Ever since the Bush years, I refuse to believe that Repubicans stand for small government. As far as I’m concerned, if we’re going to have Big Government, it may as well be progressive, not regressive.
Yes thats progress. He is progressively spending his way so far into debt no one will be able to get out of it. But dont worry he will not have to clean up the mess we will. See he is sharing the burdens and letting us have it all. And you guys say he is a bad president. Name a single president that has given so much (debt) to the people.
Well Clint since your such a good writer can you start writing up the eviction papers. I know I said I was not going to vote since to be honest I dont care for Romney either but I scheduled a vacation day from work and I will be at the polls doing my part to get this guy out of my White house.
For crying out loud, go vote for ®, down the line, everyone !!!
Don’t sit at home!!!
This is the only time you get to do anything about what you complain about everyday with regulations, limitations that limit our opportunities, great or small!!
Why do you or anyone here deserve to pay a 15 percent tax rate when the common man has to pay 35 percent? We have expenditures that must be met, and you guys are skimping on your patriotic duties to this government, you want to get us in oil wars to make the oil corporations richer, but don’t want to pay for military spending or veterans coming home and their care. You guys don’t want to pay for the 47 percent who depend on social security and medicare, so you can live high on the hog trading and getting rich?
Sorry its not happening, the capital gains rate will be raised and leverage will be lowered so that 9 out of 10 FOREX traders aren’t exploited by the 1 percent of traders who are profitable by our long lost savings account.
I spent 2 years losing my life savings in FOREX to make the 1 percent richer, and its time for more regulations of the finance industry, so that this doesn’t happen to anyone else.
George Soros spent millions lobbying for these regulations, because he has a good heart, the rest just want to exploit the little guy for their own financial gain like Romney.
Well, the 47 percent are tired of being called victims, and their coming out to vote tomorrow and you guys are going to have it on a silver platter. And for Clint’s information, there are more net recipient voters, than net contributors, so that argument failed a long time ago.
The common man (me) pays about 25% for taxes not 35%.
What do you think happens to the middle class people who rely on investments for retirement? Again, raising the capital gains tax hurts us more than them.
So, they want to get us into oil wars, but not pay for military spending? That doesn’t even make sense.
The 1% pay 40% of the taxes.
Do you mean tired of being victims instead of being called victims? The 47% complain about being victims, and are upset when they are called victims. That statement doesn’t make any sense either.
I’m assuming you meant tired of being victims.
Sorry if I missed something, but I don’t know where your 47% comes from.
These manipulations of logic, to fatten the pockets of the rich are disingenuous to say the least and will stop in another 4 years.
So their saying guys that lowering their capital gains tax rate to 15 percent will help pay for your social security retirement and medicare, they are depending on an ignorant population to satisfy their greed lust.
We all know that the entitlement programs and all of our other deficits are paid for by increasing the tax rates on the rich, mainly the capital gain rate. Their trickle down theory has been proven false since the Reagan administration and finally burst in the 2008 recession, the common man isn’t dumb enough to fall for that rhetoric ever again.
Right, they pay payroll and capital gains. Not every rich guy just lives off investments.
Curious that you think the common man pays 35%. I figure you either don’t know how much you’re taxed, or you’re taxed 35% because you are maybe upper middle class.