Political Opinion

Absolutely no - I’m a technology nerd and I can recognize their copies from miles.

They have taken to using the phrase ‘made in PRC’ in more recent times, even some good manufacturers (some from Aus) have switched to ‘designed in Aus’ on their cartons - but as soon as you open the box you know it’s a copy - maybe licensed - but still a copy.

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You missed a bit ;

So - we hear much of what is “Not” your brand of socialism and how “the words have been changed” - but have yet to hear what Your brand IS - and hear of an example being successfully employed ANYWHERE in the world !


None so blind as those who will not see, none so deaf who will not hear.

Where must I take you?

This is the thing about getting old - our senses fade and we dwell in the past - bit like Grandpa Simpson.

I have no brand of socialism, it’s not mine to brand, I have no ownership no more than any other living person - to believe so means to have been deceived - you have swallowed the ‘power to the people’ propaganda.

Socialism is what I have said - meet your neighbour - look out for him - maybe he looks a little different, just passed a guy on a bike with ragged clothes - I had a quick prayer for him, likely if asked he would say he didn’t need it, but i was asked, and he did.

Socialism isn’t a word to argue about - it’s about life.


This is not news. Nor proof of anything. Do more research.

This was posted about already by another member.

They’re a non-profit. BLM donations go to national BLM Chapters not the DNC.

Ever heard of Winred? It hosts campaign fundraising processing for Trump, GOP candidates, politicians and their campaigns. Winred is owned by a former RNC staffer of the Trump. It is a for-profit company. Caters exclusively to GOP candidates and campaigns. Does exactly what Actblue does. Actblue has been around for 10+ years.

Heard of Anedote? Same thing.

Gimme a pint of that what he’s been drinking - Right @tommor

Seems we’ve been wasting our time trying to chase his definitions down from what seemed to be a promising start with examples and principles - away down to “Grandpa Simpson” - when the facts got in the way ! :roll_eyes:

Ok Tom - back to the generally accepted view then !

Socialism is not defined by these kindly social behaviours - looking out for your neighbour, tolerance of people of a different appearance, charity towards the poor.

Someone who follows these criteria is not automatically thereby a socialist, any more than someone who does not steal and does not kill and does not covet his neighbour’s wife is thereby automatically a Christian.

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@QuadPip showed real evidence for his stance - which showed shocking amounts of money being accessed by the leftists.

Your post simply links to 2 other places where ASSERTIONS were made WITHOUT back up evidence

Ergo Quadpip’s evidence is of a far higher quality than yours !

Do you see any BLM chapters listed in ActBlue’s list?

BLM is being funded by the democrats. That is why none of the dem states want to take action to control the rioting. First they claimed that these were peaceful protests. Now, when they realized that the rioting is not helping their poll numbers, they admit that these are violent and destructive riots.

Kamala Harris was encouraging BLM protesters in an interview. Now they claim that Trump is not able to stop the riots. Trump has repeatedly told them that he will send help and get riots under control within an hour. They refuse to let him into their state!

It is not in the interest of the Dems to stop the rioting when they can siphon donations to their party for the elections. They are in dire need of funds and voter support, both of which are waning by the day as more an more people wake up to the truth.


What you are calling socialism sounds more like Christianity, Love thy Neighbor , The Good Samaritan, Turn the other cheek, and many more. These are gifts Jesus gave to us all, no government needed

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Quad, you are 100% correct, I point to the anti-war protest that went on every day of George Bush second term, then magically stopped the day after Obama was elected, the wars continued and expended from 2 to 7 under Obama but you never saw a war protest, reason being the democrats stopped funding them and the media was told to stop covering them. This is a very dangerous game the Democrats are playing funding and encouraging such violent social unrest. They think they can control it but these riots could easily get out of hand it they have not already

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It says it on the their website: https://blacklivesmatter.com/chapters/

I think they’re doing just fine on the donations side. $300 million in August alone. A new record for Biden.

At the end of July the DNC had raised $6m less than the RNC, $294m versus $300m. The GOP must be hurting then too.

So I guess the pro-Trump caravan that ran through Portland are all Boogaloo boy extremists, no room for legit, law abiding protesters? Gotcha.

Your research is failing…

Wow, you’re stretching awfully far on that one. Why the need to look for symbolism when your guy tells us who the bad people are?

People in “dark shadows” are pulling the strings.

TRUMP: “A person was on a plane, said there were about 6 people like that person, more or less, and what happened is the entire plane filled up with the looters, the anarchists, rioters, people looking for trouble. The person felt very uncomfortable on the plane.”

LOL. $300m. In their dreams. This is more lies. Nobody in their right mind would want to donate to Biden’s campaign. He’s clearly senile, in case you haven’t noticed. He’s been in Washington for 48 years and has absolutely nothing to show for it. Not a single accomplishment!!! And we are to believe that people are clamoring to contribute to his campaign so that he can magically perform miracles as President of the U.S.? Ha ha! Too funny. :grinning:

And let us say that the $300m figure is accurate. Here’s what the article you posted says,

The majority of the former vice president’s August haul came from online grassroots donors, another person familiar with the figures said.

These are likely the BLM related (and other similar causes) donations that they are using for campaign financing; just like I showed you evidence of.

We’ll see what good all this “virtual” money does them come Nov 3rd. Biden can only win this election by fraud. In a fair election, he stands zero chance of winning.

Don’t worry, there’s a paper trail with the FEC. You can call them liars once the numbers are officially released.

You missed the Laura Ingram interview. Plenty of senile to be seen there.

Dems are masters of double speak. They fund the BLM rioters, express outrage at racism and want to wipe out white supremacy - but how many of us know that the Democrats created the KKK?


B-b-but O’bama was awarded the “Nobel Peace prize” wasn’t he ? :roll_eyes:

Incidentally Alfred Nobel was responsible for a huge number of deaths - having taken “Gunpowder” - which was Invented by the Chinese - (without them having to “Copy” anybody) through gun cotton, Dynamite and Nitro Glycerine / Gelignite and various high explosive propellants for bullets and bombs - No doubt when he was getting older he decided to try to ake a “bargain with God” by inventing these various “Prizes” - as so many of the “Robber Baron” types and Big Bankers diid with their “philanthropy” !

But then again If OBama took the wars from 2-7 perhaps that is more in line with Nobel’s intention - After all - Dead-men are “Largely peaceful” - just ask any Clinton :wink:


Well he did say;

In fact those principles may be all very well to preach to individuals as targets to aspire to in their daily lives - but I’ve yet to see a “Christian” “Turn the other cheek” - when belted in the mouth by a thug ! :wink:

However whan we try to take those principles into a common philosophy or into Governmennt (As indeed you alluded to) :sunglasses:
We get to something more in line with what we now know as socialism

Here’s an extract which I find quite compelling !

***"…- Hank Rearden owns a factory and has invented a new “Steel” – Part of his life burden is that he has his mother, a Feckless Brother (Phillip) and his own “Society wife” living in his house – His wife does Parties and entertains, his mother and brother just seem to “Be there” as parasitical entities who don’t do much but are a drain on his resources. He finances all three of these lives in true “Socialist” fashion. ***

  • The society he lives in is run by bureaucrats which exists to foster “equality for the public good” – As good and virtuous a society as one may wish to find – but not everyone is in favour of this lifestyle – basically the “Competent” are less than happy – but bear their burden of being forced to support “the public good” without overt rebellion.***
    ***- Here Ayn Rand addresses the issues of “feelings”, “Affirmative Action” and “Justice” (Note in 1957 “Social Justice” Had not yet been invented – but we can see the underlying drive to the same effect – conflicting by it’s opposition to Justice ! ***
  • Hank’s Mother has invaded his privacy;-----***

- “What is it ?”
- “It’s about Philip”
- “Yes?”
- “Philip is unhappy”
- “Well?”
- “He feels it is not right that he should have to depend on your charity and live on handouts and never be able to count on a single dollar of his own”
- “Well!” he said with a startled smile. “I’ve been waiting for him to realise that.”
- “It isn’t right for a sensitive man to be in such a position.”
- “It certainly isn’t.”
- I’m glad you agree with me. So what you have to do is give him a job.”
- “A……what ?”
- “You must give him a job, at the mills – but a nice clean job, of course with a desk and an office and a decent salary, where he wouldn’t have to be among your day labourers and your smelly furnaces.
- He knew that he was hearing it; but he could not make himself believe it . “Mother you’re not serious”
- “I certainly am. I happen to know that that’s what he wants, only he’s too proud to ask for it. But if you offer it to him and make it look like it’s you who’re asking him for a favour – why I know he’d be happy to take it. That’s why I had to come here to talk to you – so he wouldn’t guess that I put you up to it.”
- It was not in the nature of his consciousness to understand the nature of the things he was hearing. A single thought cut through his mind like a spotlight, making him unable to conceive how any eyes could miss it. The thought broke out of him as a cry of bewilderment; - “But he knows nothing about the steel business!”
- “What has that got to do with it? He needs a job.”
- “But he couldn’t do the work.”
- “He needs to gain self-confidence and to feel important.”
- “But he wouldn’t be any good whatever.”
- “He needs to feel he is wanted.”
- “Here? What could I want him for?”
- “You hire plenty of strangers.”
- “I hire men who produce. What has he got to offer?”
- “He’s your brother isn’t he?”
- “What has that got to do with it?”
***- She stared incredulously, in turn, silenced by shock. For a moment, they sat looking at each other, as if across an interplanetary distance. ***
- He’s your “brother,” she said, her voice like a phonograph record repeating repeating a magic formula she could not permit herself to doubt. “He needs a position in the world. He needs a salary, so that he’d feel that he’s got money coming to him as his due not as alms.”
- “As his due? But he wouldn’t be worth a nickel to me.”
- “Is that what you think of first? Your profit? I’m asking you to help your brother, and you’re figuring out how to make a nickel on him, and you won’t help him unless there’s money in it for you – is that it ?” She saw the expression of his eyes and she looked away, but spoke hastily, her voice rising. “Yes, sure you’re helping him – like you’d help any stray beggar. Material help – that’s all you know or understand. Have you thought about his spiritual needs and what his position as doing to his self-respect? He doesn’t want to live as a beggar. He wants to be independent of you.”
***- “By means of getting a salary from me for work he can’t do?”
- “You’d never miss it. You’ve got enough people here who’re making money for you.”
- “Are you asking me to help him stage a fraud of that kind?”
- “You don’t have to put it that way.”
- “Is it a fraud or isn’t it?”
“That’s why I can’t talk to you – because you’re not human. You have no pity, no feeling for your brother, no compassion for his feelings.”
“Is it fraud or not?”
“You have no mercy for anybody”
“Do you think a fraud of this kind would be just?”
“You’re the most immoral man living – you think of nothing but justice! You don’t feel any love at all.”
He got up, his movement abrupt and stressed, the movement of ending an interview and ordering a visitor out of his office. “Mother, I’m running a steel plant – not a whorehouse.”
“Henry!” The gasp of indignation was at his choice of language, nothing more.
“Don’t ever speak to me again about a job for Phiiip. I would not give him a job as a cinder sweeper. I would not allow him inside my mills. I want you to understand that, once and for all. You may try to help him in any way you wish, but don’t ever let me see you thinking of my mills as a means to that end.”
The wrinkles of her soft chin trickled into a shape resembling a sneer.”What are they, your mills – a holy temple of some kind?”
“Why…… yes.” He said softly, astonished at the thought.
“Don’t you ever think of people and your moral duties?”
“I don’t know what it is that you choose to call morality. No I don’t think of people – except that if I gave a job to Philip, I wouldn’t be able to face any competent man who needed work and deserved it.”
She got up. Her head was drawn into her shoulders, and the righteous bitterness of her voice seemed to push the words upward at his tall straight figure; “That’s your cruelty, that’s what’s mean and selfish about you. If you loved your brother, you’d give him a job he didn’t deserve, precisely because he didn’t deserve it – That would be true love and kindness and brotherhood. Else what’s love for? If a man deserves a job, there’s no virtue in giving it to him. Virtue is the giving of the undeserved.”
He was looking at her like a child at an unfamiliar nightmare, incredulity preventing it from becoming horror. “Mother,” he said slowly, “you don’t know what you’re saying. I’m not able ever to despise you enough to believe that you mean it.”
The look on her face astonished him more than all the rest; it was a look of defeat and yet of an odd sly, cynical cunning, as if, for a mment she held some worldly wisdom that mocked his innocence. The memory of that look, like a warning signal, telling him that he had glimpsed and issue which he had to understand. But he could not grapple with it, he could not force his mind to accept it was worthy of thought, he could find no clue except his dim uneasiness and his revulsion – and he had no time to give it, he could not think of it now, he was facing his next caller ………………….

Ayn Rand – Atlas Shrugged 1957.

A hauntingly accurate book…

I’m not a fanboy of the Dems. I don’t believe that they can do no wrong. They just seem to care a tad bit more about their neighbors and the less fortunate. But let’s be real here about double speak. ALL politicians are masters of double speak. You’ve got it twisted if you think only the Dems tell lies. Trump, supreme Republican #1 has websites and billboard counters recording his lies because he does it so much.

Plenty of people.