups are failing to make the correct selections.

However Iā€™m not sure whether you are saying ā€œThis man is badā€ - or are you saying ā€œAll Conservatives are badā€ ?

ANd if so - how do you make the logical deduction ?

You seem to be using the form

"This man is bad."
"this man is a Conservative."
" SO - ALL Conservatives are Evil"

Which is Neither Valid logically - Nor is it true !

Is that correct ?

Hi Falstaff - the quote about remainstream kinda confuses me. On PMā€™s question time the PM ridiculed Keir Starmer about being a remainer which also puzzled me.

Over here in NI we mostly have moved on.

Long story short, why is the brexit debate still ongoing, I really thought that baby was put to bed, yeah i know we got a reasonably good deal but i thought you guys got what you wanted as well?

So when I replied to Young Mark ā€¦

You came back within a few minutes with ;

Weā€™ll just call that Number 6 then :wink:

No probs - have just put you on ignore - take care.

Edit: lol thatā€™s no.7 - they call it lucky :slight_smile:

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Just let them rant among themselves

Once again the ā€œBalanced viewā€ - implied by the scales which we identified as a virtue signal earlier in the thread which was confirmed by young Mark later - is shown to be a complete fiction when we get such a response to a simple question about the posterā€™s intention and logic !

Simple Insults ! :rofl: How can you claim a "Balanced view " whilst concurrently refusing to engage in dialogue ?

Life must be quite challenging for these people - whose arguments and thought processes are so weak as to require hiding away from public discourse !

Not a believer in white privilege but I have never heard anyone use the phrase except commentators who say it doesnā€™t exist.

Are these commentators fighting a genuine and urgent battle with a large and influential group with the opposite view?

That 15 minute video you respnded to 3 minutes after I posted the link is 2 years old ie before the current kerfuffle.

However for your convenience ;

Still, have YOU ever actually and literally HEARD anyone using the term white privilege, unless they were a white privilege denier?

What more needs to be said ?

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Itā€™s said on CNN and MSNBC all the time in the States.

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Ah, that could be why I havenā€™t heard it.